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Everything posted by RyanDean

  1. Seems to be a case of multiple Maxes. The Max I had the dance with said he was new to dancing (I believe it was his first night) and noted he had previously been an Adonis patron... Because of his day job, he didn't have his pic in the promo emails. Definitely not Blake.
  2. At last weekend's nude party, I spent some time with Adonis's new Max -- curly hair, very impressive defined lean build, dazzling toothy smile. Didn't strike me as straight. At all. He did say he has a demanding "straight" day job so... smart, yes. Straight? I'd need some convincing. (Lap dance was...um...okay?)
  3. Depends on how far back a "few years is"... My chat history does show exchanges with currently deactivated profiles but it only reaches back to September 2020.
  4. Matt was running things last night, because Tim had some major family stuff (all good) that required his attention, so things on the admin side were a little janky last night. I didn't get my confirmation email either and there was a moment of confusion at the door when they couldn't find my registration. But it did seem that good times were had by all.
  5. Thanks for all these tributes which add so much dimension and heart to my already vivid memories of @Epigonos -- his presence, his banter, his gruffness, his generosity, his deviled eggs -- at a PS gathering some years back... Warm thoughts to all who are feeling this loss today.
  6. No emails yet. Might start going out tomorrow/Wed or Thursday...
  7. Any 411 on this gent? https://rent.men/TradeMarked Alternately, any recs for reliable/solid/go-to gents in NOLA?
  8. ShowPalace was skankier than Gaiety, for sure. But like the Gaiety, you walked up a narrow staircase to pay the entrance fee and then entered a lounge area of sorts. From there, you could go to a screening room, where a porn flick was playing in a not-dark room with maybe six or seven rows of movie theatre seats. Or you could go to the show room, where a small platform -- maybe 8'x8' at about 18" high -- was surrounded on three-sides by rows of theatre seating. The dancers would do a slow strip, then do a j/o show. Tippers could usually have a bit of a feel. There would usually be an advertised "headliner" (typically a porn star in from California) who would take to the stage at certain times (like maybe every two or three hours). But a new dancer would hit the stage every 20 minutes or so. I liked how it was just much looser than the structured shows at Gaiety, where the guys tended to be more buff and more beautiful. ShowPalace guys were mostly black or Latin. Here are two links that give some detail: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100068648871681&_ft_ http://artandperception.com/2007/03/hiv-when-your-muse-is-an-evil-and-dark-master.html
  9. Back in the 90s, I was more of a ShowPalace fan but boyhowdy how I have longed for a joint like Gaiety these last ten years...
  10. Sorry to hear that, @rdwyer78. I had a generally positive experience with him a few years back. Not exceptional, and his (then) roidiness was not appealing to me, but he struck me as personable and engaged.
  11. I tried one workaround for the CJ profile but even it didn't work -- which is definitely weird. As for the Boooy profile, I've just received a chat message from him, based I suspect on the fact that I was logged in and checked his profile.
  12. I won't venture my opinion on whether they're real or fake or scammers or whatever but the one says "message me" and the other says "new to this app"... which does suggest (to me at least) that they invite/expect communication to begin within RentMen's message/chat feature.
  13. Will be sorry to miss you @azdr0710! I had plans to attend but things shifted and won't be able to after all. (My understanding is that @Coolwave35 is likely sitting this one out as well.)
  14. As a kid, I moved from the US to a part of the world where smallpox was not uncommon so I got a first major smallpox shot followed by a booster each year through my tweens. As I recall, I got at least one booster *after* the announced eradication because my father's employer wanted to be cautious. This was about 40-45 years ago. Fast forward to 2022, I had no noticeable reaction my intradermal MPX1 the first week or so (not even a welt or raised bump). Then, somewhere around the two week mark, I noticed that I had what I thought was a weird mosquito bite that itched like crazy but seemed not to respond to being scratched. It took me a day or two to clock that the "bite" -- a firm pinkish bump -- was actually at my vaccination site. The nagging itch continued for maybe a week and the firm pinkish bump began to recede in the final week of the 28days. I got my intradermal MPX2 only yesterday, so it's hard to say. So far, it's behaving a little bit differently, but nothing really noticeable in terms of sensation.
  15. I've mostly encountered testimony from folks who had a terrible experience doubling up on this flu vaccine & the bivalent covid booster. But I have noted that the New Jersey Department of Health is encouraging folks to get flu & covid at the same time, so who knows. But part of the reason I thought it best (for me) to do the Covid booster alongside the mpx2 (today!) was to allow myself a few weeks before it becomes necessary for me to get the flu shot.
  16. I found him quite captivating at the one PS event I went to. (Also happened to spy him at a local gym before the meetup and quite enjoyed the spectacle of him on some stairmaster-like contraption.)
  17. Shortly after I booked my second mpx shot, I was invited -- and strongly encouraged -- by the health advocacy organization running the vaccination clinic to book my covid booster for the same time. So I am slated to get both shots on Tuesday. (I've been warned against doing the flu shot at the same time as the covid booster, but have heard no such warnings about combining mpx#2 with the bivalent booster.)
  18. @Luv2play the 1/5th dose is the one done under the skin (intradermal).
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