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    + quoththeraven reacted to nycbystander in Do you feel safe on your local subway system?   
    I have been using NYC's system everyday for about 30 years, feel very safe.
  2. Like
    + quoththeraven reacted to jjkrkwood in Do you feel safe on your local subway system?   
    I feel VERY safe in NYC, yet always remain ALERT, aware and cautious.
  3. Like
    + quoththeraven reacted to + Charlie in Robert Caro Papers to New York Historical Society   
    And Kennedy continued a policy he inherited from Eisenhower. And Nixon lied about how he intended to handle the situation he inherited from Johnson. And Ford was left holding the bag.
  4. Like
    + quoththeraven reacted to bostonman in wozzeck   
    I was unable to see this - but you've underlined the 2 major criticisms I've been hearing - the overbusy nature of the production, and the puppet.
    In terms of the puppet, though I've always been a defender of the same concept in the Met's current Madama Butterfly, there it fits nicely into the production with an Asian theatrical technique. I'd still prefer a live actor, but I can understand the stylized approach. But I don't think I'll feel the same way about the child in Wozzeck, where I don't see how the puppetry ties into the concept of the piece at all.
    In terms of the production itself, it sounds like there are two shows going on - one by the singers, the other being the set itself. I'm hearing similar things about the new production of West Side Story - that the visuals distract too much from what the actors are doing. I wish directors would trust their casts to do the work instead.
  5. Like
    + quoththeraven got a reaction from alkan in Oral Sex   
    I think you'll find that there is so much human variety that you will find people who don't like, hate, don't enjoy or don't get anything out of a sex act that others love. After all, there are people who don't enjoy sex or aren't sexually attracted to others. It's just as possible not to enjoy a particular sex act that most other people do enjoy. Don't let those other people and the cultural messaging supporting them bother you or make you feel like you're weird or wrong.
  6. Like
    + quoththeraven got a reaction from + honcho in Cute Critters to Take Our Minds Off Everyday Stresses   
  7. Like
    + quoththeraven got a reaction from rvwnsd in Cute Critters to Take Our Minds Off Everyday Stresses   
    Good doggo and hopping frog toy
  8. Like
    + quoththeraven reacted to + poolboy48220 in Sounds Like They Took Some Lessons From You Know Who   
    Like I said before, I haven't followed this story closely, but I have the impression that the "university" was created by ICE itself.
  9. Like
    + quoththeraven reacted to + poolboy48220 in Sounds Like They Took Some Lessons From You Know Who   
    I get the impression they applied for student visas based on enrolling in this fake university. Then once they got here and found out they were unable to register for any actual classes, they were called out on visa violations.
  10. Like
    + quoththeraven reacted to + honcho in Should have been more careful   
    In any case, belated best wishes for you birthday ...
  11. Like
    + quoththeraven reacted to MikeBiDude in Should have been more careful   
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    + quoththeraven got a reaction from + FreshFluff in Should have been more careful   
    Hippo birdies to ewe!
    I've been dealing with a messed up MCL for the past two months that I don't remember injuring (went to bed fine, woke up with a lot of pain), so I'm glad your knee injury wasn't bad! As I recall, the last time I tripped and fell on my knee, as opposed to twisting it, turned out similar to your situation. I just had bruises for a week or so.
  13. Like
    + quoththeraven reacted to + Gar1eth in Should have been more careful   
    I had forgotten today was your day!!

  14. Like
    + quoththeraven reacted to + FreshFluff in Should have been more careful   
    Fortunately, the knee is fine other than some issue that appeared to be old. I’m relieved. When my knee hit the ground, I thought it might be fractured.
    Thanks for the kind thoughts, everyone
  15. Like
    + quoththeraven reacted to + FreshFluff in Advice on hangout buddy or occasional FWB   
    I think many Rentafriend people say they aren’t open to it. It could be that the other ones are.
    I wonder if negotiating the rates might get tricky though, particularly if the amount of time spent on sex vs platonic stuff changes over time.
  16. Like
    + quoththeraven reacted to MidwestCoastal in Advice on hangout buddy or occasional FWB   
    I would encourage you to cast several lines into this pond.
    My best success for these situations has always been the 'dating/hookup' apps such as Grindr and Scruff. State that you want Friends with Benefits in your profile and see what happens.
    I would also encourage you to lay out exactly what your 'must haves' would be. Are you exclusively a top into vanilla? Are you a bottom into leather?
    You also need to be prepared for a 'partial breakup' situation. What if you start out with the mindset of having a FwB relationship,but the sex just doesn't work - are you prepared to say "I think we're best off just as friends"? Or the reverse, the sex is great, but the hanging out part just doesn't work, are you comfortable with a FB? And as others have recommended, be up front about the 'What if one of us starts dating/gets a BF?'
    I also found getting the sex part under your belt early on tended to be best for all parties. If the sex was great, working on the friend part was easier, for me anyways, because lets be honest, sex is a huge motivator here for the other person's company.
    I believe all relationships - family, BF, FwB, FB, friends - have a better chance of success with open dialogue and expectations. I think this type of relationship specifically needs a bit more communication up front.
    Just my two cents...
  17. Like
    + quoththeraven reacted to + WilliamM in Advice on hangout buddy or occasional FWB   
    How is this so different than making friends in general?
  18. Like
    + quoththeraven reacted to + WilliamM in Advice on hangout buddy or occasional FWB   
    How is this so different than making friends in general?
  19. Like
    + quoththeraven reacted to + poolboy48220 in But I don't want to be a woman!   
    Reminds me a bit of the old stereotype that women just want support when they complain, and get frustrated when men try to offer solutions to whatever they're complaining about.
  20. Like
    + quoththeraven reacted to bostonman in Real identies....   
    I think for a lot of people it's just human nature to want to know the first name of someone you're in an intimate setting with. Some people love totally anonymous sex, and that's fine, but a lot of us may feel they can be a lot more intimate when on a true first name basis - even when knowing that "stage names" come with the territory in escorting.
    That said, sort of like Zachary's example earlier in the thread, I would assume escorts choose their escort names because they like something about the image that name implies, etc. So it's not so much that they're hiding behind a name, rather they're creating an image that they feel will be attractive and sexy and alluring. Maybe they actually like that name better than their real name.
  21. Like
    + quoththeraven reacted to Kevin Slater in 2019 year-end numbers   
    There's always a rotation. The biggest drop is that Mr. Green seriously cut back his hiring (partly becasue he's only in NYC part-time now).

    The top three from 2018 cut back both their frequency and duration in 2019. That's the driver here.
    Mr. Blue rose from second to first despite decreased spending.


    Natural attrition. If anything, I'm not as eagerly pursuing new clients.
    Thanks for asking.
    Kevin Slater
  22. Like
    + quoththeraven reacted to + not2rowdy in Shorted on time?   
    The OP is new to the forum.
    There have been many threads over the years IRT pros and cons of publicly naming and/or calling out a provider. I’m not going to suggest a specific course of action for the OP. However, I will strongly suggest he search the forum for similar threads and also familiarize himself with the websites Terms and Rules located at the bottom of the page.
    Edit: Changed “dissing” to “calling out” to better clarify intention of neutrality.
  23. Like
    + quoththeraven reacted to + FrankR in Shorted on time?   
    In my book it really depends on two factors: 1) was this a spa massage or a private masseur and 2) how significant was the shortfall. I may ignore an insignificant short fall if the quality of the massage was good. At a Spa you can always speak to the manager about it. As for a private masseur it is hardly ever worth the aggravation to try and discuss with the masseur. A confrontation is hardly ever productive. He will become defensive and that is likely to raise your blood pressure, right when you are suppose to be relaxed from a massage. I usually pay the agreed fee and move on.
    The exception is that if the masseur suggests that he would like to see me again when he shows me out, then I would raise the short fall but I will not commit to seeing the masseur again, even if they offer a discount for a future visit. "Look, you seem like a nice guy and the massage was good, but it was supposed to be 60 minutes and we were done in 45 minutes. You may want to keep a closer eye on the agreed length of time..."
  24. Like
    + quoththeraven reacted to + keroscenefire in Help dealing with long term career change   
    Good luck with your job search. As an aside, you might want to look at a temporary or gig-economy type of job in the interim if you need some income coming in. I went through a job transition and drove Lyft, which was helpful in keeping my afloat at the time. I still do it on the side though much less now (though I did drive this last NYE an made $400+ just that night). Also the Census is hiring a lot of temporary workers if you need something in the meantime.
    It is true that applying for a full-time job is a full-time job. With some of these gig economy jobs, you can make a decent income just on the side when you have free time at nights and weekends.
  25. Like
    + quoththeraven reacted to + keroscenefire in Help dealing with long term career change   
    Good luck with your job search. As an aside, you might want to look at a temporary or gig-economy type of job in the interim if you need some income coming in. I went through a job transition and drove Lyft, which was helpful in keeping my afloat at the time. I still do it on the side though much less now (though I did drive this last NYE an made $400+ just that night). Also the Census is hiring a lot of temporary workers if you need something in the meantime.
    It is true that applying for a full-time job is a full-time job. With some of these gig economy jobs, you can make a decent income just on the side when you have free time at nights and weekends.
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