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Posts posted by jjkrkwood

  1. A tweak and a bite


    http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2432/3908557626_6b9f6769fb.jpg http://confessionsvelvetropes.typepad.com/my_weblog/images/2008/05/19/marcus_and_george_2.jpg 20111116-165519.jpg



    http://www.homorazzi.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/julian-schratter-river-nipple.jpg hqdefault.jpg


    http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4154/5087492098_fdb6f248a4.jpg 6007429550_2434f05c69.jpg 6224eebfcca78a8b43dc0aff8b9bfdf5.jpg 42-17184541.jpg?w=200&h=300



    http://epicsaholic.com/pics/1863/gay-male-nipple-play-and-worship.jpg http://45.media.tumblr.com/8ce58df6d98e9f85c53eb0f6b4c7327b/tumblr_mm4gmga7Fo1rtqi5no5_400.gif



    http://45.media.tumblr.com/0ce75cc4b4f742dbb04e0870df9b8748/tumblr_mlghcemk9z1r91w4uo1_500.gif http://41.media.tumblr.com/f44bc056c90424c813b7e3158629e93e/tumblr_nzsu7lfXo81u9wigeo1_500.jpg



    And Just Because......



  2. If you wore that, your drag name would be Santa LaWhora



    You must be Psychic ??? That was my name at my Quinceanera, but I wore THIS..... (I know, you wanna be ME)



  3. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_w2Ayg9sKpoY/TN5HCs1jydI/AAAAAAAAAb0/Ta5yu1mDU4s/s320/Dirty%2Blaundry%2Bbasket.jpg

    "There's only two places for dirty laundry, in the hamper or in the washer"



    Or just send it to ME, i'll make good use of it !


    http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-GTLTJf6jhsY/UBbLetYftsI/AAAAAAAAZHs/82mIHakckrA/s640/25712.jpg http://assets.studio3x.com/images/nastydaddy.com/42922/203759-315x499.jpg http://becomingmreagle.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/401990_299541010109206_100001599270046_919509_865008508_n.jpg

  4. I guess this is what jj uses and would recommend:




    I wonder if he sells it?!?!



    Damn Whipped, you're always busting Me !




    Now all the Daddy members will pvt me for Discounts.... FUCK !



  5. Huh? I can't hear you, I heard buff, Bora Bora, model and my mind began racing...








    I'm with YOU Trudy.... JJ Loves the Tropics... (ya want My CHERRY ?)



  6. You Like ?????
















    NOW THIS...One more time



    Nighty night all....:D


    AMEN Sistah !



  8. We're on the same page on that phrase.


    I think we agree he shows too much attitude for this kind of business, will other groups be blacklisted in the future from hiring him.


    Let's just move on, Annapolis ain't Detroit or Harlem, that phrase might give him a surge of calls in one of the few heavily republican cities in the East Coast.




    That's a personal preference for consensual sex, very different.


    Yes Very different, but whether its a personal preference or a racial one, its still the subjects CHOICE, and his reasons for making those choices are irrelevant. They are HIS choices to make. The fact the WE disapprove is not his problem, its ours.... And the word "consensual" is just that. Not Mandatory. So we are basically condeming a man for making a consensual choice simply because the element of Race, which bothers US, comes into play ?




    No fags allowed?

    YES, this exists. I agree, but what's the point. Gay people have been discriminated against Forever...




    An escort is not attracted to 95% of the guys who hired him because they're old (like me) or overweight (like many of yinz). The main part of the business is having the stomach of having sex with guys who are not appealing. But if your stomach is not that strong, that's just a silly notion...


    Calling someone who's a business man and a service provider who openly advertises in this ad "no blacks" a racist is a long shot? C'mon!




    I never implied the escort WASN'T racist. All I asked is WHY that is any of MY business ?. It isnt.... If an escort chooses to exclude ME for any reason, all I can do about it is move on and select a different escort who has no problem with me. I think that's a more mature approach than whining about it. The escort here is voluntarily letting you know where he stands, so for those thinking that "outting" him with labels is helping others is just "a bit late to the party".. And all they are really doing is grandstanding their own political correctness.

    And since this is the internet, what people say here is not always how they Really feel. Many respond in a way that makes them more "acceptable" to their peers here which facilitates their time on the board... I clearly dont care about having an easy time here. God knows. But at least I am staying true to my beliefs..

  10. I sympathize with much of what you've written, but have to draw the line here. No one can make others open their hearts and minds, and let go of their prejudices, which almost all of us have in some shape or form. But I categorically reject the false equivalency between the experience of being the subject of discriminatory practices, and that of being subject to the backlash against such practices. The "real injustice" is not that members of this community have taken these two escorts (including the guy in the other thread) to task for their racially discriminatory business practices.


    I suppose it's better that Dakota, unlike that POS referenced in the other thread, informs prospective clients in advance that he refuses black clients, so as to avoid an awkward encounter down the road. But that's where white privilege comes into play. It may be awkward for the white escort, but it's far more than awkward for the client of color. As someone who has personally experienced racial discrimination, I can tell you that it's deeply offensive, hurtful, anger-inducing, and does violence to one's spirit. That's not to say that you want to give power to others so that they can hurt you. But there are certain things, given this particular cultural and historical backdrop, that resonate much more deeply, so "just let it fucking go" doesn't even begin to address that. It is not the same as those jerks who callously put "no fats, fems, or old guys" in a dating profile. It is much deeper than that.


    I don't believe Dakota has ever explained his reasons on this thread, despite chiming in with some cute comments here and there, including a since-deleted joke about black guys being super hung (kind of inappropriate to invoke racial stereotypes here given the overall subject matter, but hey...). No one but Dakota himself knows the true motivation behind his actions.* He may not perceive himself to be racist, and might just not be sexually attracted to black guys, while having no other issues with blacks or any other groups of people. So it may be as simple as his belief or assumption that he could not perform with a black man. Or he may actually have full-blown racist attitudes against black people, and therefore want nothing to do with them in any capacity, including escort work. Or maybe it's somewhere between those extremes. Only Dakota can say what his real reasons are, assuming he's even given it that much thought. I get the sense from his comments that this is not a big deal to him, and if so, then it's unlikely this has been a subject of deep introspection. In any event, I think it's unfortunate that anyone has racial prejudices on any level, including the selection of their sexual and romantic partners. But life isn't perfect, and neither are we. I wish the best to Dakota and everyone else who's participated in these two threads.


    *The other escort seemed to have a particular prejudice against American blacks, since he was willing to make an exception with the client who started that thread because he had a British accent. That suggests that it wasn't about sexual attraction, per se, but racial prejudice, particularly as animated by American-style racist attitudes against black Americans.


    YES Strafe, this is a very complicated issue and affects people deeply, but I will bet my life that many of those yapping about racism here with this escort thread are staunch supporters of Donald Trump who arrogantly makes his racist comments to widespread approval. You cannot CHOOSE the times and circumstances for Racism. You either are or you aint....


    As for this comment: It is not the same as those jerks who callously put "no fats, fems, or old guys" in a dating profile. It is much deeper than that. It IS very much the same thing and just as hurtful to those people that are Fat, fem or Old. Diminishing the feelings of these people is a bit insensitive of you.

  11. So no one has responded to the elephant in the room. Next time I see a client asking for a twink, a Black guy, an Asian, a hairy guy or one of the many other wants they have I'll be sure to post that they're racist and should hang their heads in shame - cause guess what - all of these are attributes that a person can't change. I've known enough escorts who have been hurt badly by clients calling them fat, ugly and other mean spirited names. Most of the times their opinion wasn't even asked for, it's more like a person posting if anyone knows anything about a specific escort and having to endure a bunch of posts about why that escort is too inked, old, young, whatever. By the way Dakota, welcome to the board. You've certainly entered with a bang. :)


    Yup exactly Newly, and most of the guys squawking here about what the escort didnt want are overlooking the fact that THEY have the same similar prejudices in their hiring choices, but noone makes a stink over it because it isnt made public. Most of these members repeated hire the same type of guy, overlooking and excluding an entire other spectrum of escort. I think open prejudices are much more honest and way less dangerous than hidden or "veiled" ones. Making the statement "NO BLACKS" in an Ad to me simply implies this individual doesnt

    have sex with black men. WHY the label racist is being thrown at him for it is beyond me. And its the issues of those people throwing the labels that are the real problem, not the escorts...

    The word "Racist" keeps being thrown around, but what ever happened to a persons "right to Choose" ?

  12. I'm Sorry Tru, and while I can never disagree with your well worded and presented logic here, even putting SEX aside as you say, this is REAL life and the truth is that often one's man's beliefs and words will be another man's Pain. It will always be that way and unfortunately we will not change that. And to be clear, the ONLY reason my focus was on SEX was because the discussion centered on an ESCORT not wanting to be sexual with a client of color. It was not about a restaurant refusing to serve same person, or a hospital refusing to treat him. It was about an ESCORT refusing sex based on race. To me, he has every right to do that. His physical body is involved. Its his choice whom he wants to give it to, and prospective clients WERE advised in his Ad. Now, if other people were emotionally "hurt" by his words, that is sad and unfortunate, but its something they must come to terms with.. What a beautiful world it would be if Everything was good for Everybody, but it Sho Ain't.... While members here want to jump on a bandwagon and make comparisons between an escort refusing people of color, and businesses refusing service to them, the comparisons are not apples to apples... and for me, that's just stretching to make a point... I am sure Dakota HAS thought about the impact his decisions have on his "bottom line", and he is obviously OK with that too. It seems the prospective clients that wont hire him because of his beliefs are the ones bent out of shape, possibly because of the loss of experiencing HIM ? EACH person needs to handle their own shit in situations such as these. Its OK to be a bit selfish and self-serving.. Whether Dakota is racist or not is NONE of my fucking business. We are each in control of ourselves; if we choose not to hire him, we dont and move along, but we have no right to tell OTHERS how to behave. That's the real injustice here.. Is it discrimination ? HELL YES, and I DONT condone that, but lets keep the issue at hand in perspective and not try to fit it into every other social and moral issue that exists in the world. As the saying goes "opinions are like Assholes, everybody has one". I have no beef with anyone here regarding this topic, but perhaps MY asshole is just a bit bigger and oddly shaped ?


    And PLEASE guys, stop with the pvt hate mail calling me ignorant and racist, and wishing me dead. If you have a comment, make it publicly and not in the cowardly way.

  13. JD, I have a somewhat different perspective. It is very hard for me to trust, and when I am lucky enough to have a close friend, I find it very hard to distance myself or discard them just bc their behavior is "annoying" to me. If their behavior was criminal, dangerous, or something worse, then, yeah, I would probably modify the relationship or end it. However, in the grand scheme of things, if someone is a braggart is that enough to modify the friendship? Before giving up on him, I would take a hard look at myself and ask: can I control my negative reaction to his bragging? Can I stand losing face when he brags to others in front of me? Sometimes, being a close friend really entails embracing someone fully for the good and the bad. I certainly hope my close friends don't give up on me when I annoy them - even if continuously. good luck! -TR




    Hey Trudy, since we are "besties" can you send me a cashiers check for $10k. I need a tummy tuck !

  14. http://www.towleroad.com/2016/03/michael-sam-2/


    The latest issue of Attitude magazine seems so appropriate here.


    Michael Sam appears on the cover of Attitude‘s May issue and talks to the magazine about coming out, racism, and homophobia. Speaking about racism in the ‘gay community’, Sam says,


    “It’s terrible. ...You want to be accepted by other people but you don’t even accept someone just because of the colour of their skin? I just don’t understand that at all. How are you saying that, ‘oh, I want people to accept me because I’m gay but I don’t accept you because you’re black, or because you’re white or because you’re Asian’."


    "Acceptance" of a person has a much broader definition.... I dont understand WHY you people dont get it. You can accept a person, be ok with them politically, socially, spiritually etc, but you just may not want to be physically intimate with them. Just because you ACCEPT a person shouldnt make it Mandatory for you to want SEX with them. And that's the fuckin bottom line here. And this has absolutely nothing to do with being GAY. Being GAY doesnt mean that you fuck EVERYTHING that lives and breathes. Stop telling people where they should stick their dicks.....!

  15. Its unfortunate that dakota doesn't service all races :p but you can't force him to do something he doesn't want to do. Yeah it may sound harsh when he puts "no blacks" in his profile but its his profile and at least he's telling you its not a good fit so you avoid wasting your time.. Use that anger if what he writes frustrates you and hire more minorities then, we'll appreciate it :p




    In the other thread on this very same topic about the client that showed up at the escorts door, only to have the escort tell him he does not usuallyn engage black clients because they are always troublesome for him, BUT he will go thru will the meet up because the client didnt sound American, You all dumped on the escort and criticized him for not putting his preferences in his ad. But here we are with an escort that did put in preferences in his ad, and your panties are still in a twist or the mere reason he doesnt want intimacy with men of color. Get over it already guys. Anybody could and should have sex ONLY with those they want to, and your criticisms of that are just bullshit. Leave the guys alone. Its their lives and their bodies. I find it ridiculous that Anyone should have Anything to say about how a person uses their body. Enough.!

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