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José Soplanucas

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    + José Soplanucas reacted to marylander1940 in Hot chocolate!   

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    + José Soplanucas reacted to marylander1940 in Hot chocolate!   

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    + José Soplanucas reacted to marylander1940 in Is it time for some sexy humor in the gallery?   
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    + José Soplanucas reacted to marylander1940 in Preposterous porn plot points   
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    + José Soplanucas reacted to marylander1940 in Preposterous porn plot points   
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    + José Soplanucas got a reaction from JDXXX in 411 on Black Escorts   
    Sean Xavier is amazing, but retired. Rio, from Baltimore is pretty good. Chris, from DC (BodyWrk202 @ adam4adam) is fabulous. James (Diggin u out @a4a) is a sweet great kisser.
  7. Like
    + José Soplanucas reacted to BabyBoomer in 411 on Black Escorts   
    I can think of 4 that have not been mentioned.
    - Anthony Driller
    - Karsin Knightly
    - Gabriel Matthews
    - Kieron Porter
    ~Boomer ~
  8. Like
    + José Soplanucas reacted to MscleLovr in Flavio Garay in NYC from Buenos Aires   
    I think Irtwo that the site Latbear referred to is foro-escorts.com.ar The website address may well not be exact as I'm travelling and can't check it on my iMac.
    I consulted that site when I travelled extensively in Argentina. Overwhelmingly it deals with female companions but there is a sub-section on gay male companions. There is a very useful section on bad experiences where clients have been robbed and/or attacked.
    I feel that Google Translate will be of little use to you as many posters there use slang and colloquial expressions in what they write.
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    + José Soplanucas reacted to BabyBoomer in Flavio Garay in NYC from Buenos Aires   
    ~ Boomer ~
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    + José Soplanucas reacted to AdamSmith in Friday Funnies   
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    + José Soplanucas reacted to AdamSmith in What's Your Earliest "I'm Queer" memory?   
    What else? The hallmark of Star Trek The Original Series.
    What they could get away with, broadcasting to '60s TV sets with rabbit ear antennas!
  12. Like
    + José Soplanucas reacted to AdamSmith in What's Your Earliest "I'm Queer" memory?   
    Just retrieved this memory. When I was eight and this Star Trek episode aired, I was distinctly conscious of ogling the guy, not the girl...

    ...Vaal was not the only one hungering that day!
  13. Like
    + José Soplanucas reacted to dcguy20 in "Airbnb'ing" your property to an escort?   
    I own in a very small condo building. Half of the units in the building are rented out, much to the chagrin to those of us who own and reside in the building. A year or so ago, I noticed various strangers coming and going with suitcases into the unit next to mine (which happened to be rented out). One evening as I was exiting my unit I ran into two such Air BnB customers who were entering that particular unit, and asked how which website they used. They confirmed Air BnB. We already had language in our condo rules and regulations about temporary renters, but we have since updated them specifically spelling out about renting through various websites such as Air BnB. Needless to say the owner of that unit was fined and the tenant thrown out. Upon renting, Tenant's are supposed to sign and acknowledge that they've read and understood our rules and regulations.
    I am not comfortable seeing an escort or massuer in a property they're staying at through those kind of sites, and have turned down seeing guys because of that.
    Being on the other end of having a lot of strangers coming and going next door, I find it a little troublesome to say the least.
  14. Like
    + José Soplanucas reacted to + Tygerscent in What's Your Earliest "I'm Queer" memory?   
    Queer moment... Ugh~ what does that mean~?
    I've always been attracted to guys and girls asses, (and the other parts of them)~ As far back as I can remember~ I've never identified with the labels "straight" or "gay" or "bi"... Just "sexual"~
    I briefly sucked an older school mates dick when I was seven... He came up behind me while riding the bus to school a few days after that and put a vibrating dildo up against my cheek and called me a "fag"~ I went home and asked my parents what he meant... They explained that it was a discriminating word that some people use to call people of the same sex having sexual relations together~ There was no stigma against people attached to their explaination but, rather the point that the intension of the use of the word was to hurt someone out of fear... They explained that the word was discriminatory and inappropriate.
    I went away from the conversation thinking that the boy who called me a fag must be full of fear and afraid of his gift to love other people~
    I felt sorry that he was so afraid he felt it necessary to call me a fag~
    I guess that was my first "queer moment"~?
    I've had sensual and sexual relations with both males and females all of my life but it was never "wrong" or "bad"... It was always natural sexual exploration and expression of human affection and/or hormonally aspects of being~
    I grew up thinking what was important is identifying as a human being, male, lakotah, good person, hard worker, good friend, intelligent and helpful compassionate being and somewhere way down the line, I relate sexually towards men and women~
    Though I self identify as a Male Geisha... My sexuality isn't my main core of identity~
    My "queer moment" has always been the crossing out of the word "queer", "fag", "homo", from others modern day language, (that depicts the expression of fear about their understanding of their own sexuality and fear of sexuality in general), when they try to label me like that...
    What's been queer moments for me has been how others define some of my general human being~ A sort of political jargon and label placing that I never seem to give weight to personally~
    At the foundation of sexuality is the concept of beauty~
    I've had many "beautiful moments" with the same sex as early as age three or earlier~ they didn't become queer until some one said they were~
    Before that, I was just a regular person~
    QUOTE="Tonyko, post: 983564, member: 11218"AS IF YESTERDAY, the Nun stopping the class and saying Mr. Baldini WHAT is so fascinating outside that window??? I had NO idea what I was feeling or why but "something" inside me told me I shouldn't tell the Sister I was looking at this guy. Something told me it was "wrong?" . I can't remember what I said or IF I said anything. BUT I remember the feeling crystal clear!
  15. Like
    + José Soplanucas got a reaction from + Charlie in What's Your Earliest "I'm Queer" memory?   
    Up to my first high school years, I would find the image of dicks and balls disgusting. I would get horny over any other part of the male body, and just kiss and j.o. together in my masturbatory fantasies. What a silly girl.
  16. Like
    + José Soplanucas got a reaction from BabyBoomer in What's Your Earliest "I'm Queer" memory?   
    Up to my first high school years, I would find the image of dicks and balls disgusting. I would get horny over any other part of the male body, and just kiss and j.o. together in my masturbatory fantasies. What a silly girl.
  17. Like
    + José Soplanucas reacted to + Gar1eth in What's Your Earliest "I'm Queer" memory?   
    She destroyed a book?
  18. Like
    + José Soplanucas got a reaction from Nebost in What's Your Earliest "I'm Queer" memory?   
    I can relate to that, Tonyko. This isn't my first queer experience, but it is the longer lasting one. I have always been a lone hunter, never been or am interested in a committed, LTR, so my crushes tend to be very short. But there is one guy I met almost 30 years ago I still have a passionate relationship with. When I met him both of us were very young, and he was a street hustler. A breathtaking beautiful one. Our encounters would always involved some kind of transaction, not always money, maybe diner, a piece of clothing, a joint, something. We would not have anal sex, but the kissing was celestial. After a few months of meeting very often, he robbed me. I was very young and poor, so he just vanished without much, just a tape recorder and my weed while I was sleeping. After about one year, he reconnects begging me to see him. We meet, he brings some cash to pay for my goods (he was and is waaayyy below the poverty line), and explains to me that a friend of him was waiting for him outside, armed, and threatening to use his weapon if he did not leave my place with some valuables. Of course I did not know wether or not to believe him. But the chemistry was so strong that I gave him the benefit of doubt and we started a long process of reconciliation. He stopped asking for anything in exchange of sex and that year, as a birthday gift, he bottomed for me for the first time. We have been loyal friends and passionate lovers since then. He is married, has three children, and still when I am visiting Buenos Aires we spend together as much time as we can. I will be with him this very Thursday. He is not anymore the smoking hot stud he used to be, but when I meet with him the old passion just aroused. I am not even close to be young attractive guy I was, but he still freaks out when we are together. Right now I have a boner.
  19. Like
    + José Soplanucas reacted to TruHart1 in Bondage trusted escorts   
    I am a completely vanilla client, always on the look-out for that BFE. However, from reading his reviews and other threads here about Raul G. Manzo, I believe he may meet your criteria completely. I've hired him many times, but only for the vanilla experience, at which he is outstanding! He HAS shown me some of his home-made "toys" though, and as some of his reviews describe, he is excellent at furnishing the BDSM experience!
  20. Like
    + José Soplanucas reacted to whipped guy in Bondage trusted escorts   
    The switch is the tricky part.

    Finding escorts who will do BDSM is not a big deal. Also, mentioning names is not verboten either... Raul is certainly an excellent choice for the Chicago area. I'm not sure where you are located, or if you would be willing to travel or have them travel to you.
    However, you specifically mention "especially those willing to switch". That is where it gets tricky.
    They exist and I have done it with a few... Incidentally all but one asked me to do it to them, and regarding the one who didn't, I jokingly dared him and he surprisingly agreed on the spot. Reviews were written for all but the last mentioned guy.... Actually to be more specific... I never offered to write the last guy a review because he really did not need one... and for some reason I thought that I would be overstepping my bounds... At any rate, the decision was mine alone and to this day I wonder if he would have agreed to such a review... Well, I did subsequently write a review but it was a over year later and described a different type of scenario.
    In any event, all the reviews were very carefully written and worded. I would doubt that most of these guys would jump at the opportunity without first establishing a bond of trust and mutual respect with the client. In other words, I doubt that they would do it with first time clients... well, actually it was our first time together for that one guy for whom I did not initially write a review, but I guess I just came across as being totally trustworthy... and to be fair we have hit it off quite nicely ever since... It's just that since then he has been doing most of the hitting...
    Regarding the others, it was either a need to experiment and satisfy a bit of curiosity or it was something that they practiced in their private lives and not something that they would normally do with clients. One guy has retired... The others are active, but none have either gotten a similar type review, and obviously none have advertised such a scene. As I said I doubt that they would just do it with just anyone.
    Consequently, I feel uncomfortable blurting out any names here... There needs to be an extremely special bond between the participants... Plus, the planets have to be perfectly aligned... Moreover, since I was dealing more with the S&M component of BDSM it was imperative that I be quite careful and cautious so as not to turn these exquisite specimens of manhood into damage goods... After all, their body's are their bread and butter!
    In any event, if you are interested in escorts who specialize more in rope play, cuffs, etc. the possibilities would probably be a bit less problematic. When dealing with the bondage aspects a bit more leeway might enter into the equation... Still, it would certainly take a certain amount of trust for any escort to submit to such a scenario...
    As for your specific likes... I would post them along with your location and I'll bet that you will get a lot of advice to help you get started regarding your specific wants, desires, and needs! It's worth a shot!
  21. Like
    + José Soplanucas reacted to + Gar1eth in What's Your Earliest "I'm Queer" memory?   
    I was a fat kid-slimmed up with puberty-but am now fat again for the last 20 years. But I was never any girl's dream (or guy's unfortunately) . And when I learned about sex when I was about 12 (my Dad couldn't bring himself to talk about it with me. He bought me a thin paperback to read. He told me to ask him if I had any questions.), the idea terrified me. (My pardon to the ladies but) the thought of Vaginas scared me silly. And I was supposed to put my tallywacker in that. Actually I may still feel that way (pardon ladies).
    I remember talking with my brother who was around 19 at the time. I told him it sounded weird. He told me it was supposed to feel good if you moved your tallywacker around once you were inside (he may or may not have used the term 'wiggle').
    So on top of being horrified by sex and vaginas-a feeling which persisted-I also felt no attraction for girls. I mean there were girls I thought were pretty or cute. But they never affected my tallywacker. On the other hand handsome guys did affect me. I probably knew I was gay deep down. But I kept hoping I'd develop feelings for women. That never happened. But the idea of gay sex terrified me too. I think it would have still terrified me whether AIDS had occurred or not-and the first cases were reported when I was 19. My fears may very well have prevented me from getting infected.
    But I'm not sure I really knew much about gay sex even though the thought of it terrified me. I read a fiction story in a gay magazine when I was 21 (wasn't mine-it was a roommate's hidden stash that I found -he told me he wasn't gay-someone had given them to him-I think I might have believed him at the time). I still wasn't really admitting to myself I was gay, but I had suspicions. But the description of bottoming in the story was something else that turned me off . I knew I never wanted to do that.
    So over the years my fear of sex increased. That was added to by not wanting to be gay. Finally I was afraid I was never going to experience sex. That fear slightly overcame my fear of having sex and led to my 1st hire at age 41.
  22. Like
    + José Soplanucas reacted to bostonman in What's Your Earliest "I'm Queer" memory?   
    I thought I had posted this yesterday, but I guess I didn't...
    I was casual friends with a high school classmate who went to the same college I did, and he became friends with my roommate, so we would hang every now and then. I remember him telling me one night that one of the jocks in our high school class (very cute baseball player) had come out. He was one of those guys you'd just never expect to be gay, if one can say that about anyone, lol. I was, of course, intrigued, though I was sure I'd never have a change with the guy. And I never did get in touch with him.
    I was curious one day recently and wanted to see if I could find him on facebook - which I did. He's married (to a woman) and I think they have 3 kids. Go figure...
    I have no reason to doubt that my friend was telling the truth at the time. So I would assume that the jockboy was at very least experimenting. Or maybe he would now say that he's bisexual - who knows. But it's funny that I was actually just a little disappointed to see that he had swung back the other way, lol. But I also should assume that he has the life he wants, as I certainly have no reason to think otherwise. What I'd love to know is what his sexual journey was. But we were never close enough even in high school for me to feel like I can really contact him out of the blue to talk about it, lol.
  23. Like
    + José Soplanucas reacted to fedssocr1 in What's Your Earliest "I'm Queer" memory?   
    Dear Penthouse Forum, I never thought it would happen to me....
    I never really got to do anything with anyone either until I got to college and met this guy in a quiet restroom. I feel like I really missed out on a lot too. I've discovered after the fact that a couple of guys I had pegged in HS were gay after all. One of my best friends also turned out to be gay but I didn't find that out until a couple of years ago.
    I think I had one really good chance my senior year in HS. This kid that I had chemistry class with and I got together to work on a project. He was totally hot. If I had made a move I think everything would have worked out. But I was too scared. He wasn't well liked because he thought he was smarter than everyone else, but for some reason he respected me. I often wonder "what if?" Unfortunately he died a couple of years later on a stolen motorcycle. He was a troubled soul.
  24. Like
    + José Soplanucas reacted to + Charlie in What's Your Earliest "I'm Queer" memory?   
    My best friend from high school told me about his earliest realization that he was gay. When he was 12, Richard had a local paper delivery route, and once per month he collected his payment from the customers. One of them was a Polish woman with an 18 year old son, Philip, a big, blond athlete. One day when he went to collect his money, the woman wasn't home, and Philip invited him to come in and play around, which turned out to be masturbating one another. From then on, Philip often managed to be home alone when Richard came to collect, and over the next six years the playing around escalated into more homoerotic activity, even including a scene in which Richard tied Philip spreadeagled on a bed and fucked him. Richard liked to go to the movies by himself on Saturday afternoons, and Philip told him that if he sat in a certain place in the theater, older men might approach him and masturbate him or even suck his cock in the dark. Soon Richard's paper delivery money was being spent on movie tickets, and he was associating cowboy movies with orgasms. By the time he graduated from high school, he knew he was gay.
    Richard never revealed any of this to me until the week we graduated, when we finally came out to one another. He told me that Philip, now 24, was about to get married, and he suggested that I should have a shot at him while he was still available. He arranged for the three of us to go out one night in a car and park in an isolated spot for some fun. Philip turned out to be at least 6'4" with sinewy muscles and silky blond body hair, not handsome but with a harshly masculine face and very butch in demeanor. He was obviously tense about the situation, but there was a hard bulge in his trousers. Richard encouraged me to take Philip's cock out and suck it, and I was stunned: it was the biggest one I had ever seen, and even more than a half century later, I don't think I have ever handled anything bigger. I could barely get my mouth over the head, and I couldn't imagine how Richard at 12 could have done anything with it. No wonder Richard had usually been the top in their activities.
    Philip got married a few weeks later, and Richard had only one further experience with him; about two years later, when his wife was out of town, Philip called Richard and invited him to come over for some fun. It was a repeat of the bondage and fucking scene. Richard had some poppers with him, and gave them to Philip, who reacted with much wilder abandon that Richard had even seen from him before. But he never heard from him again.
  25. Like
    + José Soplanucas reacted to jeffla in Pornstar Will Braun. Hipster/sexy/nerd? Not your everyday pornstar.   
    I am in love with this boy. Really rare that I get into porn stars, but if this hottie were to escort, I'd see him the next day.
    He's also really intelligent too in his interviews. Adorable looks aside, he is a really intriguing young guy.
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