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Posts posted by down_to_business

  1. As in watching your ATM card/belongings or something more of an emotional kind?


    personal possessions yes, but personal safety, identity theft, depending upon your jurisdiction- they could even force you to take legal proceedings to make them leave, claiming some kind of tenancy at sufferance


    What can I say, as much as I try to get past it-- the attempted extortion by an escort on me has still fucked me up till this day on issues of trust.

  2. I do remember plenty of talk about an escort from Annapolis who said in his ad: "no blacks".




    It's always a good idea to describe yourself to the escort and basically what you would like to do: top or bottom, and warn them if you're overweight. I would never hire someone like Dakota who clearly said: no blacks in his ad. If I was in his place I'd rather be hired by black men in shape instead of by someone out of shape.


    Yes Marylander... we know from your 10,000 posts how much you hate the fatties already.


    "He was balding, had bad hygiene, showed up late, and spent the entire evening on his cellphone... but at least he wasn't overweight!" o_O

  3. Unfortunately, I have learned that ask an escort means you need to ask the specific escort that you intend to hire. It appears no one answer fits all situations for any question. We all have differing opinions on the topic, but unfortunately, you never really know how the escort is going to react to anything until the meeting.


    Some would say disclose it, others will say the most professional escorts can perform professionally with any and all types. Sometimes you can pick up clues from their advertisements, reviews, or 411 on the message center. Other times some clues can be gotten from the reviewers themselves if they list any demographical information about themselves that match yours.


    I guess if it is a great concern to you, and you absolutely do not want any "in person rejection", you can include your stats (including race) with any inquiry you send to the escort (like to verify rates or availability or ask a question) and take a positive response as an indication that things will be ok. Take a negative reply or NO REPLY as an indication that things are not.

  4. I was shocked that Prop 1 failed. I probably heard or saw an advertisement pro Prop 1 every 20 minutes. There was no counter advertising anti Prop 1. The pro Prop 1 message did a real good job hiding the real issue of fingerprinting. In fact, I didn't know what the issue really was until I saw a news program about a day before the election. Then I just kind of felt manipulated by the pro ads. Maybe if they would have just not tried to oversell it so much and hide the real issue... then again, maybe nothing would have mattered.

  5. Questions regarding escorts reactions to client’s age, ethnicity, and weight are constantly coming up on this site. The solution is really quite simple. At an early stage of communication with an escort upload him regarding age, physical appearance, activity level and sexual likes and dislikes. I always provide this information to an escort I’m interest in hiring and conclude by asking him to contact me if none of the information is a problem for him. I’m 75 and if the guy I’m communicating with doesn’t want to play with someone my age he simply doesn’t have to respond -- this has happened ONLY once and at that time I was in my 60’s.


    The ABSOLUTE KEY to having a successful get together with any escort is ALWAYS honest COMMUNICATION.


    to bad the honesty is only expected from the clients!

  6. Pietro Boselli is the new "body" of Armani's promotional advertising campaign. He has been described, in print, as "breathtakingly beautiful" in his physical appearance, and, "breathtaking boring" in his person.


    I would gladly volunteer to be bored 24/7! Seriously, I could entertain myself watching him do just about anything. He is stunning and apparently intelligent to boot.

  7. Anyone been to a gay friendly all-inclusive that they can personally recommend? I am considering the Caribbean, something like St. Maarten but not necessarily married to that idea.


    I prefer responses in private that would allow me to ask a follow-up question, but I will take whatever response I can get since no one seems to read this part of the forum anyways ;)

  8. If 300-400 becomes the new norm, it will save me a whole bunch of money. I simply won't hire any more, period! On 2 or 3 occasions I have "splurged" to the 300 level for an hour which is crazy for me personally because that's the overnight rate for a few of my long term hidden gems. While those experiences were not terrible, they surely were not ever 2 or 3 times as good as the normal rate people I have hired.


    For those of you that want to support that level, go for it. I don't support it. I don't like it. And I don't think it's good for the market as a whole. I can definitely understand why some of you would want it there and would benefit for making others believe that that is where it should be or is heading.

  9. My man, respectfully, your reading comprehension skills are incredibly lacking. This is not an issue of the escorts' preferences, but of the emotional wellbeing of clients who might already have a tenuous self confidence.


    Yes, by all means, if you are going to the mall, or a party or the office, hold your head as high as you can, celebrate who you are and give no explanations about your physical state.


    If you are going to meet an escort, however, if you are going to put yourself in someone else's hands and be vulnerable, if you are planning to be in the incredibly dangerous position in which a prejudiced, dumb or inexperienced guy might actually bruise you instead of handle you with love and tenderness, then it is incredibly important that you weed out the bad ones before meeting as often as you can.

    Going to meet an escort "hoping that you picked a winner that treats you like a king" is an abusive suggestion because you know there are not many out there. Leaving it to luck is a very self hating way to go about it. There is a much better way to know in advance if you picked a winner: let him know everything there is to know.



    And the other part of the question... expectations. If you are one of those people who think escorts are sexbots who can and will do any sex trick for you every time, then I know you are also one of those men who are always disappointed. If someone tells me that I must cum once in his mouth, another time in his ass and another time on his chest, I will have to turn down the appointment. If someone tells me that he must absolutely enjoy anal sex, which has to this point been elusive, I will clearly manage his expectations and tell him that I cannot promise that. If a 400 pound person expects me to fuck carry him around the room like he saw in the movies, I will have to explain why this is not possible.


    It's not a matter of preferences or performance, as you call it. It's simple physics.


    Having good, loving intentions is completely different to selling "One syrup heals all" snake oil.


    I so strongly disagree with you it hurts, but I am going to let it go after this final comment because we will never agree. To even hint I suggested what you did is such is pure fabrication.


    I would never expect an escort to be able to perform wild acrobatics with a 500 pound man and if that was a requirement for a successful session with you, then by all means, it would be smart for anyone to disclose.


    But if you think a 350 pound man should have to disclose his weight to you, or a bald man should have to disclose he has no hair to you, or that a red head needs to tell you he is a ginger, or etc. etc. needs to disclose this to you in hopes of getting a simple hug or kiss from you, you are not half the man or escort I EVER thought you to be and frankly I am just sickened thinking about it.

  10. Would you rather overweight clients warn you about their size and expectations before meeting?


    Of course they would, as they would "rather" know about anything to allow them to interject any prejudices they have without having to suffer any fallout or consequences for truth or bluntness in advertising that might turn potential clients off. It is my 100% belief that any escort that has a performance issue with a client for whatever reason, that burden of disclosure should 100% fall on the escort and not the client. That's right, put it in your ad. No gingers. No fatties. No baldies. No bears. No minorities. No whatever the hell you have a problem with. That's right, own it, wear your "preferences" as you like to call them as a badge of honor, and stop blaming the clients for your performance issues or forcing them to take ultra critical looks at themselves and develop as Mr. Corndog put so eloquently self-confidence issues just to make you feel better about your own prejudices aka "preferences". And you clients, do as Mr. Corndog says, walk in there and meet your escort, with your head held high, and full of self-confidence and hope you picked a winner like JD Daniels that is going to treat you like a king no matter what you look like! You owe THAT to yourself!

  11. Jeremy Penn




    Bill Henson





    And Kevin Williams






    Oh and how can I leave out Nicholas Clay




    I agree with all the stuff said about Big Guns... that and W Higgins A Matter of Size are my 2 all time favorites.

  12. Jeremy Penn




    Bill Henson





    And Kevin Williams



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