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Posts posted by BenjaminNicholas

  1. I havent done the dryer thing yet, but they feel a bit "LUMPY"..... Hope I didnt just waste $100, cause its too much trouble to re-pack them to send back.... OY !!!!


    Like I said before, little balls of fluff are their fill. It's not for everyone.


    And yes, put them in the dryer on medium for 20 minutes. Add a sheet of fabric softener.

  2. I last saw her many years ago when she played Queens college. I walked to the show from my home 2 blocks away and really enjoyed her performance. Need a date for this new show BN ? :p


    If we're going on a date, I need to know important things like how many G&Ts does it take to get you into bed? :)

  3. Wow. Anyone can understand why a straight woman would get pregnant on her own when she's almost out of time. For a gay man,likewise. But a straight guy who is under no time pressure and can find a wife quickly in any case?


    Times have changed... And with that, so have preconceived notions.


    As long as he's a good dad, I say great. Truth be told, I'd love to have seen him go the adoption route, but that can be a tough road for a single male.

  4. It's not Vegas, but I had the best scrub down yesterday at King's Spa in Dallas.


    Not for the timid (naked, no draping, out in the open), but damn they're thorough: He literally picked up (and placed aside) my dick and balls to scrub my inner legs. Researching a little about Kspa culture, you find that this kind of manhandling is not abnormal. The service also included a body shampoo and a massage. Was fantastic.


    Vegas: I still think Mandarin has the best therapists. It's always quiet. They're also the only spa on the strip that offers a private hammam service.

  5. I travel a lot for work, frequently to some bigger cities. Have run into: Benjamin Nichols, Andrew Justice, Heath Jordan, Jaxton Wheeler, and Alex Silver. All were either listening to music, buried in their phones, or wearing sun glasses and giving the vibe they wanted to be left alone. I walked behind Jaxton for quite a long time. He has incredibly muscular thighs which affects his walk and ass, both of which were for my viewing pleasure.


    Benjamin Nicholas ;)


    I don't care what they say about me, as long as they spell my name correctly

  6. What is stalkerish about it? They saw you, they recognized you, they chose not to speak to you. Nevertheless, seeing you was enough of an event so that they thought it was worth talking about.


    When someone goes as far as to describe the minutiae of what you're wearing, how your hair is combed, the freckles on your face or what brand of bag you're carrying, I find that a little awkward.


    Not sure that's how it went with Victor, but it's happened to me... And it's the wrong way to introduce yourself in a first email.

  7. My brother is a freaking antivaxxer because he has an autistic kid


    Sorry to sidetrack this thread, but what the actual fuck is wrong with people that they... WITHOUT MEDICAL SCHOOL TRAINING... would not vaccinate their children?


    Every 'study' done that's said there might be a connection has been debunked. I can't wrap my head around not protecting your child, as well as now seeing the resurgence of diseases that should have been eradicated in the States.

  8. Easily the most unintentionally funny thread in memory--the fanboys in full rationalization for anything. BN sounding the alarm about negativity. And, yet, if he's lucky he'll be a "WEHT" subject in a few years with his fan boys sounding like sad questioners who want to know if long-retired straight guy Alec Powers is available. The kid is a now grossly overpriced Instagram exhibitionist with a crazy bf. If that's your bar for seriousness, you're spending way too much time here.


    Sounding the alarm? Nope. My post was just describing the usual equation of how things go around these parts.


    I was really more complimenting/commenting on the kid's ability to keep ya'll talking... And that he does ;)

  9. Amazing there are no other posts here. It’s a VERY important subject.


    I completely agree.


    What's most scary is that so many guys are carriers, but never develop it. Gardasil isn't being pushed hard enough for young males, as it's mainly seen at the moment as a way to prevent cervical cancers in women.


    I do hope they can expand on the existing vaccination to include a wider age group: This would also mean needing more conclusive system of testing for HPV (for males, especially).



  10. Do you reveal your race to your masseurs or escorts when booking?


    I'm Asian American and admittedly a little neurotic about how my race is perceived in the gay community after years of experiencing tons of negativity.


    I'm in my 30s and in decent shape, which I don't disclose because I feel that's "acceptable." But I always disclose my background, usually in the form of "I'm Asian, is that okay?" For the record, no one has ever said no, but in hook-up situations (which I know these aren't), I always reveal it right off the bat. I also don't respond to say, a Craigslist ad or Grindr post unless they specifically say "seeking Asians" (I don't even reply to ads that say "open to race").


    I've just read/experienced instances where guys thought an Asian guy was Caucasian and felt "tricked." I have an equally neurotic fear of rejection (especially based on race) which is why I always disclose.


    I disclosed to the last masseur while booking, and he asked why I did it and thought it was "weird." But then again I just read a thread here about a local masseur who reportedly doesn't serve Asians. It would be my biggest nightmare if I booked him and he rejected me after opening the door.


    Maybe I'm just being crazy, but does anyone else do this?


    In today's political climate, no, you're not crazy for worrying. If I were a minority of any sort, I'd be looking over my shoulder a lot more these days.


    I'd disclose and if someone gives you an ounce of pushback, move on. Some people are assholes and it's better you know who they are and ultimately not have to deal with them.

  11. FYI: Don't confuse the Kspas as places to openly fuck around... They are usually known for allowing local PD to run sting operations.


    The Spa Castle brand (in Dallas and NY) is awesome, but they openly patrol their locker rooms and wet areas. Sure, you can go and look at all the naked men you want, but it's pretty tough to hook up.


    Love the Korean spa culture: You gotta be naked in the wet areas. It's incredibly relaxing and I'd recommend a visit to anyone who hasn't tried one.

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