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Posts posted by jjkrkwood

  1. Well, the situation doesn't only apply to "escorts". As a civilian, I had 2 friends (they were a couple) who always made "everything" about THEM. When we would make plans to do something, it had to be their ideas, what they wanted, when they wanted. They wouldn't be the least bit flexible on anything. They were braggadocious and "self serving" about everything. If you did something, they "ultimately did it better" . If you bought something, what they bought was better. It was exhausting... I tried to overlook and ignore, but after several years I just couldn't anymore. I confronted them and told them how I felt, but instead of receiving an understanding of my issues, I got the "oh, you're just jealous" line. At that point I realized they were all about themselves, and really didn't comprehend the idea of "Friendship"... I cut them loose...because i was getting absolutely nothing from the relationship....


    So JD, my advice is to weigh the Pro's and cons of the relationship, and decide if you can exist in the space created for you with him.... Usually when you sit down and seriously THINK about it, the picture becomes perfectly clear as to what you need to do....

  2. Haha, I feel the same way. I like rubbing bellies and (my fav) grabbing man tits:D, especially when I'm on top, but I wonder if I'm making guys feel self conscious by doing so.


    Man tits just sound so "unsavory"... It conjures up an unpleasant image for ME....



  3. Ego is a tough master! I am 5' 9" and currently 193 pounds. Have never been over 170 before, and i know my extra avoid du pois is due to the medications take.... But I can't stand it. Don't think anyone would call me fat or even chubby- i am fairly hard and muscular, but I am ashamed of my weight and determined to be under 185 before appearing nude in Palm Springs. Ego is a tough master!


    The Answer: Caftans



  4. Yup! One of the most important things for any relationship is honest communication. Having that helps ensure a good time will be had by all.






    I wouldn't say it will "ensure" it , but it will make the possibility greater.... There is always the element of Chemistry, which really cant be tested 100% unless you are face-2-face... Many, many things look and sound good on paper and in theory, but never really reach their full potential in a REAL LIVE meeting.

  5. As someone whos battled weight issues all my life. I treat anyone who books time with me the same, with love, kindness and RESPECT. Not too long ago, almost 5 years ago I was almost 200 pounds. That's the heaviest I've ever been so I know all too well how it feels to be self-conscious and worry about what someone is going to think about my weight. A professional will be up front about any concerns they may have and may ask what you are able to do comfortably.






    Well Greg, if you are 6 ft tall, you'd be perfection @ 200. I am 5'9.5" and currently at my highest weight of 230. It's a terrible struggle... I diet and workout but cant drop a single ounce... I am currently researching the "fat freeze" and lipo procedures.... People don't say I'm fat, but I am uncomfortable in this body... and this summer when I broke my beach chair, that was the final nail in my coffin....

  6. I have this regular who's like 300 pounds he is very active in bed. He gets really into it which makes me get into it, he also loves to get on fours and let his boy plow his brains out lol. I naturally like bigger guys just like I like older guys.:D



    OH MY, then you would ADORE me..! :p

  7. Doesn't the saying go the bigger the better ;)


    I love to hug and feel bigger guys they feel so comfortable and I feel safe in their arms :)



    There are "degrees" of bigness"... would you be honest with a client that showed up that you KNEW you were not attracted to, and knew you might not be able to become aroused and perform with. OR does that just not happen to escorts ? There's a saying that also goes "everybody has a breaking point".....

  8. Its probably all the more difficult when you go from a sexy Hearthrob, living your live in front of a camera and in the public eye, to a regular out of shape Joe. Your struggle with self esteem is heightened, and everyone is watching your descent. Aging is a normal, natural process, and none of us look the same as we did even 10 years ago. There are very few of us that can look perpetually good without hard work on your body, proper diet and discipline. But Hollywood doesn't allow that, although men seem to have a easier time with aging than the women do. So I really feel bad for the guy...and his struggles..

  9. http://www.newnownext.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/tyler-posey-nip.gif





  10. A couple of quickies to get the week started:








    In pic #1, I really cant focus on the nipples cause I am way too distracted a little lower !

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