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Everything posted by Kippy

  1. I too, saw him about 12 years ago when he was relatively new to the biz, nice enough guy, but not much sexual energy. He had great hair and oddly I remember he wore the most beautiful leather jacket! Peace, Kipp
  2. Ben, And you get paid for this? Where did the rest of us go wrong? Darty thing, you! Darty Christmas, Kipp
  3. Sweet Jesus-- his hair cut alone has got me hard! Kipp
  4. Sadly, 10 years past his shelf life. I suspect a real looker at 25 or 30! Kipp
  5. I saw Debbie Reynolds perform this live in 1989 in the outdoor Muney Theatre in St. Louis, MO. She was fantastic in any version of this role! Kipp
  6. Oh Ben, as usual your writing brings me to attention. They don't call it the "Big Easy" for nothin'. Keep it coming... Peace, Kipp
  7. I loved the movie-- pure escapism and enjoyment. The train scenes alone were worth the price of admission. The story lines were great and set the stage for more movies to follow. It's a refinement that never grows old! Kipp
  8. Kippy

    Gavin Waters

    I've lost my boner for sure. Why couldn't this have been a pose with Gavin and Jared Kushner? Sigh, Kipp
  9. Kippy

    Gavin Waters

    I agree-- it's a striking contrast to his former preppy porn self. He now looks Jesus on Easter Sunday! We shall rise, Kipp
  10. Kippy

    Gavin Waters

    Gavin has to be at least 38 if he's a day...he has porn old enough to vote! Peace, Kipp
  11. Today's review of Lance Woods shows promise for those interested in the "Str8" trade. The first review indicates he's the real deal! https://www.daddysreviews.com/cruise/newest https://rent.men/LanceWoods
  12. What nice post my friend! I'm hungry just reading it and you could start a "practical advice" column for the forum! Kipp
  13. What?! Wood burning sets are no longer permitted for kids? This was a 5th and 6th grade essential for me (along with Spirograph) but the finished product was never very good and they stunk to high heaven. Memories, Kipp
  14. Yikes...just toss it in the bathtub for an extra treat! Kipp
  15. Derek can batter me anytime! Kipp
  16. I think the poofy hair added the illusion of height. Isn't he all of 5' 3'' ? Kipp
  17. I've seen the ads for these guys for years and they are both very attractive. Just reading this thread has worn me out-- I can't imagine the effort needed to make a connection with these guys and then the horrible disappointment if the session was a bomb! I'll head to the generic section of the escort aisle. Kipp
  18. The "sky is falling" screamers now have the chance to take their frightful focus off the Independence Day festivities (tanks and all) in D.C. and transfer it all to the left coast where the sky really is falling... Kipp
  19. Apt words indeed. This is exactly the result of the election of 2016. President Trump is the iconoclast of political dead wood and the breaker of taboo tradition. "Stay the course" was the theme of the Busch, and Obama/Hillary years. Glorious Fourth, Kipp
  20. All that yummy virgin ass...go team go! Kipp
  21. I would agree-- $100.00 was a two week pay check for my Dad in 1962!
  22. Cort Stevens--in the early/mid 90's no one gave off a better srt8 college boy image and no one was a better kisser or took it better up the ass than Cort. Sigh...he's still be on my "to do" list and he be in is early or mid 40's by now! Kipp
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