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Posts posted by jjkrkwood

  1. OK, so here's the newest teen heartthrob Brooklyn Beckham, son of David Beckham, rocking the new "white boy in dreads" trend. He looks cool, hip and natural, unlike BVB's baby boy Bieber, who just looks like a bratty white boy playing dress up for Halloween....



  2. http://cdn.images.motherlessmedia.com/images/75EBCC7.jpg?fs=opencloud



    http://41.media.tumblr.com/1fa21fd8d5217c73a9a4db08e1dc958e/tumblr_mhgwy9MI0j1qkgbfeo1_500.jpg http://45.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lysjiuOUkp1r8wz28o1_250.gif http://milliondicks.com/pics/t/s-59586.gif http://45.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lysjiuOUkp1r8wz28o4_250.gif



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  3. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-RFbzeujmZO8/Vj9hdAoN7eI/AAAAAAAAc0A/yhf2QKzKIu4/s640/gay%2Bnipple%2Bplay.gif http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Fr1JXwpDsV8/U1_J3AjJVCI/AAAAAAACD3w/xMkkLHCvFHc/s1600/tumblr_mwgsxyhNDG1rk54eco1_500.gif



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  4. http://41.media.tumblr.com/1c05998d597ef878b048b7b7daee6200/tumblr_mt4hoxXaXR1saujx6o2_500.jpg eac491052703544689ee6f234d0085b5.jpg


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    http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m583ayhtXP1r81beto1_1280.jpg http://twohornyguys.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/horny_gay_nipples_8.jpg


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  5. NYClocker! You don't know how great it has made me feel knowing that I have had a small part in corrupting another one. Welcome to the club!


    I know all about the good sisters from years of Parochial school. They are not much on during pain, but are mistresses of dishing it out. As I have posted in the forum in the past my years under the tutelage of the good sisters proved to be significant spring board for my appreciation of the joys of S&M. Of course as o mentioned in another thread the biggest dominatrix of all was a certain Sister Annie Felicitas.... So named due to the amount of "felicity" that she spread!


    Oh! I knew that. Quella mosca sulla parete mi ha detto tante storie! Yeah, that fly on the wall has reported to me and then some!


    Damn Whippy, you busted me again..... Now my secret is out...! "Now take it like a bitch !" :mad:



  6. Eh...exile ANY food that is the color white from your life, permanently. Next, torch that bitch processed sugar. Have you looked into periodic ketogenic dieting?



    Well that just about knocks out everything except fruits and nuts. I'm obviously OK with NUTS, but cant live on greens and fruit. I hate FISH !

  7. Absolutely, Greg. Most of the world eats hamburgers and millions wear neckties. Is this cultural misappropriation, too? I don't care for dreads as an affectation on Caucasians, but wtf, kids love to experiment. Not everything has to be a cause celebre! (I wish I knew how to insert the correct accent marks on my notebook when I write in French.)


    Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.


    So right glennnn, I clearly see where Justin was going with this...


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