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Posts posted by Luv2play

  1. On 2/28/2024 at 2:18 PM, azdr0710 said:

    This vaguely reminds me of David Cameron, then-PM of Britain, eating a hot dog with a knife and fork in 2015. Just a bit out of touch. 


    I would do the same. Of course I’ve eaten a hot dog standing up and then use my hands but seated the way he is and with a salad as a side to the hotdog, a knife and fork held the way he does is correct. 

  2. I don’t have a television set but hearing about the series got me reading his stories again. I have an anthology of his works and while I had read some of the better known works like Breakfast at Tiffany’s, I had skipped over gems like The Grass Harp and The Muses Are Heard. His sketches of luminaries he knew from Hollywood and the international social set are fun too. 

  3. I woke up in the middle of last night and was having difficulty in falling asleep so I went on the Internet and saw this car chase in Southern California in Orange County. It started with a traffic stop of a black Honda Civic driven by a single male. He sped away and a car chase ensued. 
    The helicopters got involved and this guy led them and numerous different police forces on an incredible chase for well over an hour I think. It started in daylight and ended in the dark. 
    The suspect abandoned the first car and stole a white panel van in which he executed amazing manoeuvres weaving in and out of traffic on streets and highways. That van eventually broke down and he ran away to a house, which he invaded and emerged stealing their white pickup truck in the front driveway from before the owner’ s eyes. 
    This led to another  extended chase. With the latter two vehicles he sideswiped untold numbers of moving cars as he weaved in and out of traffic, sometimes going the wrong way on highways and jumping over curbs and sidewalks. It was amazing no one seemed to get hurt and he avoided any front on crashes or plowing into other vehicles. 
    He eventually ended up in a gas station and a police car rammed him in the rear. His truck was played out anyway. 
    Dozen of police surrounded the truck and shot out the windows in the drivers side door and windshield. Eventually he was pulled from the truck and walked away held by police by his arms. He was a tall white guy or Hispanic. 
    At that point I turned it off but I have to say he was the most amazing stunt driver I have ever witnessed either in Hollywood film like The French Connection or real life. The OJ Simpson chase did not compare. When the guy gets out of jail, he could get a job as a stunt driver. 

  4. It’s interesting that mpox is again on the radar. When we last had an extensive thread on this topic in 2022, a thread I started, at the end of it we had our then time resident doctor, since departed from this forum, advocating the uselessness of the mpox vaccine. In fact he advised against having the vaccine at all. 
    Well, time has rolled around and here we are. 

  5. 4 hours ago, Charlie said:

    For those unfamiliar with Philadelphia, the Kimmel Center is similar to Lincoln Center, in the sense that different performance spaces within it have their own names--eg., the New York Philharmonic performs in David Geffen Hall, which used to be called Avery Fisher Hall. Lincoln Center sold naming rights to the highest bidder, but I doubt that was how Verizon Hall at the Kimmel got renamed for Marian Anderson. (BTW, for what it's worth, my own name is engraved on a glass panel in the now Marian Anderson Hall because of a donation I made at the time of its construction.)

    And what name is it that we should look for the next time we’re there? 😝 

  6. 3 hours ago, WilliamM said:

    My  somewhat sad  Marian Anderson  story. In 1982 I went to Philadelphia Phillies baseball  game. 


    The. Annocer at  Veterans Stadium had bad news about  a  cherished  Philadelphian.  I can't  say it was about Marian Anderson,  but everyone  near mentioned  the great Ms Anderson had died.


    In  fact, Princess Great had died in Monaco.


    The palace  had  withheld  Grace' s condition even to her family in Philadelphia 

    If you are referring to Princess Grace of Monaco, and her death, she was killed as a result of a car accident but I believe the autopsy showed she had suffered a neurological incident while driving in the hills above Monaco with her daughter. 
    I was living in Geneva at the time and it was all over the news as she was probably more popular than any politician in the region, including the French President. IIRC the details of her death were not held back that long but just long enough to establish the facts. 

  7. 5 hours ago, BSR said:

    We had a very typical winter here in Las Vegas, neither warmer nor colder than average.  That probably means we'll also have a typical summer, i.e., 110° every single day from Memorial Day to Labor Day ... ugh! 

    I love the weather in Las Vegas for 9 months of the year, almost perfect.  But the summers are H-E-double hockey sticks.

    I’ve only experienced 110 degree  weather once and that was in Reno Nevada over 45 years ago. I didn’t hang around and got my ass back to San Francisco as fast as I could. 

  8. 12 hours ago, MikeThomas said:

    I was looking around boyfriendtv and stumbled on a hot video of Donnie Dean... former pornstar and escort.  I used to visit him in Waco where he was going to school.

    He disappeared from porn and escorting.  He was always a lot of hot, sexy fun.  Hope he is doing well wherever he is.

    Donnie is back at escorting, now in Ottawa Canada. He has an ad on RM. He is still a lot of hot sexy fun. And a friendly guy. He told me he had been in Vancouver before coming to Ottawa. 

  9. Well, I started this thread last summer and the general response was that everyone everywhere was having a hot summer. So now we are in the dead of winter, supposedly, and today in Eastern Ontario it felt like a cool day in summer. Temperatures in the low 60’s and sunny. 
    It’s been a mild winter so far with many daily records being broken for daily highs. There have been a few cold snaps and another is expected Weds night but then things are expected to warm up again to above freezing days. 
    I personally love this kind of weather and my heating bills have plummeted so that is also a nice bonus. They’ve dropped by about a third compared to last winter. Also no snow plowing required. And don’t have to bundle up to go outside. 
    What could go wrong???😑 

  10. 1 hour ago, TruthBTold said:

    Actually Napoleon was 5'6/5'7.  This was average for a French man at that time.  

    It might have been the average but in those days the average person was poorly nourished, hence the Revolution. The aristocracy tended to be taller. The beheaded king, Louis XVI, was 6’1” before he lost his head. 
    The Duke of Wellington, who defeated Napoleon, was 5’9”, not that tall but taller than the average Englishman. 
    On the other side of the ocean, Sir Isaac Brock, the fallen hero of the defenders of Canada against the US in the War of 1812, was 6’2”. It made him a big target on the battlefield in his colourful jacket. And a bullet pierced that jacket, in the heart. 

  11. 6 hours ago, Gymowner said:

    i have had numerous straight bodybuilders that preferred being with older men. their reasoning was that hot horny young guys wanted full out sex and the provider wasnt enough into men for an all out assault like they like to do to women. so the older gentlemen was more refined, calmer and would accept less than a full out porn shoot from the straight bodybuilder. this was told to me many many times

    A good reason why I avoid bodybuilders. I’m older but want the full out porn experience. And I do have stamina. 

  12. 23 hours ago, purplekow said:

    This surgery while essentially cosmetic has economic gains attached to it.  Taller people are viewed as more deserving of promotions especially in some Asian cultures.  It seems ridiculous to undergo painful surgery to add a few inches to one's height, but there are many people who will try to advance their career in any way they can.

    Napoleon Bonaparte was the poster boy of a short man getting ahead in life. 

  13. 11 hours ago, Luv2play said:

    My own limited knowledge about escorts after they hang up the shingle is that they morph into so/called regular jobs especially if they are still somewhat this side of middle age. The ones who stay in the biz well into their 40’s and have saved and invested their money don’t need to look for a lucrative position. 
    I’m seeing a provider later today who is in his mid thirties and is training to become a nurse.  These positions are paying very well today but the work environment is difficult. You need to be strong and have lots of resilience. 
    He has lots of energy with me so maybe he’ll do well. 

    Well, that was fun. I think he’s a keeper. The second time was as good as the first, a bit different and a blast. 

  14. My own limited knowledge about escorts after they hang up the shingle is that they morph into so/called regular jobs especially if they are still somewhat this side of middle age. The ones who stay in the biz well into their 40’s and have saved and invested their money don’t need to look for a lucrative position. 
    I’m seeing a provider later today who is in his mid thirties and is training to become a nurse.  These positions are paying very well today but the work environment is difficult. You need to be strong and have lots of resilience. 
    He has lots of energy with me so maybe he’ll do well. 

  15. Intimate partner violence is on the upswing in Canada and I suppose in other countries as well. It’s not limited to opposite sex couples and increasing we will see it in gay couples as well. 
    Of course it goes back to Shakespeare’s time as portrayed in Othello so is nothing new. Even further back in Greek tragedy. Jealousy and rage are human traits and will never be stamped out. There are other factors as well at play so would take a book or more to adequately treat. 
    My best advice to myself is try to choose your intimate partners wisely. Even those we celebrate on this site. 

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