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Everything posted by JayCeeKy

  1. Didn't we have a similar discussion a while back about another "older" escort in which the general consensus was that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder?"
  2. I guess you're paying a NYC premium b/c his quoted fee in Chicago in June for incall was 28.5 % less - I'll let you do the math.
  3. Nevada is very tax friendly for retirees. https://smartasset.com/retirement/retirement-taxes
  4. Wow, what a snoop. I guess if he'd taken a little longer you would have audited his taxes?
  5. I wonder if hair stylists, bartenders, and other "listening providers" don't experience what psychotherapists have also reported - a phenomenon called "compassion fatigue" in which caring providers say they are are physically and emotionally worn out by listening to clients who only want to complain about their fate in life and never want to make any CHANGES to make their lives better? Professionals experiencing compassion fatigue say that they dread meeting with certain clients who are chronic complainers and even get physically ill when they see these clients on their daily schedule. She appears to be at a professional and financial stage in her life where she is able to chose to work with people who come in to get hair styled, not bitch about unfair the world is to them. To your credit it seems like you at least had some self-awareness that your visits were not entirely about getting a haircut. Get another stylist, and this time, stick to the weather during your visits.
  6. https://www.tumbex.com/jamaicandawg.tumblr/posts?page=2&tag=datdamndante same guy?
  7. Does anyone have any info on a new escort site about to go public? I've come across it a couple of times when trying to search images of escorts on Google to see if they were stolen - apparently their escort base is currently being built (wondering if they are "borrowing" profiles from other sites?). They are not up-and-running yet but do refer viewers to Friendboy.pro http://time4rent.com/
  8. I didn't have "sensors" in my car, but when I switched from State Farm to a lesser-known company two years ago I was asked if I wanted to drive with a plug-in monitor (like a flash drive that plugs into an outlet under the dashboard) that would give both them and myself a running account of my driving habits (sudden accelerations, sudden breaking, driving really fast, etc.). I accepted and over a 60 day period I got dinged 2x for sudden stops - both times were within the first week of being monitored. As a result of having just two dings, I got a 10% discount on my car insurance. I have to admit that I was super careful after getting those first two dings (you get a daily readout online about your progress) and I think it actually made me a more careful driver - more anxious but more careful (just like those commercials where the woman is in labor but yells at her husband to slow down "Don't mess with my discount!"). I saw my old agent a couple of months ago (I had been with his agency for 30 years), he asked how I liked my new insurance company. I told him about the discount and he said "Yeah, all the insurance companies are pushing those discounts now" - and said that if I went back to State Farm they have the same discount - too late. Also, I was reading an article today that stated too many people stick with the same insurance company year-after-year, and are missing out on a lot of discounts and thus lower premiums (the article says that a person can often save $500+ by getting quotes from other companies) - it says that insurance companies are extremely competitive, though obviously a person would do well to check out companies with the BBB and online reviews. I have been very happy with the company I switched to and am paying about 15-20% less than with my old company. And I'd recommend the monitor if you are a reasonably good driver.
  9. You didn't happen to come across the twins, did you? https://www.paulomassaxxx.com/de/videos/detail/17191-etienne-and-twins-9-inchers-from-salvador-bahia-in-your-ass
  10. I wasn't sure if this was a query about an escort site or the beginnings of a Socratic philosophical debate.
  11. It's been up and down for the past couple of days. Very frustrating.
  12. I don't go any more. Gay bars are basically meat racks. And when your meat gets so old it only attracts flies, it's time to go home and read a book, and maybe watch a porn flic or two.
  13. Fidelity! More options, great research tools, automatic bill pay, downloaded tax info into your Turbo Tax software, personal financial advisor. Vanguard is good, but Fidelity is better - I've been with them for 30 years. As far as Trump's buds pumping money into markets to save his fat ass, I think it's more likely that Trump lets them (probably his kids) know about a tweet (e.g. imposing more tariffs on China) that he will send out the next day that will rock the market - and provide huge gains for investors who "shorted" the market the day before. Unless you have insider information (a crime which hardly ever gets caught/punished except for Martha S.), trust the "market efficiency theory" - market prices reflect all available, relevant information. If markets are efficient, then all information is already incorporated into prices, and so there is no way to "beat" the market because there are no under- or overvalued securities available. That's why "experts" in market forcasting are no more accurate (over time) than throwing darts at a list of NYSE securities. Put your money (every month) into low expense, no-load Index funds and then check them every six months or yearly.
  14. FOSTA-SESTA has been a complete failure and is actually inhibiting what it was set up to accomplish: "The Tulsa, Oklahoma-based Fox23 news station reported in May 2018 that police were having trouble investigating sex trafficking without Backpage. "Police said now that they can't set up stings on Backpage, they've been able to focus their manpower on investigating reports of prostitution at local massage parlors," the report said. That's the classic rerouting of police manpower. Departments across the country are granted funding to fight the plague of sex trafficking only to spend those funds on these prostitution cases. As in the story of Robert Kraft visiting one of those massage parlors in Florida, stings are initiated to fight sex trafficking, but when law enforcement discovers no trafficking has occurred, it simply instigates arrests for prostitution. It's a racket." --- Business Insider, July 14, 2019 Cops are so busy chasing down ordinary prostitution that they don't have time (or resources) to investigate real sex trafficking - as Senator Ron Wyden had warned when voting against FOSTA-SESTA. "The law, however, has been an abject failure. It hasn't done what it set out to do, fight sex trafficking, and instead has made the lives of sex workers, the very people the law hoped to protect, more dangerous. FOSTA-SESTA holds websites accountable for any sex work facilitated on their platforms. Sex workers can no longer share information or warn each other away from violent clients." ibid. https://www.businessinsider.com/fosta-sesta-anti-sex-trafficking-law-has-been-failure-opinion-2019-7 We can only hope that the several challenges to this law (including one by the ACLU which claims it is unconstitutional) will be successful.
  15. If you've ever traveled on I-75 just south of Cincinnati in Florence, KY, you've seen this: http://apps.sos.ky.gov/maps/userpics/FlorenceYall.jpg Plural of Y'ALL ------> ALL of Y'ALL
  16. Blue What it means everywhere else: The color of the sky, or how you describe your mood when you’re feeling a little down. What it means in Kentucky: The color every University of Kentucky Wildcats fan bleeds.
  17. I can top that - I just LOOKED at an escort's ad on RM 2x and got blocked. I reported this on this forum a couple of years ago, and another member said the same escort had blocked him for the exact same reason - so I didn't feel so bad.
  18. Misnomers - sort of in the same general category: driveways -- where you park your car parkways -- where you drive your car Boston Cream Pie (mostly cake) tin foil (made of aluminum)
  19. JayCeeKy


    I'm sorry I didn't get the details about rat mating more accurate. I don't know a lot about rats b/c in Kentucky we send most of our rats to the U.S. Senate. (Or is that turtles?)
  20. JayCeeKy


    It's called the "Coolidge Effect." I didn't recall the exact details b/c I heard about it in first year psychology class back in the 60s. Empirical evidence The original experiments with rats applied the following protocol: A male rat was placed into an enclosed large box with four or five female rats in heat.[11] He immediately began to mate with all the female rats repeatedly until he eventually became exhausted.[11] The females continued nudging and licking him, yet he did not respond.[11] When a novel female was introduced into the box, he became alert and began to mate once again with the new female.[11] This phenomenon is not limited to common rats.[12] ---- Wikipedia See Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coolidge_effect The reason they call it the "Coolidge Effect" is funny: … an old joke about Calvin Coolidge when he was President … The President and Mrs. Coolidge were being shown [separately] around an experimental government farm. When [Mrs. Coolidge] came to the chicken yard she noticed that a rooster was mating very frequently. She asked the attendant how often that happened and was told, "Dozens of times each day." Mrs. Coolidge said, "Tell that to the President when he comes by." Upon being told, the President asked, "Same hen every time?" The reply was, "Oh, no, Mr. President, a different hen every time." President: "Tell that to Mrs. Coolidge."
  21. JayCeeKy


    It's called the "Coolidge Effect." I didn't recall the exact details b/c I heard about it in first year psychology class back in the 60s. Empirical evidence The original experiments with rats applied the following protocol: A male rat was placed into an enclosed large box with four or five female rats in heat.[11] He immediately began to mate with all the female rats repeatedly until he eventually became exhausted.[11] The females continued nudging and licking him, yet he did not respond.[11] When a novel female was introduced into the box, he became alert and began to mate once again with the new female.[11] This phenomenon is not limited to common rats.[12] ---- Wikipedia See Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coolidge_effect The reason they call it the "Coolidge Effect" is funny: … an old joke about Calvin Coolidge when he was President … The President and Mrs. Coolidge were being shown [separately] around an experimental government farm. When [Mrs. Coolidge] came to the chicken yard she noticed that a rooster was mating very frequently. She asked the attendant how often that happened and was told, "Dozens of times each day." Mrs. Coolidge said, "Tell that to the President when he comes by." Upon being told, the President asked, "Same hen every time?" The reply was, "Oh, no, Mr. President, a different hen every time." President: "Tell that to Mrs. Coolidge."
  22. JayCeeKy


    There was an experiment with rats many years ago - the research team put a male rat in a box with a female rat - the male rat would "go at it" for a few days and then his rate of sex would decrease until he gradually stopped "doing the deed" altogether. Then they would take out the first female and introduce an entirely new female rat and the male rat would again start having frequent sex with the new female (until he tired of her). Moral of the story: we horny male rats often get desensitized and require new and exciting stimuli for arousal. I am guessing that your clients experience this same desensitization with "Only Fans" sites and, after a few weeks, move on to another provider. Don't take it personally - just try to provide some reason for them to stick with you - like maybe new and exciting partners, new sex scenarios, innovative role plays? Maybe you already do that?
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