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Posts posted by shadowcatzxxx

  1. I'm surprised that no one has mentioned the possible toxic components of some of these "alternates" to amyl-based poppers. Last time I looked into this (some years ago) a few of them could cause serious negative effects on the brain. IMHO, unless you really know that you are buying amyl, you're playing russian roulette.

    And, of course, they should never be used in conjunction with viagra, tadalafil, etc.


  2. OK ... so this one I took one for the team. And VERY glad I did. Had a session with this incredibly, hot, sexy, and sweet young man, and although I won't give details about the experience, so as not to be chastised for leaving a reviews in the wrong place, I'll just describe him. His tight muscular body looks as well or better than in his pics, which isn't surprising, because he updates them regularly. But what you can't appreciate from the pics is his literally incandescent smile and exquisitely beautiful and irresistibly seductive, sparkling eyes. He may be difficult to schedule with, because he runs his own business as a day job, has family and friends he likes to spend time with. and is regularly swamped with messages ... which is more than understandable, given how stunning he is. He is also a genuinely nice guy who aims to please. Also ... run, don't walk, to schedule with him, because my guess is that he won't be active in this profession for very long.

  3. Not only is there nothing to worry about, but run, do not walk, to hire this guy if he appeals to you. There was a period when I would hire both of them at once fairly regularly, and always had a good time. Somehow fell out of the habit, but damn! they are hot, interactive, and fun.

  4. I know from other threads here that I'm not the only gringo besotted with Allen King. I have been drooling over his videos for years.

    I'm headed to Madrid in a couple of months and was shocked and delighted to find his ad on RM. Apparently new, as he has no reviews yet.

    Has anyone spent time with this incredibly sexy Spaniard?


    Pornstar Performer & Rentboy in Madrid, Spain - Allenkingxxx: SPANISH PORN STAR


  5. Reposting this after deleting it from the thread above, because I foolishly included a detail that could cause problems for this one-in -a-million man.

    Very very personally interesting thread here.

    So I'm not the only one who finds himself in an unexpected situation with a particularly handsome, hot, and passionate escort (Brazilian).

    For background, I was in a 30+ year marriage with a wonderful man (WASP) ... who died three years ago. I'm now in my early 70's. In good shape for my age, accomplished, semi-retired, with plenty of disposable income. Considered reasonably good-looking for my age (in the right light). Both love- and sex-starved. Since my husband's death, a pandemic sugar-baby (30's; Colombian), one of the most extraordinarily handsome men who has ever walked the earth, who left me for a woman, and with whom I am now platonic friends. Then an almost fairy-tale (non-escort) romance with a brilliant, successful, charismatic man (late 40's; Spaniard) who swept me off my feet for a year and a half ... and then kicked me to the curb when he took up with a younger, handsome hunk.

    I have been hiring this high-end escort now for about two months, usually once a week or so. Would be hiring him more often if he wasn't quite so pricey. The sex is absolutely off the charts ... combining intense physical pleasure with a beyond-strictly-physical connection that leaves  both little head and big head spinning. He is the most amazing top I've ever had sex with. He is a consummate professional who is , as a former poster here said, very good at compartmentalizing and  acting like he has feelings that he may or may not actually have.

    I am deep into the infatuation stage. Any time I get a text from him, my cock starts swelling spontaneously ... even though, for prolonged sex, I have needed Viagra for years. That has literally never happened before. Both of us have been tossing around the term "love" for a couple of weeks.

    It was a glorious pseudo-romance while it lasted.



  6. Hi all! Nobody asked for an update from me ... but here's one anyway.  😉As @nycman so wisely opined earlier, the reality (sigh) in my case is not going to be one of those heartwarming "Pretty Woman" stories.

    The guy I've been hiring for the most intense, delightful, exciting, and delicious overnights I have ever experienced in my life (from either lovers or escorts) and I had a long talk a couple of weeks ago. He is setting firm boundaries, which @nycman's comments prepared me for. He is simply extraordinarily good at what he does. Absolutely and unequivocally, not just the best sex, but the best lover I've ever had. I am (for better and for worse) addicted. 😈

    So, I'm grateful that with the help of this board, I managed to cut short my journey from BFE to BFD (boyfriend delusion) before things got too emotionally painful.

    Damn ... I wish I was rich enough to make this guy my personal sugarman (he's 37, and significantly muscled, so sugar "baby" doesn't quite fit) ... and that is not to be. He has very good taste (in addition to tasting good) and although I might be close to 1% status, I'm not in 0.1% status, which is where I'd need to be to make that work without bankrupting myself.

    In case anyone is interested, the guy I'm talking about is:


    View my profile on RentMasseur.com

    121 Mount Vernon Street  ǀ  Boston, MA 02108

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