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Everything posted by nate_sf

  1. Hopefully sexier than this: http://www.natebeck.us/mail.jpg In all seriousness, I've been looking for something more stylish and sexy than the usual facemask. I checked out the Mr S website thinking they might have something, but it's just the usual masks and bandanas. Though they're nice masks and bandanas!
  2. I agree with this. I had COVID and was out of commission for more than three weeks, and it was debilitating. Multiply that across the whole team, and then across a series of teams, and before you know it you don't have teams to play baseball if half of every team is out sick for weeks at a time. It sucks, but it's the situation at hand unfortunately.
  3. I'm in the same boat. I've been shaving my head clean with a razor every day for at least 10 years. Before that I used clippers. Nowadays I use Headblade, which has made the shaving much more reliable than when I was using a regular razor.
  4. I hired when I was escorting, and have continued to hire since ending escorting. When I was escorting I wrote a blog entry about "when the hired hire" here. The blog entry is pretty old now, but reflects what I was thinking at the time. Escorts (both current and former) hire for the same reason as everyone else, which is wanting what you want when you want it. Finding hookups on social media is a crap shoot, but with a hired guy you can find the guy you want and have sort of confidence the meetup will happen.
  5. I recently visited my sister who was staying at a local hotel here. The place was beyond deserted, and I've never felt so conspicuous walking into a hotel ever. And this was just to meet my sister! So if you're a discreet kind of guy, just be prepared the experience might be a bit different than what you're accustomed to. But as others have mentioned, the hotels don't want to upset their guests, and I'd expect that's now more than ever.
  6. A few years ago I stayed in Brooklyn (Williamsburg specifically) and ran an escort ad, and the result was so-so. I was in town for other reasons so was not looking for a ton of bookings, so didn't mind. I wanted to stay in Brooklyn since I'd never been there and wanted a new experience, after having stayed in Manhattan every time previously. The guys I did see were from Brooklyn so they were happy to have someone close by. The response was not as good as when I'd stayed in Manhattan, but I loved where I stayed and enjoyed the trip on its own merits. I think if you've got a free place to stay and it works for your photography, that's a good trade-off for any reduction in massage clients you might have.
  7. If you go to your profile settings and go to the "Contact and Basic Info" section where you have your birthdate, you can toggle the privacy to "only me." Then you won't receive the notifications since nobody will know it's your birthday. I did the same on my profile a while back for the same reason.
  8. I have been having daily staff meetings via Zoom. First day was pets show-and-tell. My dog did not seem amused, and for today’s call he chose to stay in bed.
  9. My mother-in-law tells me the same thing. She says as a girl in the rural Midwest their outhouse was stocked with the Sears Catalog.
  10. Understood. I was already trying to figure out how we'd pull off the weekend with social distancing! For future reference, Santiago has a more forgiving cancellation policy than Inndulge. 14-day cancellation on holidays (including Coachella) and 7 days otherwise. Something to think about for next year.
  11. I’m partial to the cottage cheese with pineapple variety.
  12. I see nothing wrong with being transparent with finances. When I was escorting regularly, there were a couple of regular clients who would invite me on trips and let me know what they were spending on the expenses. I knew these were salaried guys who were comfortable but were not of unlimited means, and I did not begrudge them for sharing the the details. Since I enjoyed their company and was excited to go to the destinations they had in mind, I adjusted my fee accordingly provided it still made some sense financially. As for the "FinDom" guy... that's a real hustle! Maybe some people get off on that (there was an episode of HBO's "High Maintenance" that focused on this), but save your valuable resources for someone who will appreciate you as you are.
  13. The Rosewood in Menlo Park is legendary for its Thursday "cougar nights." Great people-watching if you're in the neighborhood, all for just the price of a fancy cocktail!
  14. A few years ago I spent a bunch of time performing on the web cams. During my shows, as an ice-breaker I'd ask people where they were located. They were from all over the world. A lot of people seemed to come from small towns, both in the U.S. and abroad, so I figured this was an opportunity to engage with another guy that would not otherwise be available. A guy in a small town would not have the opportunity to engage with an escort unless he drove to a larger town, whereas he could engage with someone onscreen for a fraction of what that trip and hire would cost. Others would refer to domestic situations, such as spouses and kids, which could make hiring an impossibility even if it were otherwise available. I got the sense that with the webcams, someone would need to be online for long periods to make significant money. I'd check the well-attended shows, and often the guys had been online for hours, and every day. In that sense it was like a job, and some of them were in places where escorting would probably not be permitted or viable. With OF and JFF, there is more reliance on prepared content, but the need to keep producing new content is necessary to stay relevant and keep subscribers. But my guess is, like the webcams, for a lot of the subscribers the option to hire an escort is not realistic. In that sense OF and JFF are more like porn, except more personal and engaging... sort of a cross between porn and escorting.
  15. A number of the bars have gogo dancers on certain nights, but as far as I know none offer lapdances. I'd expect it's for the reasons @J-Man mentions. I gogo dance at the Eagle from time to time, and though we're allowed to show our butts and lots of guys wear jocks, there can be no frontal nudity. If a bar gets caught with nudity (either dancers or patrons), they can get shut down for either a duration or permanently. However in my experience there can be lots of touching, including crotch and ass grabbing. I'm not up on the current bar scene, but I found this listing that seems pretty current and accurate from what I know: https://www.tripsavvy.com/best-san-francisco-gay-nightlife-1417639 Some of the bars that have gogo dancers on at least some of the nights include The Eagle, Powerhouse, Beaux, Badlands, 440 Castro, and The Edge. Most likely dancers would be on the weekends. You could check the websites or give them a call if you wanted to check for a particular night.
  16. He gives a great massage too...
  17. I just had a massage from Hugo. He's visiting San Francisco, staying in a respectable hotel downtown. I thought the massage was great! For me, just the right mix of everything I like. I found him to be friendly but shy. That might be mistaken for aloof bit I did not find him aloof, just quiet. English is not his first language but he's perfectly conversant. He's here in SF until Monday. At least from my experience, I'd recommend him and hope to see him again when he's back in town.
  18. I ride BART, MUNI, Caltrain, and Samtrans fairly regularly, and BART by far seems to be in the worst shape. One of my colleagues at work calls it "The Upside Down" which seems sadly appropriate. Maintenance seems to be a continual problem, so it feels run down and dirty, and has a disproportionate share of mentally ill. But I don't feel unsafe on the system, I just find it depressing. Caltrain is the opposite end of the spectrum... though the trains are old, they're clean and each train has two uniformed conductors who continually patrol the cars. The conductors are friendly, and some quite hunky The only time I've felt unsafe is when there are rowdy drunks, since drinking booze is allowed most of the time, but the drunks are more annoying than anything.
  19. nate_sf

    Strange up-charge

    So sucking cock is considered base level of service, but licking armpits is an extra-charge fetish? That's pretty funny. Asking an escort to abstain from wearing scents, deodorants, antiperspirants, etc. is not an unusual request so I don't think would ordinarily warrant an upcharge. On the other hand, if the request extended to wanting smelly pits (also not an unusual request), that would make more sense for an upcharge since it would require more preparation and could impact other scheduling.
  20. Last time I was in Phoenix I saw their shows at a couple of different bars. Very sexy guys, and friendly. And yes, there was one who I had a private dance with who I later saw on RM, there are probably others.
  21. This was my experience too. I remember the day in 6th grade when the coach told us we were at the age where we would need to start wearing jocks for P.E. class. I was terrible at sports and also shy and nerdy, and the idea of getting a jock strap (let alone wearing one) was terrifying. I think I told my mom what the coach said, but for whatever reason I did not get one. I think maybe I told her not to bother, I'd wait. Then in middle school the subject never came up again. Fast forward, as an adult I've bought tons of jocks, and like so many gay guys I love wearing them. But at the gym I prefer compression shorts.
  22. For my eye exams I go to the school of optometry at one of the big universities here. For each annual exam, you are randomly assigned to one of the students on the shift, who you will see that one time and then never again. It lends a bit of a perverse thrill to an otherwise routine chore of an exam, sort of like a game of Mystery Date. The students are without exception polite, professional, and earnest, and quite often attractive (both male and female). But of course everything is above board, and I would never think of crossing boundaries. One year, as my named was called I looked up to see a true adonis of a man. It took everything I had to concentrate on the exam! And yes as with all of these exams, he had to get very close at various parts of the exam to look into my eyes. Look up, look down...
  23. There is a late 70s Impala here in my neighborhood that I see every day when I walk my dog. I think it's a 1978 or 79, at the time promoted as "The New Chevrolet" (I can still hear the old TV jingle... Now that's more like it!). It doesn't have the gusto of the 60s models, but with its two-tone blue paint it is a cool car in its own right. I smile whenever I see it.
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