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Posts posted by jjkrkwood

  1. Our Justin is currently touring and doing shows in Boston. Yesterday, he opted for some downtime in Beantown, and decided to enjoy the beautiful weather and tour Boston Common TOTALLY FUCKIN BAREFOOT.... What's up wit dat Biebs ? Don't ya know people spit in the street and animals piss and shit there too ? (sources said he had a member of his entourage nearby, CARRYING HIS SHOES)


    Boy, YOU CRAZY !



  2. He may very well be 45. Keep in mind that due to his medical condition--which he is open about in interviews--some facial lipodystrophy can happen. Personally I would never hire him because the equipment is cartoonish, and his live sex shows at HBLV gave me the creeps.


    "One man's Nightmare is another man's Dream" (and I've never seen any of his partners "laughing" at his equipment) I think he's HOT. but not much of a conversationalist... And he LOVES to eat ass....

  3. The sad thing was he was very good up to the point of trying to hustle that extra $20.



    I think for guys that work in those types of establishments, "hustle" is part of the game, and they are banking on the fact you may be too drunk, too stoned, or too horny to Notice !

  4. Each persons road to health and fitness is different as can be seen from the varied replies and regimens discussed here. I believe the trick is commitment and consistency. We each lead different lives , have diff schedules and require diff things. While one persons routine might not necessarily work for you, perhaps there are elements you can take from it and adapt to your lifestyle ? Bottom line we all want to be healthy, happy and enjoy our lives. That doesn't mean deprivation, nor does it mean overindulgence. You need to find a balance, and as you continue to age, adjust things accordingly. I truly wish everyone the best of luck on their personal journey. Mine has been a lifelong struggle, but I'm at the stage where I've learned to accept certain things and not stress over them. The one thing that will surely take you down is STRESS....

  5. In addition to high blood pressure overly salty foods can lead to congestive heart failure because sodium holds excess fluid in the body thereby creating an added burden on the heart. Too much sodium will also increase your risk of stroke, osteoporosis, stomach cancer, liver problems, and kidney disease.


    As for my quip about adding milk to make Red Lobster's rock hard biscuits fluffier, that is known culinary trick and my mentioning it was inspired by the proximity of your posting to mine, not to mention the pic of your cute fluffy kitty! Of course adding more fat will make them less hard, but as you imply it is the tranfat type is what would most often be used! :(


    In any event, no hard biscuits for a kitty! Heck, I would not even eat one myself! ;)



    I have NEVER had a hard one at Red Lobster. That comes later when the date I've taken there gives it to me in my boudoir.... :eek:

  6. That's a start!


    Now tonight you go home and have a roasted chicken breast, a dry baked potato, steamed plain broccoli, and a salad with a balsamic vinaigrette made with extra virgin olive oil. Later for a snack some plain Fage (the best brand out there IMHO) Greek Yogurt with some unsweetened natural apple sauce mixed in. That's more or less what I'm doing and I'm not cheating myself on quantity. It the quality that counts.


    One can always have their fun in other ways!



    Boring and Bland. I'm having 2 Mama Celeste Personal pan WHITE pizzas, and a Red Velvet iced cupcake from Crumbs bakeshop... If I shit it all out, I cant possibly gain any weight ! :rolleyes: Whippy, seems to me you are eating merely for sustenance, not enjoyment, cause there aint NOBODY that enjoys eating a dry baked potatoe, a plain steamed veggie, and salad without a creamy dressing.... I don't buy it Pinocchio !

  7. I always found it funny that it takes 30 minutes or more of cardio to burn just a measly 100 calories yet you can gain the 100 calories and then some by stuffing something in your mouth in a matter of seconds :p


    Losing weight is 80 percent diet and 20 percent working out. Just replace the soda,juices and sweet drinks for water and stop eating bread,pasta, rice etc and you should see a big change in a month or two. Even though working out is 20 percent is best to do it as well in combination to dieting so your body doesn't sag once you lose the weight. Use the machines at the gym and the free weights and your body will look tight and firm.


    Cut out bread, pasta, rice, etc ? What's left, a fucking lettuce leaf ? That's NOT living, unless you pour a ton of Catalina dressing on it and add some parmesan croutons and Honey walnuts.

  8. So now I know of two people addicted to the Cheetos thing. Well only one really as the other guy has seen the light and reformed his ways. However, something tells me that you will be a tough nut to crack. Somehow I might need more than a bullhide flogger (shown below in my sig pic) to convince you of the error of your ways!


    Whippy, the error of my ways always Taste SO GOOD ! :p:p:p


    And FYI, Cheetos are even MORE delish when you dip them in Cheese Fondue made from Velveeta...

  9. Given the right circumstances, I have been known to partake in a few Cheetos. And given those circumstances again, with the right company and atmosphere, I think I could partake again along with other "treats." WG2



    a FEW Cheetos ? When I start, I cant Stop....



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