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Posts posted by JayCeeKy

  1. I've been asked twice for upfront payment and was ripped off both times. Never again.


    I have only been asked once, and out the door he flew. Never again.

  2. If you become concerned that your nutritional needs are suffering during weight loss just remember that semen has over 200 separate proteins, as well as vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, calcium, chlorine, citric acid, fructose, lactic acid, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, vitamin B12, and zinc . I suggest one dose per day.

  3. Intermittent Fasting - there are various methods - it focuses not on what you eat as when you eat. The one I like is the Eat-Stop-Eat ----> fasting from dinner one day, to dinner the next, basically a 24-hour fast. I do it once a week.

    I-F is not only good for losing weight but has been shown to improve overall body metabolism. There's lots of info online about fasting.


    I also walk on the treadmill 3 miles a day - or in the park during nice weather.

  4. I'm not sure about a Full Moon - I've always heard that police departments get many more bizarre calls during a full moon. I do know that in nursing homes there is a phenomenon called SUNDOWNING - residents, especially those with dementia tend to get more irritable, agitated, and unmanageable when the sun goes down. Having worked with patients with schizophrenia, I found that they, too, tend to have increased symptoms after the sun goes down. The opposite is true for those with depression who tend to feel better at night - and, as a result, often stay awake all night and sleep during the day.

  5. The article says that the "mint julep" is the most popular cocktail in Kentucky. Maybe on the first Saturday in May but not the rest of the time. I've had about three in my entire life and I drink like a fish.


    The mint keeps getting in your teeth and the taste is, well, too minty.


    For the perfect mint julep do this:


    1. Wash hands with mint-scented soap. 2. Pour Makers Mark in a glass. 3. Drink

  6. Netgear Arlo Pro - get the " rechargeable batteries" type cause they can eat up batteries. Get it on sale at either Costco or Amazon. Sends you a message when there is movement. Works great. I have a camera hidden on mantel and another unobtrusively on a bookcase. As you will find out, 24/7 monitoring with video is an expensive proposition.

  7. Somebody, at one time, told me that the link below was Jacob from HH. I don't know - they have some similarities but may not be him. I think they both have the same size equipment,, though.




    Several months ago I vaguely remember coming across Rogan as being from the same area where I am - though he obviously lives in NYC now. And, Jacob (the one from RM link) DID visit here just for a day a few weeks ago. Coincidence? Could be totally wrong.


    Let me know if I am right/wrong.

  8. In my 20's I worked at the front desk at a motel in Charm City. There were two really cute teens - one black and one white - who worked odd jobs around the place. I perceived them as being super straight and too hot and butch to even consider the possibility of gay romance. One afternoon at the start of my shift the hotel "detective" (an off-duty cop) told me that he had caught the white guy buggering the black guy on the table in the laundry room. As Chuck Berry said: c'est la vie say the old folks just goes to show you never can tell.

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