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Posts posted by Welshman

  1. I experienced undiagnosed clinical depression from December 5th 2021 until around March 15th 2022, when following an agreement by myself and my uncle (confirmed by the local state government) that my uncle would take over the 16 years of caring duties in October 2021, he e-mailed me to say "I have placed your grandmother in a care home", without any form of consulatation with myself. Back then I didn't have access to AI to help me try and find my words to express my raw anger at that decision and therefore wasn't able to reply, but what really topped things off was him arriving unannounced at my house, luckily the day after having a flu vaccination and so therefore I was able to fob him off with a "Self isolation for 14 days advice" because I didn't want to see him, and he told me completely casually as an after thought that my grandmother had died in the care home just as I had finished making a hamper for her birthday three days previously.

  2. 4 hours ago, JulianLondon said:

    There will be discussions on TV and in the Press about the election but I really don't see how it will affect a tourist in any way at all.  The public is pretty apathetic about this election as the outcome has already been decided if you believe all the polls and public mood and if anything it is a slightly more interesting time to be in the U.K. I'd certainly come and visit. 

    The concern I have is that whilst most of the country will allow the election to go over their heads, if Reform UK feel they can win a constituency, they will campaign hard in that constituency and given how some of their discussions of late have been rather negative towards certain types of people, I am worried that a rival demonstration could easily turn into fisticuffs and we wouldn't want our friend to be caught in the middle of that now, would we?

  3. As I mentioned in another part of this forum, Muscleguy Steve from Seattle in Washington state was not only an amateur bodybuilder but also has a passion for storytelling and during one of our many chats admitted that when he was growing up in the 1940's and 1950's, he loved the rash of cartoons and serials that had anything to do with intelligence or the brain being manlipulated and gave the example of  "The Bookworm Turns" from 1940

    When he first saw that cartoon in the 1950's, it stayed with him all his life and he often told me that he would fantasise about being strapped into an electrical chair, naked, and either have his brain swapped with Hercules, Conan, He-Man or some other muscle bound hero and then inside that body have sex with his old body or be subjected to incredible amounts of electricity and cum, which thanks to me having an understanding of literature allowed me to come up with this when he was at a contest one weekend

    "Oh, fuck, yeah!" Paul moaned, his hips bucking and gyrating with pent-up desire. As Porthos tried to restrain him, Paul's excitement was palpable. "I can't wait to experience all that pain, agony, and torture as we swap our minds!" His words were accompanied by pre-cum, a visible sign of his escalating arousal. The Ultimate Briton mused over the proposition, delving into the intricacies of the procedure. An idea took shape, a simple piece of code that could potentially create a unique experience during the mind swap. However, the Ultimate Briton's uncertainty about its potential pain left them in a dilemma. The Ultimate Musketeer's sense of duty and honor prompted a solution – one of them would remain conscious during the procedure, ensuring the safety of the other.

    Paul's desires grew more intense, his longing to experience every aspect of the swap overcoming him. The thought of enduring pain and agony ignited a fire within him, intensifying his arousal. "But I want to suffer," Paul moaned, his voice dripping with need, "I need to feel the pain, the agony, the ooooh, fuck!" Another climax surged through him, leaving him covered in evidence of his desire. A plan emerged, balancing the desires and concerns of the heroes. The Ultimate Briton proposed an equitable solution – they would share the burden of experiencing the pain. Paul would endure it during the initial swap, and in return, he would also experience it during the reversion. The heroes agreed, aligning on a mutual understanding.

    The Ultimate Musketeer's respect for Paul's courage shone through, echoing his own valor. A solemn command from the superior officer led to a poignant moment, where Porthos reluctantly followed his orders, knocking the Ultimate Musketeer unconscious. The Ultimate Briton offered comfort to Porthos, assuring him that this was a choice the Ultimate Musketeer willingly accepted. As the heroes gathered around the machinery, their anticipation was palpable. Helmets were secured, wires connected, and the display set up. With the Ultimate Musketeer unconscious and Paul grunting and groaning, the Ultimate Briton stood ready. The switch was thrown, and Paul's reaction was immediate – an agonized scream that reverberated through the room.

    His hips bucked wildly, straining against the restraints that held him in place. Porthos watched with concern, but the Ultimate Briton's reassuring smile offered solace. Paul's frenzied movements intensified, his member reaching its maximum size. An earth-shattering scream of "OOOOOH, FFFFFUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKK!" signaled his moment of release.

    Porthos anxiously inquired about Paul's well-being, to which the Ultimate Briton responded with confidence. Paul's memories had been successfully transferred, and the next step was to initiate the return of memories into the Ultimate Musketeer's body. Paul's body gasped, and his eyes slowly fluttered open. But instead of the torrent of expletives they had expected, a gentle chuckle emerged, accompanied by a distinct French accent.

    "My friend, Porthos," the transformed Paul addressed him, "see, nothing to be alarmed about."

    "Ultimate Musketeer?" Porthos queried, his astonishment evident.

    "Verily," came the reply, as the process continued. The Ultimate Musketeer explored his temporary body, his amazement and approval palpable. As the machine powered down and the helmets were removed, Paul was fully awake, his consciousness now inhabiting the Ultimate Musketeer's body.

    When I sent that to him after his contest I found the following picture in my inbox the next day and him telling me that he experienced estacy three times that night just from reading that section

    Summer 03 Nude 4.JPG

  4. As mentioned, you cannot go to Norway and not visit Grieg's house, but I would also recommend Nordkapp (otherwise known as the Northern Cape, well into the Artic Circle and level with Helsinki) because from around the middle of May to around the end of July, the sun never sets at that location

  5. I've been too busy writing books to actually read them myself. Ever since I discovered that the Fifty Shades of Grey franchise was essentially an adult version of the Twilight franchise, I have been writing a series of books based on the tales of the Musketeers, featuring Henry Cardigan, who we join in 1624 as the son of the newly enobled Lord Cardigan who takes up a position in the House of Commoners at the start of King Charles I's reign.

    So far there are four books encompassed by the title "The Adventures of Henry Cardigan" which have the following volumes: 1) The English Musketeer, 2) The Titanic Musketeer, 3) The Global Musketeer, 4) The Ultimate Musketeer and the Iron Mask with to follow 5) The Olympian Musketeer, 6) The Cavalier Musketeer and then finally 7) The Phantom Musketeer

    I am also going to do some short stories at the same tine covering topics such as the Dutch tulip market of the 1630's (where he simply buys a tulip, just because he likes it and within months is beseiged by people wanting to buy the bulbs it produces) to when he finds himself stranded in 2050 due to a course deciding to take Porthos's assessment of him being strong and testing it in combination bodybuilding / powerlifting contest.

    Here's a progress of him from a cadet in 1625, a Musketeer in 1628 and as the Ultimate Musketeer in 1635 and when he is asked to attend a ball as the Ultimate Musketeer in 1644


    Henri the Titan.jpg

    MusketeerTitan Portrait.png

    Ultimate Musketeer Ball Two.webp

  6. If you are thinking of coming to the United Kingdom in September, my personal opinion would be avoid it. Our general election has to be held before January 28th 2025 and yet everything seems to indicate an election date of mid October, which means thanks to the rules the campaign will have started at the end of July, and given how there will be a change of government there is no party of this country where you will not get accosted by a politican, therefore this year give the UK a miss in September, but you would be more than welcome next September

  7. Following the success of baseball in other parts of the world last year, there will be a number of regular league games in London this year. The games will be held on June 8th and 9th between the Mets and the Phillies at the London Stadium (host of the 2012 Olympics). Whilst these will be shown in the United States, there is still a question mark about whether they will be shown in the United Kingdom (as is the case with the NFL games in London).

  8. 31 minutes ago, Mydavid said:

    Yesterday, I met an escort. He is very handsome and hot. He welcomed me naked at the door, led me to the bedroom and lied down quickly. Soon I got to know he wasn't interested in me at all. He was lying there like a corpse. He didn't touch me with his hands, and when I tried to kiss him, he said he didn't like it but in fact kissing is on his into list.

    I was hesitant. I didn't know if I should leave, but I was shy and didn't dare to say anything. So I continued and fucked a "dead body" for the first time in my life. He didn't resist when I touched or moved his body, but never enjoyed it. I came, paid, and left far before the end time of our session. He kept lying on the bed when I paid and left, but said "Thank you!"

    What would you do if you were in a similar situation?

    In my position I would have come straight to the point as soon as it became clear he wasn't interested by asking "Be honest, I'm boring you aren't I?".

  9. 6 minutes ago, mike carey said:

    State taxes? In the UK? I'm curious.

    In the United Kingdom there are two main aspects of taxation, there is taxation levied by the government (income tax, value added tax, national insurance) and then there is a tax levied by the various local councils in the United Kingdom called "council tax" which is what I meant by state taxes to make the concept easier to understand.

    Each council is allowed to charge a certain amount based on the value of a home, all homes are banded from the lowest (around $50,600) to the highest (around $404,900) which pay a sliding slide from 6/9ths of the average cost to 24/9ths. The reason I do not pay council tax is because as all my monthy income is welfare it is not classed as income, therefore I fall below the threahold of payment.

  10. MuscleGuy Steve

    Muscleguy Steve was the informal stage name that Paul Stone, from Seattle, Washington state, used whenever we chatted on YAHOO! Instant Messenger. I first met him in 1998 when I first joined the internet looking for people with an interest in health and fitness, and believe that I encouraged him to enter his first contest in 2002 and from that time onwards we would always discuss muscle, strength and then eventually physical and mental stimulation with Paul's favourite fantasies being strapped into a mind transfer machine, naked, and enduring the agony of having his mind transferred into a Herculean muscleman and then ramming his old body until the muscleman in his old body begged for mercy

    Dennis Mason

    Dennis Mason was a personal trainer from Palm Springs, California who I first met online at the millennium and between 2003 and 2008 contributed to his radio show reporting on everything from health and fitness issues in the United Kingdom to, when the Labour MP for Barrow and Furness announced that he was standing down from Parliament following a diagnosis of depression, mental health issues in the United Kingdom.

    In both these cases I invited them both to come and stay with me in the United Kingdom during which time I would take them to local gyms, and then afterwards ask to take photos of them flexing and posing (either in training shorts, posing suits or naked) but sadly circumstances prevented that from happening and so I never got to meet either of them in person before they died.



  11. Yes, if only through disappointing circumstances.

    Before the first lockdown in the UK, I was only getting Carer's Allowance (£64 / $81) a week for being a carer for my grandparents, from which a total of £35 / $44 was taken away for food shopping and state taxes

    Now, I am on my own (both grandparents having died from Covid in health locations) and getting the higher level of Universal Credit and Personal Independence Payments (£1,658 / $2,099) on account of being diagnosed with ASD, from which £80 / $101 is taken for food shopping, £106 / $134 for streaming services, £19 / $24 in mobile costs and £150 / $190 in energy bills but with no state taxes to pay.

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