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Everything posted by Travis69

  1. Heard that the "hours of operation" for masseurs to choose stops at 8:00 p.m. Guess they figure masseurs shouldn't be doing massages after 8:00.
  2. Probably only the ones with nice butts!! Let me come over and inspect that butt to see what we are talking about!!:p:p
  3. When the masseur sees you naked on the table he then decides how erotic it will be. You just have to either pay more or find a masseur who likes what you look like or likes what you do sexually.
  4. I like potato chips on my ham sandwiches.
  5. Does it matter my avatar is 40 years old and perhaps does not reflect my current condition???? Escorts do it so why can't I!!
  6. That's my stars and stripes MAGA blanket. Keeps me warm at night when @Awwshuck isn't there.
  7. And then pooped out looking better then when you went in!!
  8. Several of the pics, the hotter ones in my mind as far as his looks, were done by photographer Paul Freeman. I would ask him when he was a model for Freeman.
  9. Tip the doormen well and they won't care what you're doing in your apt.
  10. Not according to Jonathan Karl of ABC. He said he has to really "pay" to get exclusive WH leaks.
  11. People who ski have great butts!!! You Lusting after him now instead of truthbtold's picture???????????
  12. If they expect money they are escorts. I would check with them before sharing any info about them, even in PMs.
  13. I have heard from some that it is distracting, limits them from moving freely around the table and takes away from their concentration of doing the massage.
  14. When the escort rejoins his friends he'll have plenty of money to pay for a few rounds of drinks. Good thing!!!
  15. I stop all liquids 2 hours before bed and always take the time to try and pee before turning out the lights and falling asleep. Never have a problem.
  16. Take a 20 minute nap after dinner every night.
  17. Me too!! And then I hire them the next week for their hot bodies all over again. I met one 25 year old buffed stud. I would massage him. $200.00 and worth every penny!!!!!
  18. In my experience sometimes the higher price relates to their looks. Young, buffed try to command a higher price.
  19. I know a guy who got his name and number listed on one of those sites years ago. Knowing him and how he treated people in general I wasn't surprised.
  20. Do you think he is just horny? Do you feel he REALLY ENJOYED having you as a client and wants to enjoy you again? If not, then yes he just wants your money.
  21. What he should do, not YOUR ASSUMPTION OF HIM. Simple question.
  22. I know he has been discussed here before. maybe someone else can direct you to those threads. I would wait until more info.
  23. If you feel restraints going on your ankles and wrists then you can be petrified!!!!! Only kidding. The first one is usually the best. Relax and enjoy.
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