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Everything posted by FreshFluff

  1. Thanks. That’s convenient because, as a child, I only made it to basic spins. By now, all I can do is skate forward.
  2. Thanks for this response, PK! Today I learned what “contused” means. It’s rug burned too. One ortho I saw said I need to try to avoid any activity that puts too much stress on my knee (like squats) to try to preserve the remaining cartilage. Oops! I really want to go ice skating, as life is indeed short and skating does wonders for my mood. I notice, however, that the knee is twitching now, and it’s till sensitive to the touch. And yes, I do usually land on my feet. 🐈
  3. Agreed. My aim is to avoid a partial knee replacement for as long as possible. I see ortho/sports medicine for advice on lifestyle.
  4. When the TSA lines get too long, I get recruited to screen passengers.
  5. Thanks for the response. My internist is extremely thorough and quick with his Epic inbox replies. He has an extremely busy academic practice, and he’s probably slammed until New Year’s, so I’ll just wait until next week. My internist may refer me back to ortho or sports med for further advice. To answer your questions: Per the almost 2-year-old MRI, it’s all cartilage loss with some arthritis. Ligaments are apparently intact but on both sides, except “mild hyperintensity in the distal ACL, possibly focal sprain or partial tearing, otherwise the ACL is intact.” Who knows what the situation is now though. Oh, and I’m not done with the MRIs. I was sent for a new pelvic one. Those are the worst. There I am chilling in the machine, fantasizing about something, and the tech keeps keeps telling me to relax because my uneven respiratory cycle is ruining the images.
  6. Ugh, roller skating spills really hurt. How is your shoulder feeling now? I’m going to wait. My PT doesn’t get back until late January but maybe I’ll go to someone else until then.
  7. Thanks, @Unicorn . The x-ray was done in the ER, and the house staff there simply said it should get better and pointed back to my internist. I'm scheduled for a physical with my internist next week I am indeed more worried about the preexisting knee issue and how the fall might exacerbate that. I will go back to my ortho, but it will likely take a while to be seen. Your MRI joke is cute. Or maybe Persian cats like me are just magnetic.
  8. Thanks for reminding me to buy egg nog while it’s still in stock. I don’t know how to make it!
  9. Here is my knee, 8 days after the fall. As you can see, this hurt. I think I'm going to wait, as the rink is full of careless adults and kids who ram into people. It would be easy to fall again.
  10. Not wearing a brace. Just a hydrocolloid dressing on the scraped part. ‘And I definitely feel that sense of urgency! Edit: Urgency to ice skate before the season ends, I mean.
  11. A week ago, while running to get something in the house, I somehow tripped and fell on a hardwood floor. My left knee was scraped and bruised pretty badly. It was x-rayed and is not fractured. I have no trouble walking, but parts of the kneecap still feel sensitive to the touch. Also, per an MRI from last year, both knees were in poor shape before this. The doctors were pretty surprised given my age and weight I’m kind of klutzy. But I have good balance and am a reasonably good ice skater. (In fact, all this happened after I returned the ice skating rink, having successfully navigated around a million skaters who were tumbling all over the ice.) Is it ok to go skating again this week, or should I wait a few weeks?
  12. But if you asked someone to accompany you for a month-long trip, that’s presumably ok. How many sessions does it take before “escort services” becomes a proper arrangement?
  13. Merry Christmas! This is one place where I know I’ll be accepted as I am, and I’m grateful for that. And of course, I love the snow .
  14. At least they try to be sluts. Usually, potential mates quickly swim away.
  15. We’re they repeat infections? If so, do you know when they were last infected?
  16. The submission element is fun. Other than that, it— er— sucks.
  17. If a female patient liked you enough to paint her nipples orange for her Halloween physical with you, as you once recounted, I’m not surprised that a hot male clerk would be interested too.
  18. Agreed. I think “my dude” is also used the same way on Twitter. This is the first time I’ve heard “beloved” though.
  19. “My brother in Christ” is the other new one
  20. @Oliver, I am so sad to read this. He was thoughtful and extremely intelligent. I always enjoyed his stories about teaching high school classes, and I had hoped to meet him. Please accept my condolences.
  21. Thanks for the reply, Rob. Late November or December should work.
  22. @RadioRob Thanks for all you do. I can see why you want to reduce site's data load. Would you give us more time to go through our PMs? I PM maybe once every few weeks, but over time, I've accumulated a lot of threads.
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