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Posts posted by Lohengrin1979

  1. For me, the chance to allow myself to experience the provider’s skill without providing him a roadmap has been exhilarating, often. I’ve discovered new things I now like quite a bit because I let them drive.

    All that being said, you are hiring a professional and you definitely can provide some direction. Most would welcome the input and the ones who wouldn’t likely aren’t worth the fee anyway.

  2. 40 minutes ago, Thelatin said:

    We don’t know.  Are there some things you could work on? 

    Even if that were the case, are these boards the place to explore it? 

  3. 1 hour ago, NYC Curious said:

    Thanks to all responding for the encouraging words. I genuinely appreciate it. 

    I'm in Brooklyn. Prefer beefy masculine guys.

    In my experience, the ones asking for photos are A., not willing able to work with the average clientele or B., literally trying to economize their sex lives.

    As others have said, take it as a red flag that, even if he had accepted the appointment, it wouldn’t have been a good experience for you. There are plenty of gifted professionals, especially in New York, who will take clients as is, and provide an exceptional time!

  4. 14 hours ago, José Soplanucas said:

    I am arriving late to the party! I used to provide my stats, and sometimes my photo, whether or not the provider asked for it. I always thought that it is just fair to provide at least a vague image of he could be meeting, after I assessed (countless sometimes) of his pictures and even videos. 

    In my last hirings I implemented a new policy that solved this issue. I stopped hiring without a videoconference to verify pictures and close the deal.

    How have providers responded to that request? I would love to implement it to clear out the catfish swimming about but I wonder if it’s viewed negatively.

  5. 7 minutes ago, pubic_assistance said:

    I really don't think you DO.

    Because more than one person has responded to me as if I'm saying that everyone should be picky.

    I'm not.

    I'm merely saying that there is absolutely nothing wrong with an escort being picky with who they want to serve.  And there's nothing wrong with vetting customers.


    You don't need to agree..

    Oh don’t worry. I don’t agree.

    You push my buttons but you’re fun. 

    I’ll remember you fondly as I’m admonishing my next masseur to not grimace quite so obviously while tending to me. 🤣

  6. 8 minutes ago, pubic_assistance said:

    Dude, if you're going address me, then you should first READ the thread thoroughly, before you put on your bitchy shoes. *SEE BELOW* statement bumped forward for your consideration.


    There was nothing bitchy about my statement. I’m merely observing what you yourself have said many times before. 

    Since you called me bitchy, does that mean I get to call you shallow and myopic? 

    Cherry pick all you want. Your way is not the way, not even the best way so maybe kick off your self-righteous “shoes” and stop commenting every time someone brings up appearance. We’re all WELL aware of where you stand.

  7. 3 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

    Sorry, but I don't agree with this statement at all.

    As was commented above, there are guys who are simply looking to get a little revenue out of their sex life and others who simply have a limit to how gross a client can be.

    Kudos to those providers who can fuck anything that moves, no matter how disgusting, but that does NOT mean others are going to be malignant narcissists simply because they have limits.

    I've been with plenty of VERY handsome young men who have limits and required photos up front before accepting a client.  YES it's more like a Grindr hook up and YES that means you might be rejected. But it's not like they expect you to be HOT, just not GROSS.

    Just curious, but how many of those young men were repeat providers for you or even stayed in the business long enough to be? You’re telling an experienced, successful provider you don’t agree with them when their business model works and has provided them longevity.

    You don’t seem to value providers beyond their ability to impress you physically and ragdoll under you for a steamy session. Which is fine, but not what everyone is looking for and not what every provider provides. Go ahead and pay for your Grindr hookup if you must but I’ll reserve my bouillon for masters of the craft

  8. When I was much heavier, I always shared stats with prospective providers. I am tall and used to weigh well north of 300. I would state this when booking so that my providers, mostly masseurs, could let me know if their table couldn’t accommodate me or if they were unwilling/unable to work on someone of that size.

    I’ve never sent a photo. I just don’t see the point.

  9. 6 hours ago, edinbrooklyn said:

    I wont’t say queeny but . . . aspiring royalty. Clearly disdains his role as a HK rub and tugger.  Never got over missing out on that role in CATS (the Guam Carnival Cruise Line tour.)

    How sad. He auditioned for Rum Tum Tugger and got Rub Tug Tugger instead. Alas, we can all sympathize with that one great role slipping through our fingers

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