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Everything posted by Travis69

  1. If you feel restraints going on your ankles and wrists then you can be petrified!!!!! Only kidding. The first one is usually the best. Relax and enjoy.
  2. If you feel restraints going on your ankles and wrists then you can be petrified!!!!! Only kidding. The first one is usually the best. Relax and enjoy.
  3. Rest and then "enjoy" it again or just lay there in afterglow and enjoy the massage. Happens to many.
  4. There have been sites on the internet for years that show names, phone numbers, sometimes addresses of bad clients. How do you know that you haven't already hired one of the people who posts to those sites????????????????? They might be your favorite escort. You never know.
  5. Masseurs have told me clients get mixed up and also go to the wrong apartment. Neighbor answers the door and client tries to walk in. Hopefully they realize the mistake before they say something wrong like "I really am looking forward to this nude erotic massage".
  6. It is a scam. Someone tried the same thing on a friend. My rule on craigslist or any selling site is CASH ONLY. Money orders, certified checks and teller's checks can be forged. I would also recommend meeting at a police station for the trade off but that might be difficult with a sofa. Good luck but be SUPER CAREFUL!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Initial contact in call, email or text or when they walk through the door?
  8. He probably got a call from a regular and took that appt. over seeing you. Sad but this happens.
  9. Have a separate room for massage if possible. Quiet, dim lights, music.
  10. Make it. I do it about one hour after waking up. I look at it as a horrible chore that I make myself do.
  11. Thank you. I will learn not to ask questions one day!!! I have a white tail in the summer from sunbathing in my speedo. Bet those Ozark men would like me too.
  12. What is "ruttin time". I wish you foreigners would learn English!!
  13. If the doormen are hot you could always thank them in a special way on your way out......................
  14. Has Hilary not heard of smoke free buildings???? She should move to one.
  15. A better plan is to ask the clients from this forum. Mention what city you are in or going to and ask for recommendations. Many masseurs will lie to get the business or even if they are trained might give a lousy massage. This forum is a very valuable tool. Use it.
  16. I have never used the term "for their time only". I think it's ridiculous. I would crack up if I had to use it. Same with the "donation" idea.
  17. I do understand what he is saying. Yes, I know why we are paying escorts. The escorts I know would crack up if I suggested such a thing.
  18. Making a big issue of "please keep this quiet, don't tell a sole" just gives them ammunition if they want it. I am single, out and have people to my place. They see me as someone definitely not blackmailable. If I went to them, talked about my wife, high security job they would have ammunition against me.
  19. Probably make the escort, if dishonest, feel like he could blackmail the client. Never give someone information they might be able to use against you.
  20. One masseur told me that if the prospective client does not include a phone number in the email he will not respond. He sees those people as time wasters and not serious.
  21. Doublelist.com Just getting started but just like Craigslist.
  22. The client has sent all info knowing full well that he will not be approved but tells the escort he doesn't care about "the greatest experience" and fully understands the escort's criteria. He just wants to see the escort and will NOT write a bad review because he is going into the appointment already warned.
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