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Posts posted by pdxleo

  1. Today was the first day since all this craziness began that our local Kroger (Fred Meyer) had TP on the shelves at 4PM- usually its all gone within an hour or two of the store opening. Got plenty for now, so I left it for some other poor soul in need, hope I don't regret that in a month or so!

  2. You have to be proud of what you CAN do and to release the pain about what you cannot do. So many fucked-up decisions have brought us to this point, so many variables had to fall in just such ways, it can drive you insane with pain and anger. In the end, though, you can only control your own reactions to the horrors and injustices you face. You must go to bed satisfied every night that you did your best, and the nights you're not satisfied, say your prayers, forgive yourself, and get up and do it again the next day. We all owe that to each other- we are not alone, and need to recognize that in an imperfect world, your best is perfect enough.

  3. At the dealership, we have installed clear plastic panels hung from the ceiling, at the service reception desk, cashier, phone operator station, and retail parts counter. Meets the requirements for separation, makes the customers and employees more at ease, and shows the authorities that we are taking distancing seriously. Local TV news and the Oregonian have been out "investigating" workplaces staying open, bloody irritating, but in the end we gotta take care of the workers and promote public safety.

  4. I think I’ll hold off going to the store. Instead of the usual two eggs, two pieces of toast, and a whole turkey sausage patty for breakfast, or two pieces of chicken at dinner, cut all the portions in half. May lose some pounds in the process, as I surely need to do it.


    Agree- my pantry would normally get thru three weeks or a month, practicing some self-control could get the staples stretched for mebbe six or seven weeks, as long as fresh fruit and veg show up at the grocers, I can get by.

  5. I'd planned to drive originally, needing to make a stop in Orinda on the way down, and having a family get-together in Merced on the way back North. My companion is flying in from Phoenix, but if he's nervous about that, I'll drive over and pick him up. The cancellation of the music festival might make air travel more appealing, but it's been a while since I've done a road trip! It snowed here in Portland today, looking forward to some sunshine soon!

  6. When I lived near Portland, long ago, Silverado had the most beautiful men, of the bars with male dancers. But they did not dance totally nude. It was fun to slip the bill's inside their g string. Thinking back to some of the hotties that were my faves, would have been great to see them strip down all the way. ??‍♂️

    I'm curious when they began featuring nudity.



    I've been here since the 1990's, has always been this way since I've been around.

  7. MY cell, which I pay for, is for my convenience, and I'll answer it or not based on my choice to do so. After a few months of my employer attempting to contact me in off hours, with no success, decided to provide me with a company phone, on the expectation that I will answer when work needs my attention. Anyone else who expects me to answer any call at any time, is gonna have to pony up and pay for a phone for me themselves!

  8. I'm in the middle of dealing with all this just now. My youngest cousin, 34 yrs old, mother of one, just made the most gruesome decision last weekend. She and hubby arguing, he decides to go out to the garage to disengage and cool down, she grabs their gun, follows him out, shoots him in the head, then takes her own life. The next morning my aunt stops in the pick up her granddaughter to go to church, walks in to find the six-year-old sobbing, covered in blood, saying "Mama and Poppa won't talk to me.". Little Angel was in the house overnight, trying to get Mama awake, and her dad watched it all, unable to speak or move to get any help. I can't imagine what went through my aunt's soul, walking out to that abattoir in the garage. Husband lost so much blood that they thought he'd not make it through the ambulance trip, but so far so good.


    Looking at a six-hour drive to North Idaho tomorrow, with my mom and youngest brother ( the closest to this cousin in age and outlook), expecting some very heavy conversations. i"m incredibly pissed off at her selfishness, but because she was so hopeless, I'll have to swallow my bitterness and become the pillar of support that every one expects. Many of you know that I lost my long-time female partner just over a year ago, and was starting to finally be in a better place- guess that ain't gonna be happening yet. My aunt and uncle, the sweetest people in my life, now face an unimaginable task, at age 69 and 70, burying their youngest child, and probably raising their six-year-old granddaughter. This child will have years of therapy ahead, may not ever be able to live a normal life, makes me shake just thinking about it.


    I know logically that there are resources out there to help, but if you are watching someone already in the spiral into madness, how do you help out? An entire family is being torn asunder, and it feels ridiculous to watch- so much sadness and emotion. I fucking hate feeling helpless, but we'll do what needs to be done- I just hate jumping from one mess to another.

  9. I've never had a bad time at BoxersnBriefs- probably been there 20 times over the last few years, had a business client in STL that I ran training sessions each quarter. Full nude Midwestern types, some rough some not so much. The VIP rooms here are top notch, XXXXXXX Its a bit scary neighborhood, but the club is far back off the highway and I've never felt unsafe going there- but a car rental is a necessity. Unlike any other strip club I've been to- a Must-See for the stripper fan.


    Admin Note: Some details were deleted as they jeopardize the club & its owners.

  10. Glad you enjoyed your visit to Stumptown - next time down, you should lookup Langlitz Leathers on SE Division ST, they do amazing work also. Silverado has remodeled their dance floor, now with bar seating all the way 'round, much more effective for viewing and chatting with the performers. I'm about 50/50 anymore between the two clubs- Silverado is still my homebase, but everyone I take out with me likes Stag more, what to do?

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