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Posts posted by BenjaminNicholas

  1. You booked me this evening for 2 hours. I thank you for the opportunity to change your opinions of me. Although we had clear communication regarding time/location, I have to assume it was a purposeful No Show after 40 minutes of waiting. I don't think we should be in any sort of contact moving forward.

    I post this here only to discredit your above statements of me as it appears your acting maliciously and vindictively.


    No one seems to believe his bullshit anyway: Don't sweat it.


    And if you really want to know more about this no-show, send me his email headers. I'd be glad to decipher his IP for you :)

  2. An inquiring mind here. I'm asking those of you that do not assess cancellation charges. If a new client has cancelled on 2 separate occasions, what do you do? Are they not to see you in the future? Is a deposit now required? Is each occurrence situational? I'm in the midst of changing some cancellation policies, and would love some guidance.


    Two extended cancellations from the same guy, I'd take into consideration why he cancelled, but definitely require a deposit in the future. If he's serious about meeting, he'll have no problem with the deposit: You're a known, well-reviewed escort.

  3. I saw this on Saturday night, 4th preview.


    This is a must-see. Period.


    The material itself has not changed (though the orchestrations and vocal arrangements have gotten a tasteful and artful facelift), but the setting is now much more "literal" and inventive. Get to your seats early and enjoy the improvised pre-show, complete with goings-on like Alex Newell cooking a jambalaya-ish dish right onstage (I was sitting in that section and the aroma was quite inviting lol). I don't want to give away too much about the look/concept of the show, but I will say it works wonderfully well. This is about as far away as one can get from the more idealized, picturesque 1990 Broadway version, but IMO it's much more effective.


    Though many will come for the "names" - certainly Lea Salonga, and the aforementioned Newell, and a few others, this is already a very strong, very tight ensemble cast - yes, Salonga and Newell are terrific, but so is every person on that stage. (And even the goat. Yes, that's what I said.) The two roles cast against their original gender (Newell as Asaka, the embodiment of "Mother Earth" and Merle Dandridge as Papa Ge, the spirit of death) are a revelation - played very honestly, not for camp's sake - I should also mention that Newell sings "Mama Will Provide" in the original key, and nails it. :D


    The two young leads (Hailey Kilgore, after a nationwide search, as Ti Moune, and Isaac Powell as Daniel) do beautiful work. Philip Boykin and Kenita Miller are perfectly cast as Ti Moune's parents. I did see one understudy on - T. Oliver Reid filling in for Quentin Earl Darrington as Agwe - but I can't imagine anyone better. Emerson Davis as the little girl was adorable - sometimes it was a bit hard to understand her lyrics, but so be it. I also want to mention Alysha Deslorieux, who, as Andrea, has one of the most challenging characters to play - but she played the character with a dignity and grace that made it very hard to hate Andrea for her somewhat villainous role in the story.


    I am one of those people that has become very cynical about the proliferation of the "automatic standing ovation" - but I have to confess I was one of the first people (of those that I could see, at least) who jumped to their feet at the curtain call. I was that excited and moved. And the show really is that good.


    Go see this!:D



    Thanks for the review! I see this in the next couple weeks. Very much looking forward to it :)

  4. I believe Ebay.UK sells the original.... and many of the vendors have US warehouses they ship it from. But i'll gladly cum over and do your laundry..... all you have to do is walk around NEKKID.....o_Oo_O


    You'll do my laundry if I walk around naked? Hell, that's a deal. I already walk around naked (or mostly naked) everyday. The laundry is just a bonus.


    I don't even require my whites and colors separated.

  5. An escort who knows his status and is honest about it is admirable. An sex worker who's positive and hiding it from his clients is a time bomb.


    PrEP, contrary to what people tell you, is still not in wide use and just because someone says they're on the pill doesn't mean they are. Women have played this game with birth control and now it's our turn to try to read between the lines.


    Bottom line: Condoms still serve their purpose.

  6. Another tip: When you wash the sheets, use unscented laundry detergent (I like Method) and add a couple of shakes of Mrs Myers laundry scent crystals.


    Have you secretly been sent to the forum by the Mrs Meyers people to get their product out there? :)


    I'm a Persil guy myself (German formula, if I can find it... American formula if I have to). It's so much better than Tide, it's not even funny.

  7. Her opening performance at 54 Below was stellar.


    1:45 of singing. Packed, standing-room only crowd. She brought a great 8 piece band with her. Sang some of the songs she's including in the next album.


    Best quirk of the night: Someone in the crowd bought her a beer (she mentioned being a fan of it) and she drank from it throughout the performance.

  8. ... but it will make a good BJ pillow when my head is hanging off the bed, now it will have support, so the guy can pound my throat into oblivion..... :D.



    I think you need to email MyPillow to let them know they could market their product in a whole new way to the gay community

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