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    + Reisr30 reacted to + Tygerscent in Omicron Check: Are you still hiring?   
    I’m stepping back from seeing Clients until after the first of the year~ I’ll wait for the holiday omicron and variant spread to settle down and then feel it out~ The more people that get it, the more mutation that occurs~ It don’t go when it can’t grow~ The concern I have is that vaxed people who feel like it won’t effect them in some severe way, will not worry about getting it, basically supplying themselves as a Petri dish for vaccine resistant variants to form and arise~ The vaccines don’t mean it’s okay to get coronavirus because you won’t get as sick. They are a tool that diminishes potential severity of disease and lessens duration of contagiousness by four or five days but, we still have an obligation to isolate the virus if we are to move beyond it where we don’t need to isolate intermittently or be vaxed every six months etc~ We don’t have to like that as an answer but, we have to deal with the reality of covid if we are to move into some life beyond it~ Covid doesn’t care what we think, what we do, where we go or don’t go~ It just needs a host to turn into a replication factory where it can proliferate and mutate~ Mutation is an inherent Survival factor in viruses~ Whenever it is in a host, it will mutate. It’s able to mutate and leap to other species~ (and back~???). The vaccines spare us discomfort but, don’t “kill” the virus~ Only we can prevent forest fires~ 

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    + Reisr30 reacted to KrisParr in Omicron Check: Are you still hiring?   
    I had an appointment set up with a provider for next week; just received a text from him that he tested positive so we’re rescheduling.  Starting to have a lot of second thoughts. Have had three friends now who were vaxxed and boosted, all got it. Two of them mild, the other, not so much. Scary.
  3. Like
    + Reisr30 got a reaction from Wanderoz in 411 DeeperLove Boston   
    Does anyone have any experience with this gentleman?  He’s worked for Gayhoopla as Thomas Rosewood 
    Seems super nice based on my interaction with him.  Considering meeting him.  Curious if anyone has met him and can let me know.  DM me if that works better.
  4. Like
    + Reisr30 reacted to + WilliamM in About to make an emotional purchase. Midlife crisis?   
    I have not been able to drive at night for many years, yet occasionally I had little choice.
    A few years ago I finally stopped for good.
    What a relief to other drivers!
  5. Like
    + Reisr30 reacted to + Tygerscent in About to make an emotional purchase. Midlife crisis?   
    I say: get a pony… Doesn't everyone like a pony~? 

  6. Applause
    + Reisr30 reacted to + pdxleo in About to make an emotional purchase. Midlife crisis?   
    For my 32nd birthday, I got the wild hair itch ( is 32 too early for a mid-life crisis? ) and traded off a Toyota Camry All-Trak 5-speed sedan, the perfect skiing and winter travel beast, for a bright red Mazda Miata. Some of the gang said I looked ridiculous stuffing myself into it, but I loved having a convertible again. I'd owned a Buick Skylark convertible in my twenties, and my first car was a Datsun 1600 roadster that Dad and  I had rescued only for me to flip it in the first snowfall, ugh. However, moving to Oregon and seeing the mold and rust grow from the ever-present water leaks brought an end to topless motoring, and I traded her off for a more sensible Volvo P1800ES hatchback- fun in its own way, but still miss that open air groove......
  7. Like
    + Reisr30 reacted to arnie in About to make an emotional purchase. Midlife crisis?   
    Sometimes decisions are not practical but emotional.  The question is what do you have to give up to have this car?  Do you think this car is worth the money to you?  Does it fit your practical needs as well as your emotional ones?  You can not do Costco or golf clubs (maybe) with a Corvette.  I could buy one but it is not that important to me and I would rather do other things with the money.  So ultimately you have to decide.  Some of these cars depreciate rapidly and are not abused so a used one might be an  answer but it is not the same as a new one.  Good luck with your decision
  8. Like
    + Reisr30 got a reaction from + Vegas_Millennial in About to make an emotional purchase. Midlife crisis?   
    I do have an advisor and they agreed with my keeping my old car 😉
  9. Like
    + Reisr30 got a reaction from + azdr0710 in About to make an emotional purchase. Midlife crisis?   
    I did not.  I am kept my old car and I didn’t regret it 🙂
  10. Like
    + Reisr30 got a reaction from samhexum in About to make an emotional purchase. Midlife crisis?   
    I did not.  I am kept my old car and I didn’t regret it 🙂
  11. Like
    + Reisr30 reacted to ArmyHands in Providers and COVID Vaccine   
    I honeslty think this is going to be the NEW NORM.  It's like when hooking up with people and asking about there HIV status / Diease free etc... 
    I just think we just need to get used to this NEW ERA of life now...
    Fully Vaccinated! 03/22/21 / Booster 08/23/21
  12. Haha
    + Reisr30 reacted to rvwnsd in 411 Conner Jacobs   
    I know guys charge whatever the market can bear and good for him if he can get that rate, etc. However, to me

  13. Like
    + Reisr30 got a reaction from + augustus in Any feedback on Tesla Model 3 automobiles?   
    Maybe I’m just an old fashioned ? but I’ll stick to the gas guzzling 6 or 8 cylinder cars. I’d love an rs6 avant if it wasn’t out of my budget ?
  14. Like
    + Reisr30 reacted to Luv2play in Providers and COVID Vaccine   
    I would not hire a provider who is not vaccinated. For various reasons but primarily because I am over 70 and while fully vaccinated, breakthrough cases can occur. Vaccination is not a sure guarantee but it's better that both parties be so if they are going to be intimate for an extended period.
  15. Like
    + Reisr30 reacted to big-n-tall in 411 Hezi NYC   
    I can't recall his name. Zach something maybe.
    He used to be part of an escort agency. Picture 1 was from his younger days and I believe was used in his agency ad.
  16. Applause
    + Reisr30 reacted to + Tygerscent in Providers and COVID Vaccine   
    I feel that this is completely OK… At least with me it would be OK. I’ve heard many stories where providers and clients are not OK with that.
    I offer my stats there upfront in the beginning and will do it here now as well:  
     I’ve never had coronavirus, I’m fully  vaccinated w/ Moderna X2 (as of late April 2021), and boostered with a third full Moderna as of 30/09/2021~ I carry a copy of my vaccination card which shows all three of my vaccines on it. When people have asked to see it, I have showed them without hesitation. I also have that information and other vaccination information on my global health passes. It’s really handy if you’re a traveler~ 
     While traveling, I carry boxes of Abbott Binax Covid antigen tests. There are two tests per box. I test myself every three days as I travel and continue testing for a week upon my return home. I always carry extra tests in case the client is unsure of their own status and wants to take the 15 minutes of unaccounted time to test themselves~ I purchased the kits by the case online through Walgreens. They will deliver it to wherever I happen to be located in a relatively predictable and comfortable speed. I can also pick them up directly from the store~ CVS and Rite Aide also carry them in various cities. Relatively cheap and super easy. 
     I have actually sometimes incorporated covid testing by including it with a Med Fetish scenario~ I tell them that I’m gonna do it and they sign a release. I’ve never had anybody decline. I’ve also kept in very good contact with the people I am seeing and have some understanding of their status, 2020/2021 mask use and social distancing habits.
     What I have found is that my particular Clients really appreciate my efforts to provide a safe situation for them. I both appreciate and respect their reciprocal self care and their consideration for my more vulnerable Clients~
     I find it to be a win-win.
     Some percentage of my Clientele are vulnerable and I do consider them my family and partners. So, I take as much precaution to keep us all safe as possible.
     I tend to lump that entire Client covid conversation into my/their recent STI screening~ I don’t really wanna be guessing about any of it and find out later that something was awry. The result is, all involved are at greater peace of mind where we are in a place emotionally, psychologically, physically to enjoy each other’s company at an optimal potential~ 
    Also adding here: my most recent sti screening was 13/10/2021~ No concerns there~  
  17. Like
    + Reisr30 reacted to Rod Hagen in Providers and COVID Vaccine   
    Definitely ask.  Yes they could lie, but he could also tell you he isn't vax'd and then you'll know.  Also, I'm all in favor of creating a culture of pressure on ppl to be vaccinated and healthy generally.
  18. Like
    + Reisr30 reacted to AresEscortNYC in Providers and COVID Vaccine   
    In 2021 I do believe you'd be negligent not to ask if he's vaxxed, and he should ask the same of you.  It's too important an issue not to be addressed.  If anyone takes offense at being asked, you probably don't want to be intimate with them. 
  19. Like
    + Reisr30 reacted to Jamie21 in Providers and COVID Vaccine   
    Agree, it’s similar to being asked sexual health status. I’m fine with questions like that and am happy to show clients my most recent test results if they ask for them. 
  20. Like
    + Reisr30 reacted to Alex93108 in Providers and COVID Vaccine   
    I went to Sāo Paolo a few months back . Covid hit brazil quite bad in the northern spring and summer . 
    My regular there stopped to ask me if I was vaccinated and even asked to see proof  , which  i had . He had just ran though most of his savings ( he basically didn’t work for almost a year ) and was glad to see me . 
    I am quite sure he would have cancelled the appointment had I not been vaxed 
  21. Like
    + Reisr30 reacted to Luv2play in Providers and COVID Vaccine   
    I've been asking providers about their vaccine status since it became widely available in Canada, which was this last spring and early summer. I got vaccinated as soon as I was eligible, the last shot being in late June. Since then I have been with several providers and asked each of them. None took offence and indeed were happy to discuss their status.
    As in all health related issues, a frank discussion before making an engagement is acceptable and socially responsible. If I encountered any hesitancy, I would give a pass. My health is too important to me and to the people I am intimate with.
  22. Like
    + Reisr30 reacted to rn901 in Providers and COVID Vaccine   
    It's not unreasonable at all to ask if they are vaccinated. In fact, I think that should be encouraged. However, I would not show a first time client my vaccination card. I've had my fair share of stalkers over the years and don't usually give out my real identity to clients. Asking for a vaccination card with their real name runs the risk of potentially freaking out a provider who has to deal with the issue of stalking. Asking to see proof on a vax passport app that doesn't show their real name would be reasonable though. 
  23. Like
    + Reisr30 reacted to marylander1940 in Providers and COVID Vaccine   
    yes, makes sense to ask that and also to find out if he's on PrEP, etc. If he doesn't trust Pfizer, does he take Viagra or PrEP? Science is science! 
    Maybe he's just busy but if he got offended I would simply move on. Is not like you ask him for his real name or anything too personal. Many escort announce in the ad they're vaccinated and some even often to show their card. 
  24. Like
    + Reisr30 got a reaction from + Pensant in Providers and COVID Vaccine   
    Thanks all for your responses; I appreciated the point of views.  I wasn’t trying to put the responsibility on the provider; I know I alone am responsible for my own health.
    BTW the provider responded and was not insulted; we had a great exchange and he was super nice.
  25. Like
    + Reisr30 got a reaction from AresEscortNYC in Providers and COVID Vaccine   
    Thanks all for your responses; I appreciated the point of views.  I wasn’t trying to put the responsibility on the provider; I know I alone am responsible for my own health.
    BTW the provider responded and was not insulted; we had a great exchange and he was super nice.
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