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Posts posted by peterhung85

  1. In general, and Vegas specifically, is there any clear indication that LE focuses more of their efforts on targeting supply (escorts) or demand (clients)? Perhaps because it is often publicized more, especially sting operations, I've always had the impression that clients are targeted more.

    There is no "published material" out there about this, at least not to my knowledge. However Vice is very active on both fronts as well as both gender-front. I did however read (long-long-long time ago) that the amount of arrest per year vice executes in Las Vegas is almost TWICE as many as in Los Angeles which at that time was ranked 2nd. Again, this is from about 7-8 years ago and the article did not differentiate on supply vs. demand arrest.


    Plus it is always an interesting conversation when you ask your client:

    "So what brought you to Vegas?" and the answer is a resounding:

    "A court date" LOL

  2. If you're worried about cops every time you meet a client, you're in the wrong line of work lol. As for your friend, he sounds like he made that story up bro. I'm positive cops have bigger fish to fry here in Vegas. I call clients in their hotel room to make sure they are "actually" at the hotel they say. Then politely ask to be provided uber and lyft. Sure some escorts can't pull this off but it works great for me :)

    OK "bro", him and I both made this up.... Glad you know the way things work in Vegas... ;)

    I have no further comments on this and definitely not going to force someone to become a believer :D

  3. I agree there is never any 100% degree avoidance from entrapment. However I have worked with male cops - I do not know about female stings - and unless they are going to have a big sting operation (another words a pimp and escorts) they are not going to kiss you or take their clothes off (except maybe gloves/jacket). They will certainly not go through a whole sex act. Just don't speak about money and a following sex performance in the same conversation. That gives them something to work with in an investigation. If you don't mention money and they fuck you, etc. and give you money at the end there is a gift defense unless you are (stupidly?) careless and say something like "Oh, thanks for the money because I provided sex to you." And as everyone has said, have a good attorney's name at hand or on retainer.

    I personally know someone who went through an ENTIRE MASSAGE, client FULLY NAKED and at the release part is where the provider was arrested by LE. The guy you have worked with may not do that but that does not mean that nobody does.

  4. Best thing that works for me is that I ask for their last name and the room# number at the hotel they're staying at. Call the client in their room. 90% of your clients will be staying at a hotel. Hope this helps

    So you think that if there was a sting operation set up in a hotel room, then the "client" would not provide you a name, or when you call the hotel, the operator would just tell you: "Sorry Sir, police is renting it for the night".

    Sorry but this makes no sense to me.... you are welcome to elaborate how you think that is "screening".

  5. Peter -- do you have personal or second-hand knowledge of cases in which male LE engaged in sexual acts with male escorts (for entrapment purposes)? We've discussed from time to time on this forum the fact that the "younger" generation is not (so) hung-up about gay/straight labels, and I'm wondering whether those attitudes extend to younger cops and make them willing to do things that their older colleagues would have avoided.

    Yes, I actually do (in Vegas).... and let's leave it at that. ;)

  6. Bottom line, if the PD wants to get you, they will find a way. There's no disclaimer, asterisk, magic trick or burning of sage that's going to save you from ending up with, minimum, a solicitation charge. You can argue that down with a good attorney and have it expunged if you don't already have a long string of arrests.


    In playing this game, you agree to take on some degree of risk. Minimizing risk is what the best escorts do, but it's not perfect. If you're on either side of this equation, my suggestion is to always have a trusted attorney on speed dial.


    As my own lawyer has said to me, while it's good to have a qualified attorney next to you, it's better to have one who knows the judge ;)

    Highly agree. These above mentioned "tricks" to touch someone's private parts or kiss ... please! Clark county has NO ENTRAPMENT laws! Don't believe me look it up.... LE can do whatever sexual they wish if they want to make an arrest. As BN said: If they want to arrest you, they will. LE in particular cares less whether they have a strong case against you or not. They are in it to meet their quota for the night. So what if a few cases don't even get to court? They still made 98 other arrests that night that will.


    One correction I must make to BN: There is no possibility of "expunging" records in the State of Nevada (since this particular issue was raised about Las Vegas in specific). While some states DO allow records to be expunged, State of Nevada solely offers the possibility of record sealing.


    My $0.02!

  7. Whether one is referencing @peterhung85 or @VictorPowers, in the final breakdown, although I find that though both may dress very well, I am not paying much attention to Peter's wardrobe and I'm pretty certain that I will have the same feelings about Victor's terrific wardrobe - I'll be anticipating what is under that wardrobe. It's rather like receiving a Christmas (or Hanukkah or Kwanzaa, etc.) gift, where, although the paper and/or wrapping style may be impressive, I am always more intent on getting past the wrapping, to the 'meat' of the gift!!! o_O:eek:;)


    TruHart1 :cool:

    You are sweet (as usual), I was actually referencing to Austin Powers' outfit.... This, being one of the more subtle ones :D



    ...and was just making a statement that it is hard to beat a wardrobe like his ;)

  8. Also - lot of IT people are in IT partly because they are horrible dealing with people. throw in a tendency towards Aspergers and passion for "Rules" and they tend to get disproportionately upset about things being "wrong." The rules obsession is actually a useful trait for fixing problems with computers, but it tends to hamper their human interactions.

    That is actually a great point! One of the marketing convention I have recently attended partially mentioned this aspect and the speaker stated in the presentation:


    ...and for all of you IT people, this is how upper management thinks of you:



    It was really spot on! :p

  9. I think for a business call, calling outside of business hours (unless there is an SLA I am unaware of) is not courteous but I certainly would not go near as far as the guy did on you. I am also curious why bringing this up after 2 years. This must have affected you badly if there are still issues about moving on :)

  10. I'm seething, I'll admit it. Had a firm confirmation early this morning from an escort I've seen multiple times and he texts me less than an hour before he was to arrive that he's "sick" and cannot make it tonight. Yes, it's winter and people get sick, but I feel if he were truly ill, why wait until the last minute to inform me?

    First of all, truly sorry that it happened to you. Obviously he was not serious because you don't just realize last minute that you are sick. Learn from it and find someone who not only respects you but takes your business seriously.

  11. An escort I was trying to hire asked for my ‘stats — size, height, weight, ethnicity’. I felt quite a bit insulted. That was probably just his second text message.

    My take on this: I think that was a good thing that the escort asked for your stats and I tell you why. In case he does not like what he reads about you, then guess what? You just saved not only your time and money but an uncomfortable situation in person. Nobody needs that. As far as I am concerned, I never ask for stats because I meet anyone as long as my 2 non-negotiable conditions are met (impeccable hygiene and safe play).

  12. Peter,

    I just started hiring earlier this year and didnt know about this site and how much of a problem Derek was until after. Found DA on RM and was intrigued as I had seem some of his videos previously and thought he was good looking. Again being new i really didnt know any better and like what @nycman stated, we think with our penis and that is what got me in this predicament. I didnt make a plan b in advance as I cant see telling someone that if person A doesnt show up I want you to come over instead. That sounds like being picked last for the team and I wouldnt want to do that to anyone. After waiting about an hour for DA, I did end up calling the same guy that I hired for my first time and he came over.


    Does that answer your question Peter, if not let me know and we can talk more...maybe even on my next trip out to Vegas :D!!



    Yes, it answers perfectly. Glad you joined the forum, it will surely help you in the long run to make informed decisions.... and yes .... definitely up for a chat next time you are in Vegas! ;)



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