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Everything posted by poolboy48220

  1. imagine him showing up at the office as the new hire.
  2. Josh Long :-) Sadly, I believe he's retired from porn.
  3. He's coming to Michigan in a week. Is it definitely a legit massage? No erotic aspects? Is he naked?
  4. This is awesome, and I definitely fall into the dog parent category more than dog lover. But she rarely wakes me up. She likes sleeping more than I do.
  5. When I was a kid I read the Richard Blade stories - science fiction with a hunky hairy hero who got a LOT of sex. The parents would have freaked if they'd known what was really in the books. No gay action that I ever found, but I remember one line in particular: "his enormous lingam a tower upthrust". Another where his hard-on burst through his flimsy leather breeches.
  6. I've read that Brienne of Tarth's storyline is greatly enhanced in the show, she's not that important a character in the books. I'm not far enough in the books to tell.
  7. [spoiler alert] - I was pretty excited when browsing around the game of thrones wiki (a bad habit for spoilers) when I read that there was another surviving Targareyan baby; he'd be Dany's nephew, but about her age. I think the show is skipping that storyline.
  8. I'm very excited. I am making my way through the books (nearly done with book 3, but it's slow going), and re-watched nearly all of it during the marathon on HBO in December or January. There are so many characters & plotlines that I got a lot more out of it on the second viewing.
  9. Jesus and Moses are sitting in a boat fishing when Jesus says to Moses, "I want to do a miracle so we can feel like the good old days." Moses says "Yeah sure." He takes up his staff, strikes it on the surface of the lake, and the waters part. Moses strolls to the shore and back and climbs back into the boat. Jesus gets up and says "I think I'll walk on the water, that was always a good one." Jesus walks over to the edge of the boat, steps into the water, and sinks like a stone. Moses drags Jesus back into the boat, revives him, and says "I think it's the holes in your feet!"
  10. Don't drink and drive. Pull over to the side of the road. Anything worth drinking takes two hands anyway.
  11. an idea is not responsible for the people who believe in it. Nor is a phrase.
  12. Another upvote for this post, especially the "enjoy the testing of boundaries" bit. It reminds me of a description I wrote in another forum years ago, in response to a guy who wondered if anything ever started in the steamroom of the gym, and how to initiate it. Always very subtle advances and an awareness of how they were being received, and proceeding (or stopping) based on that reception. when I was first coming out, I had a massage from a guy who started with you on your back, then moved to you being face down, opposite of how most massages go. It wasn't until I was face down that he started rubbing his crotch against my hand, and it went where you would expect.
  13. Lots of guys sending me signals back when I was in the closet, and either not understanding them until much later, or being too afraid to act on them. The refrigerator delivery guy sending me lots of signals, and no idea in retrospect why I didn't respond.
  14. A couple of my favorites from movies http://www.muscleclass.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Aaron_Taylor-Johnson_Kick-Ass_2_Workout-241x300.png I had one more in mind but being only on my first cup of coffee, I've already forgotten who
  15. Or the old Sam Kinison routine, "it's a good thing THESE <grabs his crotch> are attached. Because if they weren't, once you got married, <he pops the microphone off its cord>. If you want these, they'll be in my purse or in the refrigerator."
  16. It's usually completely empty once I'm done with it.
  17. oh, I do like #39. And #37, Derek Atlas should never wear a shirt though. :-)
  18. I'm not saying it didn't have a good message, just that it wasn't particularly subtle.
  19. Reminds me of reading "Jonathon Livingston Seagull" in my late teens. I kept looking for the 'subtle message' everyone was talking about, when finally someone explained it, I realized that our definitions of subtle were different. :-)
  20. I read a lot of the Gordon Merrick novels before I came out. I mentioned somewhere else that "An Idol for Others" was in the (small) book section at Hudson's (a somewhat-swanky Detroit department store that's been bought and renamed so many times I don't know what it's called any more), and I'd hang out there & read them while Mom & the sisters were shopping. I bought a few for myself once I had my own place. I read a few of them all the way through, but most, I've just skimmed through and read the sex scenes. Peter & Charlie's first encounter and the "measuring session", and a couple of the scenes in "The Great Urge Downward" are still favorite reads.
  21. On the flip side, there was gay man writing romance fiction for women (the racks and racks of books that featured Fabio or some clone on the cover). One of his editors, reading one of his sex scenes, had to take him aside and tell him women do not have prostates.
  22. I like Spider Robinson, but lately, he exactly matches your description of writing one book over and over. Or maybe just the same ending over and over.
  23. Way way back when I first started hiring, I called the agency I usually used and they had a guy available that they seemed reluctant to send out, something like "He wasn't for beginners". I decided to try him anyway, and apart from more piercings than I'd ever seen before (including my first prince albert), it wasn't all that unusual. The odd thing is that when Terminator 2 came out later that year, I thought that Robert Patrick (the T-1000) was the spitting image of this guy. No information on Robert Patrick's piercing status :-)
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