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Everything posted by Lucky

  1. Okay, @AZN_NYC where is your link? And welcome to the forums!
  2. Thanks @mike carey The two consolidators are about $100 apart in the fare. Their fares are about $1200 less than the airline. I like both of them so will be hard put to choose. I will no doubt be spending that 1200 on travel insurance.
  3. @mike carey did not respond. Yesterday I spoke at length with two providers. They seemed quite knowledgeable about flights and airlines. Their quotes on my favorite itinerary were only $100 apart. Not sure how I pick which one to use sine they were both so helpful.
  4. When I tried to get a refund on my recalled Corsori air fryer, I submitted the model number and the requested BN number. They said the BN number was invalid, so I don't don't if that meant it wasn't one of the recalled, even though the model number was. I have continued to use it since then without a problem until the other night. Two minutes after starting it, the circuit breaker popped and the fryer died. I reset it and finished cooking, but now I wonder what to do.
  5. I am willing to buy tickets from a consolidator but am aware that you need to know a lot. Is anyone here quite familiar with the topic who would kindly be willing to advise me?
  6. Glad that the Yankees care about their fans health and have postponed tonight's game. Hopefully they will play a doubleheader tomorrow, Marlboro Man allowing.
  7. Poor you. You added 5 pounds of fat. Why not add some compassion for the people fleeing harsh governments and severe poverty?
  8. Well, duh, I have my ticket to Rio. You can get robbed anywhere. On my very first trip to Rio, on the very first night, I was walking along the beach road and just past the Marriott there was a body under a tree, covered with a tarp, and a large stick poking through the body. Scary, yes. But if I had turned tail and went home, I would have missed out on many great trips to Rio.
  9. The Yankee game is likely to be canceled! Last night it was like watching ghosts play there was such a haze. More seriously, let's hope for wind to clear the air. People are back to wearing masks already! You can see the progression of the smoke in just 4 hours.
  10. Happy Birthday, @RadioRob
  11. I would also love to have male models available for me to photograph.
  12. The San Francisco Airport is not in San Francisco.
  13. Los Angeles is about to commemorate a gay riot occurring there some ten years before Stonewall. Famed author John Rechy seems to be the main source for the event, which he said happened at Cooper Do-Nuts in 1959. Cooper was a chain of donut stores and this one was in a gay area known as the Run. "It has become such a benchmark of L.G.B.T.Q. resistance that on Wednesday, the Los Angeles City Council is set to approve the installation of a street sign commemorating a Cooper Do-nuts shop as part of what it calls “the ongoing work to make Los Angeles a more inclusive place.” Does it matter that there’s little evidence the Cooper Do-nuts riot happened? The NY Times covers the story: Local newspapers and TV stations didn’t cover any clash, which may not be surprising, given how little the mainstream media reported on gay life in those days. But the city had a vigorous tabloid press that would likely have pounced on such a fracas. Mr. Rechy, the primary source for the story, has talked about witnessing an uprising at a Cooper Do-nuts since at least 2003. News outlets, including The New York Times, have repeated his account. Nathan Marsak, the author of several books on the history of downtown Los Angeles, isn’t convinced. In a series of blog posts starting in 2021, he has marshaled old photos and city records to assert that there was no Cooper Do-nuts on the 500 block of South Main Street in May 1959 — the time and place Mr. Rechy has given for the fight. (Mr. Rechy also once wrote that it happened in 1958.) Mr. Rechy now says that the rebellion didn’t take place at a Cooper Do-nuts. In 2021, he told the Los Angeles blog The LAnd: “There was no riot at Cooper’s. It was actually another donut shop, but at that time, people called every donut shop in the city ‘Cooper’s’ because there were so many.” In an email last week, Mr. Rechy wrote that the “no-name coffee shop” where he saw the riot was on the same stretch of South Main Street where he has long said the confrontation happened. Mr. Rechy, who at 92 just completed his 18th book, added that he was weary of the “baffling hostility that has persisted” around his account, calling it “undeserved, incorrect, malicious, infuriating and, yes, saddening.” Even if an uprising happened, no one still contends that it happened at a Cooper Do-nuts. But the city plans to honor the company anyway, as “a safe haven for all members of the queer community regardless of gender presentation,” according to the motion before the council. The motion, which refers to tales of a Cooper Do-nuts riot as a “claim,” singles out the former site of a Cooper shop, at the corner of Second and South Main Streets, which would be named “Cooper Do-nuts/Nancy Valverde Square” in honor of Nancy Valverde, a lesbian and L.G.B.T.Q. activist. The proposal has its detractors. Mr. Marsak, the historian, said that while he is all for commemorating gay history, he is skeptical of contentions, especially those from the Evans family, that Cooper Do-nuts was hospitable to the L.G.B.T.Q. community in Eisenhower-era Los Angeles. The full story: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/05/dining/gay-riot-los-angeles-doughnut-shop.html
  14. But not right-wing politics!
  15. @Charlie, what are these "pink pages" to which you refer? Where can I find The Advocate? It has rentboy ads?
  16. @Enronnja and I will not be fighting over guys. It's nice that men have different tastes!
  17. I enjoyed Small Mercies. Lehane is a great writer.
  18. It is not a media article about a murder. It's about a killing. That doesn't necessarily mean murder and we are wondering what we will learn if more facts come out.
  19. Oh, I thought you were speaking from personal experience. No top would want to lose an inch!
  20. As MLB Pride Nights drive conversation, are the Angels doing enough? THEATHLETIC.COM Team's plans appear to be low-key, troubling community activists. But Anaheim's mayor invited the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.
  21. The very cute Rob Refsnyder got a contract extension from the Red Sox. I am happy for him! Rob Refsnyder signs one-year extension with Red Sox WWW.MLB.COM BOSTON -- The Boston Red Sox on Saturday signed outfielder Rob Refsnyder to a one-year contract extension through the 2024 season, with a club option for...
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