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Everything posted by gallahadesquire

  1. Some more: http://blackdogue.net/Playgirl/BillCable/BillCable.html
  2. It is interesting that seancody.com says they have 2500+ scenes for downloading.
  3. After a long absence, I really wanted to see some of my favorite Sean Cody videos. They’re all gone. The site used to have well over 2,000 (bananaguide.com says >2600, as of November 2020) and now they show about 863. Well, membership was not very expensive. I think they’ve removed all of the condom wearing videos. There are NONE from 2008! I stopped both a Sean Cody and Corbin Fisher a couple of years ago, as the models got to be more boring and the sex just didn’t do it for me.
  4. The NEJM article allows access to the Phase 1 clinical trial on duration of mRNA vaccine. Interesting https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2032195?query=recirc_mostViewed_railB_article
  5. I took an escort to the airport. He gave me a kiss at the curb!
  6. “He doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground.” “Why is there more horses asses than there is horses?” (Pronounced “Why isser more Horsesasses asseris Horses?” The slur makes a difference.)
  7. I was at home one night when the phone rang (before cellphones). “Hello?” “This is a blast from your past.” It was a friend I hadn’t spoken to in 16 years. He was the husband I never married. He got into a seriously abusive relationship and had FINALLY realized it. And he had to go back 16 years to find a friend who was HIS. I wish I liked Atlanta.
  8. In the Bahamas, after being ill for awhile
  9. De gustibus non disputandum est. But: agreed. The are limits. There are things up with which I shall not put.
  10. Interestingly, the Neurologist felt there was no indication for imaging. Medical history is really non-contributory. BMI Is mid 30’s. CK is > 2600.
  11. In June of this year, I had my left Total knee replaced (fo the third time.) recovery too awhile longerbut I was at 75 % on my left leg and 88% on the right. It’s now kid- October. I have lost almost all my moment in my left leg, and about 80 % on the left. I can no longer stand with significant aid. Clue: CK is > 2300. An suggestion will be help. Please us pm. —Gallahadesquire
  12. I recently upgraded my system to two music services (Spotify and Calm). I am in the market to borrow and convert files to flac or other lossless “compressiins”. My car uses memory cards fir it’s music system. I would love to get early Renaissance through baroque recordings to copy for a fee. There are few things in the classical period and beyond that would interest me. Just an offer. An outright purchase is also doable. System: McIntosh MA5200 B.&w DM 3000 speakers in pristine condition I have a rega 3 but no room to set it up yet. Please response vie PM. THANKS — The notably misspelled GALLEHADESQUIRE”
  13. It’s reasonable to use single quotes instead of double quotes. The British do it all the time. Of course, they also say ‘Concorde’ instead of ‘The Concorde’; ‘Hospital’ instead of ‘The hospital’; and don’t use periods after Mr, Mrs, or Dr
  14. IMHO, he was hottest in his Sean Cody days ... in 2012.
  15. https://www.xvideos.com/video46504069/the_grease_monkeys_1979_
  16. The top three are all from the same person
  17. I’ve met an organic chemist who I in academics (Ph.D. Program) and teaching a full semester. We text quite a bit and have had dinner twice. We’re just similar nerds, and he doesn’t seem to mind I’m twice his age. He’s a little too into fashion, but it makes him happy.
  18. I hate Jeff Bezos. The LEAST he could do is be philanthropic. His ex has given away 1.7 BILLION to charity.
  19. There are a total of eight pictures. He’s a handsome man with a nice body, and well endowed.
  20. I was suddenly in the market to buy a new car last Halloween. I was with a friend. She tried a Toyota Corolla at my demand, and then we trade a Honda Civic. For the same price, the civic was a much better vehicle. I assume the reliability is same, with Toyota having a slight edge.
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