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  1. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to jjkrkwood in I'm thinking of going to a bath house / sex club   
    I tend to steer clear of guys that walk around bathhouses or sex clubs with "their clothes on". I mean what's the point ? If you are trying to hide a 3" cock, its only temporary, and if you hook up, you're busted....
    I like to cut to the chase, see what I'm getting and not waste my time, or anyone else's, and I believe most guys that go to these places have the same philosophy...
  2. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from thonglovertx in I'm thinking of going to a bath house / sex club   
    FYI: Don't confuse the Kspas as places to openly fuck around... They are usually known for allowing local PD to run sting operations.
    The Spa Castle brand (in Dallas and NY) is awesome, but they openly patrol their locker rooms and wet areas. Sure, you can go and look at all the naked men you want, but it's pretty tough to hook up.
    Love the Korean spa culture: You gotta be naked in the wet areas. It's incredibly relaxing and I'd recommend a visit to anyone who hasn't tried one.
  3. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to Racketjock in Ever bump into an escort in real life?   
    My apology for the unintended error, Mr. Nicholas.
  4. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from thonglovertx in HPV and Men   
    Sorry to sidetrack this thread, but what the actual fuck is wrong with people that they... WITHOUT MEDICAL SCHOOL TRAINING... would not vaccinate their children?
    Every 'study' done that's said there might be a connection has been debunked. I can't wrap my head around not protecting your child, as well as now seeing the resurgence of diseases that should have been eradicated in the States.
  5. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from + quoththeraven in HPV and Men   
    I completely agree.
    What's most scary is that so many guys are carriers, but never develop it. Gardasil isn't being pushed hard enough for young males, as it's mainly seen at the moment as a way to prevent cervical cancers in women.
    I do hope they can expand on the existing vaccination to include a wider age group: This would also mean needing more conclusive system of testing for HPV (for males, especially).
  6. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to jjkrkwood in Ever bump into an escort in real life?   
    WE can never forget YOUR name Sir.
  7. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to Racketjock in Ever bump into an escort in real life?   
    I travel a lot for work, frequently to some bigger cities. Have run into: Benjamin Nichols, Andrew Justice, Heath Jordan, Jaxton Wheeler, and Alex Silver. All were either listening to music, buried in their phones, or wearing sun glasses and giving the vibe they wanted to be left alone. I walked behind Jaxton for quite a long time. He has incredibly muscular thighs which affects his walk and ass, both of which were for my viewing pleasure.
  8. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from Bertster in 411 Justin_Teen NYC   
    Sounding the alarm? Nope. My post was just describing the usual equation of how things go around these parts.
    I was really more complimenting/commenting on the kid's ability to keep ya'll talking... And that he does
  9. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to MikeBiDude in 411 Justin_Teen NYC   
    Yes, huge Justin fan that I am - probably I wouldn’t go for the higher rates maybe he will “grandfather”my rate in from first couple visits.
    That said...I’ll not say anything negative about him charging *whatever* he wants, it’s his business paradigm. We have hashed rates over and over here the last 15-20 years I’ve been around the forum, the discussions will never change.
    A car has four tires, an engine, and a steering wheel, etc. etc. We pay one price for a Hyundai and another price for a Porsche. Both cars get us from Point A>B. Why is a Hyundai a value for one customer yet a Porsche a value for another?
    Frankly discussing rates is a no-win (Kobayashi Maru anyone?) scenario. We can voice our opinions here over and over re:how much escort “X” charges and how much client “Y” will pay...but we don’t have all the marketing info at our disposal here to KNOW if escort “X” is making bank, or what client “Y” is really paying.
    Doesn’t matter....sometimes I’ll pay too much because someone really strikes my fancy. Sometimes I’ll pay less and be as (or more) happy.
  10. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from hornytwells in 411 Justin_Teen NYC   
    It was only a matter of time before this thread took an ugly turn: If you've been here long enough, you know the drill.
    I like the style of this kid... He's got moxie. And, based on him not having US citizenship, I imagine he's only got a finite amount of time to cash in. Good for him for having the keen business sense to strike while the iron is hot.
    And frankly, threads like this one are helping keep that iron very warm
  11. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from + g56whiz in 411 Justin_Teen NYC   
    Sounding the alarm? Nope. My post was just describing the usual equation of how things go around these parts.
    I was really more complimenting/commenting on the kid's ability to keep ya'll talking... And that he does
  12. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from Good Grief in 411 Justin_Teen NYC   
    Sounding the alarm? Nope. My post was just describing the usual equation of how things go around these parts.
    I was really more complimenting/commenting on the kid's ability to keep ya'll talking... And that he does
  13. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from + quoththeraven in HPV and Men   
    Sorry to sidetrack this thread, but what the actual fuck is wrong with people that they... WITHOUT MEDICAL SCHOOL TRAINING... would not vaccinate their children?
    Every 'study' done that's said there might be a connection has been debunked. I can't wrap my head around not protecting your child, as well as now seeing the resurgence of diseases that should have been eradicated in the States.
  14. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from BabyBoomer in HPV and Men   
    Sorry to sidetrack this thread, but what the actual fuck is wrong with people that they... WITHOUT MEDICAL SCHOOL TRAINING... would not vaccinate their children?
    Every 'study' done that's said there might be a connection has been debunked. I can't wrap my head around not protecting your child, as well as now seeing the resurgence of diseases that should have been eradicated in the States.
  15. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to + Funguy in HPV and Men   
    It's not that they don't ALLOW it, insurance just won't pay for it! More and more docs realize alternative life style are a good reason to get it and they will give.it. you just pay. LBGTQ clinics also offer it regardless of age.
  16. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from MikeBiDude in 411 Justin_Teen NYC   
    Sounding the alarm? Nope. My post was just describing the usual equation of how things go around these parts.
    I was really more complimenting/commenting on the kid's ability to keep ya'll talking... And that he does
  17. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from MikeyGMin in 411 Justin_Teen NYC   
    Sounding the alarm? Nope. My post was just describing the usual equation of how things go around these parts.
    I was really more complimenting/commenting on the kid's ability to keep ya'll talking... And that he does
  18. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from + VictorPowers in To Porn or Not to Porn   
  19. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from + GregM in Do you reveal your race to your masseurs/escorts?   
    In today's political climate, no, you're not crazy for worrying. If I were a minority of any sort, I'd be looking over my shoulder a lot more these days.
    I'd disclose and if someone gives you an ounce of pushback, move on. Some people are assholes and it's better you know who they are and ultimately not have to deal with them.
  20. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from LADoug1 in HPV and Men   
    I completely agree.
    What's most scary is that so many guys are carriers, but never develop it. Gardasil isn't being pushed hard enough for young males, as it's mainly seen at the moment as a way to prevent cervical cancers in women.
    I do hope they can expand on the existing vaccination to include a wider age group: This would also mean needing more conclusive system of testing for HPV (for males, especially).
  21. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from marylander1940 in HPV and Men   
    I completely agree.
    What's most scary is that so many guys are carriers, but never develop it. Gardasil isn't being pushed hard enough for young males, as it's mainly seen at the moment as a way to prevent cervical cancers in women.
    I do hope they can expand on the existing vaccination to include a wider age group: This would also mean needing more conclusive system of testing for HPV (for males, especially).
  22. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to + Funguy in HPV and Men   
    @LADoug1 - I've posted here about the importance of vaccines, including HPV, until I'm blue in the face.
  23. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from Strafe13 in Do you reveal your race to your masseurs/escorts?   
    In today's political climate, no, you're not crazy for worrying. If I were a minority of any sort, I'd be looking over my shoulder a lot more these days.
    I'd disclose and if someone gives you an ounce of pushback, move on. Some people are assholes and it's better you know who they are and ultimately not have to deal with them.
  24. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas reacted to + José Soplanucas in Do you reveal your race to your masseurs/escorts?   
    Argentines do not have an attitude. Fuck you.
  25. Like
    + BenjaminNicholas got a reaction from + easygoingpal in Do you reveal your race to your masseurs/escorts?   
    In today's political climate, no, you're not crazy for worrying. If I were a minority of any sort, I'd be looking over my shoulder a lot more these days.
    I'd disclose and if someone gives you an ounce of pushback, move on. Some people are assholes and it's better you know who they are and ultimately not have to deal with them.
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