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Everything posted by sync

  1. http://67.media.tumblr.com/ebbf9ed93fda9b42c9c01d6c3944dcce/tumblr_npzuni6o8J1soudrzo1_1280.jpghttp://modelhommes.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/crjw12.jpg I try to stay on topic, but when I see hot legs...http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/flirt/drool-smiley-emoticon.gif
  2. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lrxzijc1vw1r3ws2no1_500.jpg Mmmmmmmm, those legs.
  3. http://www.tongabonga.com/media/images/3/hot-nude-male-model-pics/hot-nude-male-model-pics-70736.jpg All that AND a face.
  4. The gentleman in #1 and #2 for his legs, and the gentleman in #6 for his "leg."
  5. Me too (the legs being Asian is not a requirement, only a preference ). http://s5.favim.com/orig/51/men-guy-hot-asian-underwear-Favim.com-509308.jpghttp://67.media.tumblr.com/ed9c966fe94150c65d3d049421b07150/tumblr_o3yg8udF6d1rdjwowo1_250.jpg
  6. #35 looks like a nice, comfortable ride.
  7. Maybe it's something in green. I recall, as a youth, I was aroused by the "Jolly Green Giant."
  8. Goodlooking habit...http://www.masseurfinder.com/members/luke462.shtml
  9. #9, #11, and #18, oboy, oboy, oboy!
  10. Wow Marylander, you know me too well.
  11. It must be wonderful to have that free a spirit. If I knew I had an amazing body, I still wouldn't be able to do that.
  12. http://67.media.tumblr.com/ae9d49f679507200c1be62e89b78f4f1/tumblr_nzzihzKvDn1skwwuto1_1280.jpghttp://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/kiss/sexy-girl-kiss-smiley-emoticon.gif
  13. Holy moly...Corbin Fisher and Sean Cody are missing the boat.
  14. Great post...from the sublime to the ridiculous.
  15. Cub, otter...to-may-to, to-ma-to. Cute furry animals are irrisistable for me.
  16. Perhaps now, but when the real Julian Bond was younger...http://alicewalkersgarden.com/wp-content/uploads/bond_julian_1963_alicewalker_alicewalkersgarden.jpg
  17. Those smoldering eyes of the gentleman in image #2....
  18. All very nice, but I'm more of a quadra-ceptual. http://tubecrush.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/20140720-193214-70334762.jpg Somebody stop me!
  19. If the ad does not state something to the effect that all are welcome, I ask if he has any sensitivities regarding age, weight, or race.
  20. Your warning is spot-on, I should have heeded it. :o
  21. I agree, the drapes would have a chance without the carpet.
  22. Link didn't work for me either.
  23. Link didn't work for me either.
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