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Everything posted by Becket

  1. I enjoy clean men as well, but of course most guys have a distinctive aura (as opposed to basic old fashion sweat or body odor.) I don't know if this makes sense, (I'm not describing it well) but that "aura" is very seductive, IMHO.
  2. I liked all those people, especially Suzy Kolber.
  3. Xander you're the hottie we still need. "Xander! Xander! Come back Xander!
  4. It seems to be a growing trend, especially when it's a first time appointment. I don't care for it, and try not to take it personally. But it's happening more and more. Happy Hunting.
  5. Air travel in most any form has become tedious and somewhat difficult. I'm always glad to have escaped the 45 minute to 2 hour wait in the Disneyland like security line. Always rue my decision not to sign up for the preferred traveler line. Here in Dallas it's AA or Southwest, a unique experience in of itself. Love standing in the Southwest line waiting to board, and someone will want to look at your boarding number, insisting to get in front of you. I used to be able to fly in the front of the plane on occasion, but First Class has gotten way too pricey. O well. The choice remains: Get in line or stay at home.
  6. Becket


    The reply from Gabriel_Top seemed sincere and heart felt, replies which point to very attractive qualities. I posted a comment, trying to be clever. It came out snarky and mean so I deleted it. A thousand pardons.
  7. Becket


    Somebody needs a hug.
  8. As one who enjoys the "hunt" almost as much as the "find", these pics give me a strange stirring inside.
  9. This one is so passive aggressive. 👍 It says, yea I agree but you're not important enough for me to move my fingers on a keyboard. A loved one uses it on me all the time. Drives me crazy! Makes me want to reply with 🖕.
  10. BTW, great video on ESPN of the gorgeous Joe Burrow at Cincinnati Reds stadium, hitting a home run. New hair style, hardly recognized him. But gorgeous nonetheless.
  11. I saw an ad and the guy said, "top or bottom, but I need 24 hours notice to top." Why is that you think? I can understand needing notice to bottom. But to TOP? What might he need the extra time for? Dick pills work pretty quick I think. Just dwadling in Dallas. Thanks.
  12. What are the odds on the upcoming cat fight between Ms. Cattrall and HRH Madam Parker?
  13. Kinda lost interest after Logan died. After then it was grown chidren squabeling (sic) over the left over riches. Sure, a red herring now and then, but the "sucking up to dad" busines was gone. All in all, great TV. I did however miss the three or four, 'Fuckoffs! Logan would grace up with.
  14. Well, yes. But I for one am delighted to have this obscure, virtually impossible-to-find Internet forum. Because I sure as hell am not repeating some of the things I've said here on Twitter or Truth Social. May we continue to stay off the radar of whatever goes for "mainstream" these days. Internet obscurity, hear me roar!
  15. In the words of the legendary Richard Pryor: "That's a pretty, pretty man. That man so pretty peoples come up and just lick on him."
  16. All the negatives stated above; all true. Make your breath stink. Stains your fingers, stains your teeth. Myriad health problems can be traced to smoking. However.... I confess to enjoying a smoke now and again. It does relax me. I like the process of opening a pack, lighting a cig, taking that first puff. I don't know, I'm alone alot and it gives me something to do. (Besides, I have to suck on something!) So in defense of all those smokers and tokers out there; the unhealthy, the tacky, the stinky, the rotten, the coughing cancer creatures......... smoke 'em if you got 'em.
  17. Most of them have such beautiful hair. My fingers need to be running through them.
  18. Reminds me of the days in the closet when this is about the only time I might sneak a peak at a weiner.
  19. Becket


    I love this thread. Somehow I had missed it. A torso makes me want to hug and cuddle. 😁
  20. Good to hear from a resident that Portland is not as terrible as it is made out to be on TV. It is a fascinating city and I grieve not being able to visit because of all the negative publicity. Makes me want to get back out there again. Thanks.
  21. Becket


    Well done. Made me think.
  22. Reminds me of the scene in the Steve Martin movie The Jerk. Martin's character is writing home to his family and says, "...and tomorrow I'll get some work because she has promised me a blow job."
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