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    + Lucky reacted to + 7829V in COVID precautions   
    If you want to correct someone, you can do it privately. You are not contributing to OP’s question by pointing out his mistake. And as you said, you sound like a grammar nazi.
    Also, the way you just posted the link is very condescending and makes you look like you have a sense of superiority. I don’t know if you are like that or not. But that’s the image I perceive.
  2. Like
    + Lucky reacted to + Gar1eth in Hamilton on Disney+   
    I felt that way about Rent when I first heard about it. I thought why do I want to see a play about junkies. I changed my mind after I saw it.
  3. Like
    + Lucky reacted to + Just Sayin in Hamilton on Disney+   
    I saw it last night too; great to see after seeing it from a theatre balcony in Chicago last summer; one advantage is that you could see the facial expressions of the performers; in the scene where Eliza and Alexander are grieving over the loss of their son, Lin-Manuel Miranda's facial expressions are haunting--one truly feels the horrible sorrow of losing a child; seeing this is about the only thing that cheered me up this 4th of July!
  4. Like
    + Lucky reacted to + WilliamM in Hamilton on Disney+   
    I read the most recent biography of Alexander Hamilton before seeing the Broadway musical in July 2016.
    The CD had not dropped yet. I spent too much tim trying to match the biography with the show. I should have just relaxed and enjoyed the music and words which were excellent on their own.
    However, I probably won't watch the recorded version. I live in Philadelphia and can visit were Hamilton lived and worked as Washington Cabinet Secretary of Treasury
  5. Like
    + Lucky reacted to + Billsboy4 in Hamilton on Disney+   
    I saw it yesterday.....brilliant. I saw the live show and this production with the Original Broadway Cast from 2016 was amazing.
  6. Like
    + Lucky got a reaction from + E.T.Bass in Gay Movie Akron on Amazon   
    We enjoyed watching the gay movie Akron on Amazon Prime. You won't find two cuter leads. They fall in love in their freshman year in college, but there is a secret among their mothers that seriously complicates their path. The acting is good, the story sometimes not.
    Mathew Frias plays Benny
    Edmund Donovan plays Christopher

  7. Like
    + Lucky reacted to Cooper in Netflix: The Politician, starring Ben Platt   
    @Lucky. I agree, The Politician was good entertainment and covers several current political issues. One of the many things I liked about this production is the diversity of the cast. The cast included many LGBTQIA members. That’s something that needs to be celebrated.
  8. Like
    + Lucky reacted to jjkrkwood in Bubble Butt Twinks   
  9. Like
    + Lucky reacted to marylander1940 in Where can I get an Uber driver like that?   
  10. Like
    + Lucky reacted to + sam.fitzpatrick in LGBTQI+ When Did This Happen?   
    I don't understand why the original pride flag didn't already cover everyone.
  11. Like
    + Lucky reacted to Daverwr in Palm Springs question   
    As a local there are still some restaurants that offer outside dining. A few restaurants are simply closing (again). But remember, bars are closed, as well. Most every restaurant does do takeout and/or delivery, so you do have that option. If you are looking for rest and relaxation around a pool while wearing a mask, it’s your spot! Personally, I would recommend waiting a few more weeks. Instead, try to create a staycation at home with fun food, fare and such. It’s a thought...
  12. Like
    + Lucky reacted to rocky in LGBTQI+ When Did This Happen?   
    I'm afraid if I don't endorse the expanded abbreviation I'll be referred to as non accepting or non inclusive, and that's not me. But at some point we need to draw the line, I don't know what it is but please how do we educate or discuss with non LGBTQ2S+ what we are when I don't even understand it.
  13. Like
    + Lucky got a reaction from + WilliamM in Do you ever go to "visit" a cemetery?   
    Visiting the Recoleta cemetery in Buenos Aires is like visiting a museum!
  14. Like
    + Lucky reacted to rvwnsd in Payment methods for websites?   
    Like any internet-based transaction, the website is required to validate the purchaser is the same as the cardholder and the purchaser has the card in their possession (i.e, they have not swiped someone's credit card number). That's why they ask for the name as it appears on the card, zip code, CVC number, and sometimes address. The CVC demonstrates the purchaser has the card. The name, zip, and address is used to compare to information on file at the credit card issuer. Since a gift card collect s none of this information, it can't be verified.
  15. Like
    + Lucky got a reaction from Cooper in Netflix: The Politician, starring Ben Platt   
    Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I like The Politician for the most part. It's entertaining as well as informative.
    I liked Hollywood too.
  16. Like
    + Lucky got a reaction from MscleLovr in Netflix: The Politician, starring Ben Platt   
    Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I like The Politician for the most part. It's entertaining as well as informative.
    I liked Hollywood too.
  17. Like
    + Lucky got a reaction from MikeBiDude in Do you ever go to "visit" a cemetery?   
    Visiting the Recoleta cemetery in Buenos Aires is like visiting a museum!
  18. Like
    + Lucky reacted to wsc in Things I Don't Understand - Part I   
    I don't know. But you might find your answer in the upcoming Part XXXVII, due out in Fall, 2026.
    BTW, I very much like your tagline: To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone, and a funny bone. Well said.
  19. Like
    + Lucky reacted to xyz48B in But Wait...There's Swine Flu Coming!   
    I first read about it in BBC. While there might be some degree of sensationalism around the media, it is still something we shouldn’t be cavalier about. Total panic is unwarranted. But total disregard is ignorant.
  20. Like
    + Lucky reacted to + Charlie in LGBTQI+ When Did This Happen?   
    Re: your question--well, yeah. But as a fellow fossil, I wonder how many older gay men really identify themselves as part of that big tent. I can remember a time when many of them even had to be coaxed to join with lesbians, much less the rest of the letters and symbols. However, the TQI+ need a larger group to belong to for more political weight, and the LGB are the only logical group to join. Besides, a seven letter acronym does give the media a more politically correct label to use than PERVERT.
  21. Like
    + Lucky reacted to MscleLovr in LGBTQI+ When Did This Happen?   
    Tho as an adult I’ve always been out as a gay man, I reject labelling and I dislike this forced acronym.
  22. Like
    + Lucky got a reaction from + nycman in LGBTQI+ When Did This Happen?   
    I was unaware until recently that the acronym for the gay, lesbian, and trans community had been expanded to LGBTQI+
    It's my opinion- and that's all it is- that cramming us together into some lengthy acronym makes it easier for the media to avoid
    saying "gay" or "lesbian." With the added QI+ it complicates it further. I see myself as gay, not LGBTQI+ .
    Naturally, I am happy to hear what you think. Am I just an old fossil?
  23. Like
    + Lucky reacted to + Pensant in LGBTQI+ When Did This Happen?   
    I had to look up intersex. I too must be past my shelf life
  24. Like
    + Lucky got a reaction from + Charlie in LGBTQI+ When Did This Happen?   
    I was unaware until recently that the acronym for the gay, lesbian, and trans community had been expanded to LGBTQI+
    It's my opinion- and that's all it is- that cramming us together into some lengthy acronym makes it easier for the media to avoid
    saying "gay" or "lesbian." With the added QI+ it complicates it further. I see myself as gay, not LGBTQI+ .
    Naturally, I am happy to hear what you think. Am I just an old fossil?
  25. Like
    + Lucky reacted to John in Things I Don't Understand - Part I   
    When I see a one-finger salute I move on the the next ad.
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