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Posts posted by down_to_business

  1. So at one point, United had lost about $800 million in market cap today. Bet they wished they had raised the offer from a $1000 voucher to $1500 and a pair of first class tickets for a voluntary bump. Meanwhile, Delta floats a story about offering a family $11,000 in vouchers to take a bump https://www.forbes.com/sites/laurabegleybloom/2017/04/09/why-delta-air-lines-paid-me-11000-not-to-fly-to-florida-this-weekend/#63f27a964de1 and southwest airlines floats a new ad campaign




    My prediction: Time to look for a new job Chief Executive Officer of United Airlines Oscar Munoz... you screwed up royally!

  2. Unfortunately, "client" review sites are as follows. Escort I never met but purchased advanced travel for (plane ticket) absconds with said ticket, no calls, no shows, and never speaks to me again. I write a review to warn others. I get blacklisted on these client review sites by this escort for doing so by this escort (twice). Like I would (even try to)hire him a second time after he did that! How can I be a bad client, at least I bought his plane ticket as we agreed upon... oh yeah...how dare I try and warn others that he "stole it" by not bothering to show up. No clue what he did with that ticket. I'm sure any escort who followed that escort's blacklisting of me, dodged a real bullet!

  3. They may not all have been for serious or violent felonies either... maybe a drunk and disorderly, criminal trespass, or simply someone with an axe to grind setting them up... after all, isn't prison full of people who didn't do it :rolleyes:.


    P.s. Quite a few escorts have one of these they could add if they chose to do so... just saying ;) I know I have hired a few.

  4. There is a possibility I may be moving from Seattle to New Orleans sometime in the next two years, both for the lower cost of living and to be with family. I am 68 and retired. Lived in Manhattan for 20 years, Laguna Beach for 10, and am now in a one bedroom apt in a nicer section of Everett, about 20 miles north of Seattle. I have never been to NOLA and had never before considered living there. The various neighborhoods of that city are a mystery to me, but I am doing research now. I am thinking about some of the closer suburbs as potentially a good fit for me at this stage of my life. Was thinking of visiting for the first time this coming summer so I can experience the climate at its worst. Basically, I will be trying to scope out a safe neighborhood where I can find an affordable, dog friendly one bedroom with a WD and a dishwasher and a place to park a car. If you have any tips or suggestions, I would be grateful.


    My experience is only as a tourist but I did not find the cost of living to be anything positive at all. Maybe that's just because of where I stay and play. Most definitely visit before you move and visit in the summer as you say... the heat and humidity will be an eye opener. To practice, you can hang out in a steam room for a week or two ;). I do like the area near Tulane and Loyola along St Charles and over by the Audubon Park and Zoo, myself.

  5. A tall, built, beautiful blond man is going to have people trying to charm him no matter where he is located. ;)


    Seriously, I love living in Austin, but I do pretty much stick to the Texas trifecta -- Dallas, Houston and Austin. (San Antonio occasionally.) Venture 20 miles outside of the radius of these metropolitan areas and you are quickly reminded that you are in TEXAS. The rednecks are very real, but pretty easy to avoid if you ignore State politics. (That's when you get smacked in the face about where you are really living.) :confused:


    Clearly you are able to avoid the legislative session/happenings in Austin. I am not so lucky :(

  6. I would not take offense, especially if a first meeting. If counting is going to happen, however, I would definitely want it to happen in front of me. My "offense taken" scenario would be if the escort counted the money outside of my presence and then claim to me I shorted them. I only say this because I am an auditor by profession and I can not help myself of auditing the escort payment before sealing it in an envelope a minimum of 3-5 times. I would have a very hard time believing I made a mistake and failed to catch my mistake after no less than 3 separate checks. Opening the sealed envelope and counting it in front of me, would add credibility to this unlikely event. If the escort went off and say, counted it behind a closed restroom door... and then came out and claimed I shorted him- I would probably say nothing, pay him his claimed missing fee... but in the back of my mind he would have blown his credibility with me and would forever in my mind be someone who "took a shot" aka stole from me-- never to be hired again!


    So count away(preferably in my presence) if you want to... business is business.. give me a receipt if it makes you happy ;)

  7. Let me be clear, it sucks what happened to you. You obviously have to do whatever works best for you and protect yourself. However, I would caution that one bad experience does not necessarily dictate changing your business practices and that you should never make such important decisions when you are possibly still emotional from the effects of such a show of disrespect and theft. Consider also that you are likely to lose a lot more than $60 in business from clients who will not hire escorts who demand payment upfront (some from their own experiences of being ripped off) or from lost gratuities. Other methods, such as counting payments from first time clients with payments after service, might be a more workable option.. but again proceed on making changes to what has been working for you for so long based on one bad experience with caution.

  8. also wrote him via the RM system and did receive a brief reply that way from him asking what's up......I replied with more detail and am hoping for the best.....hanging on by a thread here!




    update: did get a follow-up text from him asking what I like to do....again reminded him I'd already told him this in a RM email to him.....asked him for a face pic and he said no.....then asked if he'd take a phone call....never heard from him again.......


    man, those are enticing pictures in his ad......now I hope to hell they're fake!!


    At least you got some kind of acknowledgement from him... I got completely ignored ;) and I would have very likely taken a chance.

  9. Interesting show. Gives off a huge Gossip Girl vibe to me. Definitely worth checking out for those who like the genre. While the characters are the same as the ones in the Archie comics, the tone is a lot darker. It is kind of 90210 meets Twin Peaks.


    Here is KJ Apa who plays Archie







  10. Congrats papa... an empty nest is a sign of success. Sure you have your new course to chart and explore, but it also won't be too long in the scheme of things before your life is filled again with different family obligations. I see the makings of a pretty terrific grandfather and I bet your life and home will be overflowing with grandchildren somewhere down the road. All the best and enjoy this time on your own.

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