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Everything posted by Travis69

  1. It should be two mouths meeting NOT one mouth forcing itself into your face. In my experience only 10% know how to kiss good.
  2. Exactly!! Take the list with you if you want and hand it to the escort. Many people are shy about talking about sex.
  3. A lot of whether to be concerned or not is where you live. Some areas could care less and have more important things to do with their police.
  4. Looks like some kind of cock ring. Some wrap around the cock and balls and then separately around the cock. The thing to the side might be the extra ring he is not using. That's my educated guess but not sure.
  5. Funny cause it was an ad to sell stuff. NOTHING sexual about it. Not sure what word or words triggered the system to reject. Think it only took them 20 minutes to check it out and approve it. Good luck.
  6. A posting on Doublelist of mine was originally declined by their system. I appealed their decision and at that point they actually looked at it and approved it. Have you tried appealing?
  7. Best news I have heard all day!!
  8. I didn't say he was a stalker but he is uncomfortably too persistent in his texts and emails. My favorite would send me ONE quick email if was was going to be in town and available. That was proactive. More then two is not proactive but a sign of desperation.
  9. I perhaps wouldn't do that as he will then pester you with when are you coming back and send weekly emails asking about future plans.
  10. I would ignore him. He might be doing this to 50 guys hoping one will cave in and hire him or send him money.
  11. Does Philadelphia have rent control? If so when you go look at apartments ask for all the prices of all the one bedrooms (or what size you want) in the building. If you find a unit someone has lived in for 30 years rent could be 400.00 less then the one next door to it which has turned over every year.
  12. Always visit the areas late at night and see what they are like at that hour. Many neighborhoods change as the day goes on.
  13. But the reality is many are not tested for HIV or anything.
  14. Sad how many people, usually married or closeted, will say they are HIV negative but have never had a HIV test. Kind of throws a kink in some of the questions people ask.
  15. Part of my breakfast every day.
  16. If you refuse him he may get pissed and cause trouble for you. I would see him.
  17. Off the top of my head I can't answer that question but remember using the formulas for some daily things. If I remember I'll let you know.
  18. I loved algebra in high school and actually do use it once in a while to figure things out.
  19. I think you would be a perfect match for him in so many ways.
  20. Some people use those citronella candles. I have heard dryer sheets repel bugs. Have never tried either. Just suggesting what I have heard. Good luck.
  21. My motto is "Ask and you perhaps shall receive. If you don't ask you may never know."
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