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Posts posted by jmichaeliii

  1. 55 minutes ago, Zoom22653 said:

    Anyone try Christopher Jay?  Saw some old postings but nothing recent.  


    I saw him about a year ago.  Good experience, nice guy.

    I reached out again a few months ago and it was weird.  I texted him asking for time and date to meet and he was agreeing to everything, then he just ghosted.  It almost seemed like it wasn't a person on the other end.

    Not really sure what was going on.

  2. 26 minutes ago, soloyo215 said:

    Is there a new policy from the rentmasseur website that one has to communicate with the provider via their site in order for them to accept a review? I reviewed a masseur I hired last night and my review was rejected, and the reason it stated is "No communication between masseur and client via RentMasseur".

    First time I see this.

    Did I miss a change in policy? I haven't used that website in a while.

    I've been on for a year, and yes there must be a communication.   Even if you only say hello to each other.  

  3. 7 minutes ago, Jarrod_Uncut said:

    Nope. Because a lot of times clients who want in-call to come to us don’t always pay for the hotel. They either A) assume we already have it figured out or B) expect it to be included in the rate. 

    Outcalls are different, assuming the client is booking the room or has a place ahead. 

    Even if I’m traveling to a town on my own, no guarantee I’ll have a hotel to host. Idk if people don’t think about it but: an escort can still travel to a city and not book a hotel. They could be seeing friends, family, just driving thru by car etc.

    However in my case, unless I know someone in the town I usually try to book a room to host out of. However, I can’t do it if I have no appointments. With the price of hotels, it’s too big a gamble.

    Makes sense.  I have always operated under the assumption that if I ask the provider to travel to me and they are amenable to that,  I am covering the venue for the session whether it's a hotel or my home.

  4. 1 hour ago, Jarrod_Uncut said:

    Provider opinion here: not necessarily. Many clients want me to host. Many times however, I’m only outcall. I have a car, and all the essentials, but it’s the venue that needs to be arranged. By sending a deposit, it ensures I can afford getting that hotel. And a larger deposit (which I recommend for longer sessions) ensures the place I get is not just a bed, but a place with luxury accommodations. 

    Without a deposit, there are times I just won’t host. And that’s regardless of whether I have my own place or not. Like over the long weekend, my family rented a house out by the lake. I could not host there, but could gladly do outcalls. However, one person refused to do deposit (he also has a bad rep for being a flake based on research). So I was like fuck it, I won’t go. Why would I leave my comfortable Lake house to go see him, without a deposit? That’s foolish. Look at the drive I would have had to do:



    I wasn’t about to be driving all thru the woods at nighttime to meet this person, without a deposit (that’s not a house address, merely an apartment which is even MORE reason to not go without deposit.) Imagine I go all that distance, and he flakes? I have to then drive all the way back. 

    Key word: Grindr. As in, not a real paid professional site. 

    I have a question regarding the hotel and an outcall.  When I ask my providers to outcall (which is almost always) I pay the hotel and never expect a contribution from them.  Is this how it normally works?  I just assume it because they travel 1.5 hours to see me (Philly to Allentown PA).  The only time I would expect the provider to pay hotel is if they are traveling into town on their own.

  5. On 5/3/2024 at 9:23 AM, jmichaeliii said:

    So I just left the session and it did change.  The routine was the same up to the HE part where his shorts were down.  He was again sporting a rock hard boner.  This time I stroked that, but I also massaged his biceps a bit which he seemed cool with, then I reached under the shirt and massaged his stomach and nipples, again seemed ok.  So I put my hand on his hip and slightly tugged towards me and before you know it, I had something in my mouth.  We both had near simultaneous finishes.  Was a fantastic day!

    So I just scheduled another session for Sunday with this provider.  I asked him outright after we scheduled if he felt I overstepped any boundaries.   His answer simply was "you're fine".  

    After I said OK, I was just checking, we exchanged a couple pleasantries and that was the end.

    How do I read this?  Is he really OK or do I tone it down a bit this time?

  6. 7 minutes ago, SouthOfTheBorder said:

    the thing with making provider appointments weeks in advance is the very high-probability of cancellations.  Appointments w providers typically aren’t given same priority as doctor/dentist/attorney appointments- things that have to get done.  Provider appointments are entirely elective & it’s the first thing cancelled when travel plans change, family commitments come-up, job requirements, unforeseen emergencies or the time just becomes inconvenient. Many clients don’t have long-term relationships w the providers so they will cancel without the same courtesies they give to doctors/dentists/lawyers, etc  it’s just someone they don’t know - not all of course, but many. 

    To each their own - I just don’t like to waste anyone’s time, including mine until I know nothing will get in the way either same day or day before.  I really can’t plan weeks ahead on being horny at a specific day & time, nor do I know my body will cooperate either.

    Plus, when making same day or day before - the provider knows you’re more likely serious. Thats just the way it works.

    Scheduling travel with a provider for several days or maybe booking a weekend would be the only time I’d contact weeks in advance. 

    I hear and get what you are saying.  My work schedule kind of leaves me in the situation where I need to book sometimes multiple weeks in advance so I have that time locked in.  For me, this is my relax and unwind time,  so unless there is an emergency, I'm keeping that appointment.  My providers have been cool with that setup.

  7. 18 minutes ago, Jarrod_Uncut said:

    Bingo. And I’ll add further: guys have to either A) not plan stuff too close the session or at the very least B)inform the provider that they have something going on.

    Now case in point, I know showing text conversations can be a bit drawn out to read but, when they say there’s “2 sides to every story”, there’s a reason why. Now this is me in green (non iPhone conversation)


    #1 the above invite happens hours after his last text around noon. And I didn’t even think he was trying to meet the next day at all. That’s why I told @marylander1940, the day before isn’t necessarily plenty of notice in ALL cases. Normally it MIGHT be, but not if someone just happens to pick a day I have something planned. And if it’s a city that’s out of state, double that amount of notice. Next:



    #2 why the f**k would he wait until several conversations later the next day, close to the time of the booking to tell me he has a company dinner planned? If he had limited time constraints, I told him he should have communicated that better…just like I told him when I needed to.

    Then later on in the message he says, “we should push it to next Wednesday”. What makes him think I’m even available then, especially when I may have had a need for the money the day we planned . Now I’m supposed to be willing to wait a whole week? The audacity 🤦🏾‍♂️ 

    And I know it sounds like I’m just harping on that 1 booking but, I’ve seen things like this happen before. The client comes across pushy and impatient, despite previously making it seem he had plenty of availability previously. It wasn’t necessarily the time of day that was the issue.


    That's just crazy.  I'd never jerk around someone like that.  I make the appointment and stick with it and don't make plans like this when I have a potential conflict that could screw it up. The stress of whether you can make it on time kind of ruins the intent of why you are doing this.

    I've had to cancel twice in all the times I hired, but I gave plenty of notice and offered either a partial payment or reschedule and never had an issue. 

    That client is way too high maintenance in my opinion.


  8. 3 hours ago, Andy768 said:

    As a total introvert, I could never pull this off myself, but I love the idea and it would absolutely give me a warm and friendly first impression if a guy did this to me. (But I'm not a provider so perhaps I shouldn't be chiming in, but I just really loved this!)

    I have always found it to immediately insert a feeling of comfort.  No one has pulled back on me yet!

  9. On 5/18/2024 at 4:29 PM, jmichaeliii said:

    Not personally but I've heard good things.  He does 4 hand with UpMatt that I'm gonna book next month.

    4 hand scheduled for June 6.

  10. 37 minutes ago, Simon Suraci said:

    I know of one provider who’s been around for a couple decades with several hundred 5-star reviews on RentMen. The length of time makes sense why he would have gathered so many, but when I inquired here on CoM about him, I learned in private messages that he is known to badger his clients into leaving positive reviews, and he harasses or even threatens them until they leave one (or remove a bad one). Presumably he gets RM to remove the bad ones anyway, perhaps anything less than 5-stars.

    Nothing surprising here, but you would never be able to tell on the surface if he’s just really well regarded in the industry or if he is taking extreme measures to manufacture and maintain his reputation. It will catch up to him eventually. It always does.

    Ask here for references and verifications both publicly and privately. What may not show up in public reviews will likely surface here. Reviews are just the tip of the iceberg. For every one good review, I have dozens of client appointments that went really well and in person the clients sing my praises, but you will never see their feedback in a review. 

    I had never left less than a 5 star on Rent Men, so no issue.   I recently had a bad encounter and wanted to leave an appropriate review.  It was then I realized what a pain in the ass it is to leave a less than stellar review.  They may want screen shots and all this other stuff.

    It's not worth the hassle and is a disservice to people who use those reviews as reference.  

  11. 21 minutes ago, FunGuyUS said:

    Gabriel use to be partners with the guy in this profile https://rent.men/Tiagogato  when the parted ways he kept the old RM profile and Gabriel created his new profile

    Looks like they did not split the massage profile

    Looks confusing but nothing devious    




    He definitely made an investment in his profile pics.  He looks great.

  12. Another fun time today.  It was warm today and he showed up in a tight muscle shirt and shorts.  I nearly lost it before we started today.  

    Such a nice guy, 🔥 as can be and skilled.  Only provider I have seen that can make me c*m twice in a session!

  13. 41 minutes ago, Jamie21 said:

    I’m not bothered to know what they look like although sometimes clients will send a picture. I can make guesses by the way they book (no one under 40 will book by phone call for example) or by language used when messaging. 

    Clients do sometimes ask “was I what you expected?” or something along those lines. It’s difficult to answer. What do you say? “No I was hoping for George Clooney” or “well at least you’ve got a pulse so that’s something”  or “there’s so much more of you than I expected”.  

    The truth is it really doesn’t matter. As @Simon Suracisays it’s not a consideration beyond practicalities. I care that they’re a nice person and that they have a great time. More important is the environment we’re using. That’s much more of a consideration. The room has to be suitable so I do much more thinking about that than I do the actual client I’m meeting. 


    I think what you said in the last paragraph is key.  I'm an average looking guy and could use to lose 15-20 pounds.  But I always treat my providers nicely and with respect and in return they all show me a fantastic time.   And if you rehire I find the providers will figure out new ways to have fun and enjoy.  So yes, be nice and that niceness will come back to you!

    I recently left a review for a provider I see every couple months.  He was so appreciative that he texted me that he has an extra special session planned for next time we meet.  Friday should be fun!

  14. 6 minutes ago, Cliff said:

    omg thanks for this. You helped us all dodge a bullet. Sorry you had to endure all this crazy bullshit. 

    It was insane.  I don't think he had bad intentions but just has really bad judgement.  As I have gotten older I have tried to be more understanding and forgiving of things and this time it really bit me in the ass.  Chalk it up to a lesson learned. 

  15. I'm gonna start this review by saying I believe Papi is a sweet guy, but probably needs a few courses on how to run a business.

    He is very sexy and very nice, some challenge with language barrier, but nothing that can't be overcome.  Our first meet was less than great.  He was clearly exhausted from work (he is a stripper in NYC) and should have never agreed to an appointment before noon.  He had to take some type of drugs at our session to even stay awake.  So let's just say it was less than great and leave it at that.

    A couple days later he contacted me apologized profusely and offered a 3 way session with his friend at a 2 for 1 rate at 3 hours to make up for it.  He committed to no drugs at the session and a great time.

    On session day, much like the first they were late..very late.  I always allow an hour buffer for providers coming to me due to traffic in area, but they were over 2 hours late.  Ok, fine.. they arrived and all started good.  As the session progressed it became obvious the friend was a dead fish.  Basically did nothing.   Papi was clearly getting frustrated with him and they started arguing.  I could understand enough Spanish to translate parts.  Needless to say the session ended disastrously but at least no physical violence.  Papi for his part tried to give me a good time but the whole vibe was bad.

    When it came to payment time, I asked Papi what he thought was a fair fee based on this.  Here is where my anger came out.  He thought the entire amount.   We now argued and he actually started crying.  I just paid him the amount to close the book, but made it clear on no uncertain terms to never contact me again.

    I have said many times on this forum that I have been fortunate to never have a bad provider experience.  Well, that has changed.  It's unfortunate because I think he tries to be a sweet person, but was desperate to be paid.  But it cost him a client and this review.

  16. 49 minutes ago, J-Mo said:

    Anyone with experiences to share?

    Not personally but I've heard good things.  He does 4 hand with UpMatt that I'm gonna book next month.

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