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Posts posted by HoseMaster

  1. Yup.  I went to a pretty sketchy area on Bogota, Colombia when I was there last year to this tiny apartment.  I had a fun time, as I wasn’t there for the ambience.

  2. 1 hour ago, coriolis888 said:

    Your post is excellent and deserves to be stated as so.  

    I have had similar experiences with providers.  Therefore, I can relate to what you wrote. 

    Thanks for such an eloquent and strong statement. 

    Why thank you Coriolis.  Much appreciated.


  3. 7 hours ago, Rod Hagen said:


    They're not.  You're being entitled. You're PAYING, and also you're being entitled.


    Look I'm not being an asshole because I shave, or did shave, I don't and I didn't.  But fucking hell, there's a large gap between having preferences, which everyone but me has, and hunting for an escort's pictures on social media and then zooming, zooming, in to see what is an almost imperceptible "flaw" and then saying, publicly, "well he's a no-go." (I realize this wasn't you Kensington).  Yes you're paying.  AND you're being fussy.

    To you Rod, a shaved body is not uncomfortable.  For me, and several others like me, they most certainly are.

    As for the use of the word “entitled”.  

    1. believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment.
      That’s not me either when it comes to this thread.  I don’t deserve special treatment.  I just don’t want to be deceived.  
      We all have our preferences.  We all have our likes and dislikes.  I just don’t like body hair or the prickly cactus feeling of someone that is shaved.  I don’t like kissing someone with a beard either.   If they laser, or maybe wax right before a session, well then it doesn’t become an issue.  I like the feel of naturally smooth baby soft skin over nice muscles.  It’s just me, and I can’t change it.  No more than I can change my sexual orientation.
      Now since I don’t like this kind of trait on a guy, I have a very keen eye for spotting it.  If they have gorilla arms, they most certainly are not naturally smooth.  I won’t bother you with all the other tell-tale signs of what most likely makes a hairy or non-hairy body.  With this guy on this post, my first thought was, “Is he really that smooth like I  like?”  So I saw that he had social media.  I looked at those pics, zoomed in, and confirmed my suspicions.  Could I have a fun time with this guy still?  Maybe.  But not at his rates.
      For the amount of money we spend on hiring, we have every right to see if that person is the right one that shows up at the door.  I’ve had my fair share of escorts that are not the ones who show up, so you better believe if there are more clues (ie: social media) out there to find out more about the person, I’ll use them to my advantage.
      There was another guy just recently that turned me on by the one picture on his ad: HappyD, aka JoshHung.  Nice naturally smooth muscular looking body, and a decent face through a mask.  But he had only one picture.  I asked for any other pictures, and he sent me a face pic with an outstretched arm holding the camera, and a nice fat cock picture.  The arm on this other picture was kinda hairy, which didn’t match up to the picture in the ad.  I reached out to other guys that had hired him, and one wouldn’t repeat, and the other would.  Both said the dick pic was not his.  When I asked about the picture in the ad, and potential body hair from what I saw on his arm, they said he was not smooth.  So why show a nice smooth muscular body in your ad, when that’s not what is going to show up to your house?  Could I still have a fun time with the guy? Maybe, but that’s not what I paid for.
  4. I have felt these emotional voids before too, especially after an encounter with someone whom I felt a connection.  Then I can get real depressed after they leave, and think to myself, “I just spent how much on that guy?? And none of it was real??”  

    I follow a lot of hot guys on IG, and I see a lot of them have hot boyfriends, or are around hot guys quite a bit.  I know I’m attracted first to a hot guy, and secondary to his personality.  I realize this sounds superficial, but I think the looks are what attracts anyone first to someone else.  Maybe not all, but I’d say a majority.  

    Some of these guys may be hot, but underneath, some may have a black soul with that handsome mask.  I’ve lived through this with a narcissist.   I know I can never attract the hot guys that I like—as I’ve tried for years. What I find attractive is not what the other guys find reciprocally attractive. I may have a great job, and I don’t consider myself ugly or obese, but I don’t have that hot body with a six pack either that the gay world often looks for. That’s why I started hiring.  

  5. 29 minutes ago, Rod Hagen said:

    Oh fuck me, seriously.  This?  This is what's important?  A beautiful young man with a great ass....if it weren't for that splotch hair on his chest.  Oh well, not meant to be, Swiping left.

    I AM that much of a stickler when it comes to body hair.  You can definitely tell the chest is shaved, and thus a “porcupine” or “cactus” feel.  That is something that turns me right off.  It is very rare you find someone that is….naturally smooth.   It’s actually more than that with this guy.  If you zoom on other pictures of his, you can see the shaving that’s done on his frontal part of the body.

    We all  have our particular likes and dislikes.  My likes are naturally smooth and muscular.  My dislikes are hairy and/or shaved.

  6. I’m very much a stickler when it comes to body hair, as I dislike it.  He states “Naturally Smooth”, and when you go to his Twitter and zoom in, that is clearly not the case.  I would rate that factor as “Shaved” or “Lightly Hairy” to say the least.  He does have a very pretty dick though, and one of the nicest soft ones I’ve seen.  Wonder what it’s like hard?  Too bad he’s only a bottom.



  7. I kinda had a laugh as I think there are a lot of “Niles Standish”-es out there that probably help help with the inflation of escort’s fees out there.  Niles Standish is a character in the old Comedy Central show “Crank Yankers” in which the likes of Adam Carolla would lend their voices to the show, and make prank phone calls to various people, and then if the call went good, would set the phone call to puppets.  Niles would usually get a rate over the phone about some product or service, and quickly tell them to “double it”.  Most of the time, they were put off and surprised, and didn’t know what to say.  If you Google “Crank Yankers Double It”, it brings quite a few scenes up from the show.  In this call, he calls a personal trainer to ask about having him set off with a loin cloth and run into the woods while Niles will hunt him with a paint ball gun.  When Niles asks about the rate, and the personal trainer giving him a weekly rate of $1,600, he immediately days “double it”!  
    Sometimes I feel that Niles is the client, and the people on the other end of the phones are the escorts.  That’s why sometimes I feel we see those $500 and above rates because of some Niles giving them that doubled rate at some point, and then they feel they should get that anytime.  😂🤣🤪


  8. 56 minutes ago, DBWEHO said:

    If he were in LA, I'd hire him in a second / 


    Me too.  However, I am wondering if he can ever get in the US again.  I know he married Steve Peña, the Marine from Camp Pendleton, and I thought that should give him access to citizenship here.  Not really sure what happened though.

  9. 1 hour ago, BuffaloKyle said:

    I just did a little quick research and I see he was born in Canada so yeah there might be some issues. Of course all you have to do is message him and ask what his general travel availability is.

    I did message him.  Sounds like he’ll be in Europe for awhile.

  10. 11 minutes ago, KeepItReal said:

    This thread may be helpful.


    Heymistr provides Descovy (not Truvada).  A few guys I talked to reported slight upset stomach for a day or two when they started but it settled down and they are all still on Descovy.  It is quite convenient to get your meds and your quarterly testing kit delivered to your door.   

    Do you have any idea of the differences between Descovy & Truvada, side-effects, effectiveness of each one versus the other, etc?

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