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    wayout reacted to + JEC in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    This site and this community is a testament to the soul of Guy Fawkes, a man I never met but felt like I knew and had a kinship with. He was obviously a big hearted man to give all of the time energy and heart and soul he put into this community. He was also a thoughtfully rebellious soul, willing to take personal risk to challenge injustice...right up to the line. And he fought for the underdogs, this community here just trying to live our harmless truth without judgement or persecution. This loss comes at the end of a year we have all experienced so much loss, its' magnitude is amplified.
    Now, we wait....until the day we try to come to this site and it too, has passed on. While I'd love to think this community will live on, it's naive to think that can happen without a platform to bring us all together. Hard to believe there is another Guy Fawkes out there, someone with the heart, the time, the technical ability, the rebelliousness and the willingness to take the risks Guy did. I for one am not that person, which is why I have always been so thankful someone else was. Let's hope that Guy's spirit will live on in someone new, I think he would want that.
    We all hope that when we pass we have changed the world in some way, whether big or small. Guy changed the world by bringing this community together, and bringing our common interest out of the dark shadows and into the light.
    RIP Guy Fawkes, may your spirit and your legacy live on

  2. Like
    wayout reacted to + Bryan Dube in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    So sorry to hear this. This is so sad. ? May he rest in peace.
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    wayout reacted to + Billsboy4 in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Very sad. Condolences to his friends and family
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    wayout reacted to + ArVaGuy in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    This is very sad news. I will always remember Daddy/Guy fondly having first met him at a DC Forum event as well as Palm Springs and having lunch in Las Vegas several times. Some of us first knew him as Daddy, others as Guy Fawkes on this forum. A few even knew him by his name IRL. He certainly was no wall flower with his boisterous personality.
    Guy was a mentor to many an escort and client offering sage advice about this business and hobby. He kept this site alive and vibrant from its early days under Hooboy and his own subsequent management. How he achieved this for so long under so many adversities we will never comprehend. He did all this out of his sense of community and for all the members of this site, working guys and hobbyist.
    Certainly there were conflicts with individuals and groups of members from time to time. Administering this site was no easy task. Guy was accused of many unkind motives, some may have been true, most were certainly not true. Critics always have a better idea yet never step up to provide assistance.
    Through all of the many controversies and fighting Guy continued to maintain this forum despite criticism. Guy maintained a true libertarian perspective of allowing many here a tremendous amount of leeway. When situations or behaviors became intolerable for him and the integrity of the community he took action and moved on.
    I would never have had his level of tolerance for many of these issues and would have shut it all down had it been my prerogative. Guy had a live and let live attitude that many should emulate. This forum allowed me to become a better client. It gave me an appreciation for the men who choose escorting. And it allowed me to build friendships with several clients and escorts that will always be a part of my life. Daddy/Guy made all that possible and I’m grateful to him for his dedication and perseverance.
    RIP Daddy/Guy.
  5. Like
    wayout reacted to + harey in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    My condolences to the forum members who knew Daddy. Our occasional messages gave me the impression of a kind and committed man. He did so much for the members here and everyone reading this forum and the review site. Daddy was from a generation that did not take queer rights for granted. At this time when our freedoms are being squeezed again, he carved out a space here and found ways to hold the line against homophobic legal restrictions. That’s heroic.
    Thank you @Cooper for everything you’ve done. I’m sure this has been a rough month and hope you are taking care of yourself.
  6. Like
    wayout reacted to leeper in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    This is the post I was fearing to read. Beyond sad. I got to meet him a couple of times and once he invited me to sit beside him while he went through and cleared reviews for posting. This site has been so instrumental in creating a community. I lurked for many years before I actually joined. Some folks have joined and been constants throughout the years, others have joined for a period of time and then vanished. I have noticed that many used it as a support for a transition in their lives, burned bright with many posts and then "retired". I hope there is is way of preserving and maintaining what we have here. So long Daddy, and thank-you so much for all of this.
  7. Like
    wayout reacted to mike carey in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    I am so sorry to hear this incredibly sad news, we have all been well served by Daddy's sites and the sense of community the Forum has engendered. May he rest in peace. My condolences to those who knew him and to those who have worked with him on this enterprise. I join others to thank you, @Cooper, for your tireless work over recent weeks to help him and to keep us informed.
  8. Like
    wayout reacted to + Snbrd in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    The fact that so many of us cared about and followed his condition these last few weeks is a testament to the community he built via this site and Daddy's. My condolences to all, especially those of you who were more closely acquainted with him. May I add my name to those who appreciate Cooper's efforts on Guy's behalf and for updating the rest of us on his condition?
  9. Like
    wayout reacted to + azdr0710 in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    He was very dedicated to these websites....and passionate about the greater subject they involved.....
    his work here certainly helped many through their reservations and inhibitions.....and I'm sure many here are now better off only because of his actions....
    a genius in many ways, if not in spelling and grammar
    very protective of providers who deserved it and always had the big picture in mind......
    time marches on......and it will catch up with all of us......but we'll always have his legacy and memories
  10. Like
    wayout reacted to big dale in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    If not for his passion about this subject we wouldn't be here on this forum today. He will be missed.
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    wayout reacted to + not2rowdy in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    I am saddened. I am one who also never met him but he, and his sites, have played a significant role in the later years of my life journey. I hope there is way for his life’s work to continue. It will hurt even more if all the vast information put together in the 10’s of thousands of conversation threads in this forum are lost.
  12. Like
    wayout reacted to + MattOSUGRAD in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Such sad news, my thoughts and sympathies are with all those near and dear to Daddy. May he rest in peace. He had an amazing positive impact on so many individuals, and he will be missed incredibly.
  13. Like
    wayout reacted to + Dane Scott in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Rest in Peace Daddy
  14. Like
    wayout reacted to + Kufrol in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    May Daddy be remembered in death as he was in life, an engaging, intelligent, creative, and empathetic pioneer whose entrepreneurship improved the lives of so many. May our warm memories of him, and our mutual support of each other, soon eclipse our current grief and guide us through this sad and perplexing transition. Thanks to all who dedicated their time to contact the hospital, social worker, long time friends, et al, and especially to Cooper, for reiterating, 'no man is an island unto himself.' Be, Go, and Stay Well, Daddy!
  15. Like
    wayout reacted to + Autumnal in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    The forum and review sites showed me a door that I didn't know existed and allowed me to safely enter a world that I had only dreamed about. For that I will always be grateful. With sadness - RIP Daddy
  16. Like
    wayout reacted to TruthBTold in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    As with everyone I pay tribute to Daddy/Guy for all he did for all of us. Please remember to raise a glass and toast him during the Palm Springs Weekend (and of course with all those who put that together). RIP, TBT.
  17. Like
    wayout reacted to + Just Sayin in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    rest in peace, Daddy/Guy; and thank you for being the convener of this community
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    wayout reacted to + sam.fitzpatrick in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    I will always remember his commitment to keeping this site running. His passion for it provided a venue that reached beyond reviews of escorts and massage therapists, but also a forum for inclusion for those of us that hired (and perhaps those that advertised their services) to know there were more people like us. Guy's commitment to keeping the site running enabled many friendships to be created. RIP Guy.
  19. Like
    wayout reacted to + David-SF in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Very sad day today. I’m grateful that’s all I’m going to say. Sending you all big love today
    Rest Daddy
    Just rest
    Love David
  20. Like
    wayout reacted to rustyrex in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    RIP daddy and thank you for creating a space for us to show a side of ourselves that we probably wouldn’t share with everyone. You’ve touched so many lives. Thank you for this site.
  21. Like
    wayout reacted to + overeasy in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Vaya con dios , Daddy....and so many thanks. And soothing thoughts to all of my fellow forum members....
  22. Like
    wayout reacted to + Eric Hassan in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    I'm so sad to hear this news.
    I think of all the people I've met and conversations and adventures I've had and smiles that have been put on my face as a consequence of me being on this site and I'm truly, truly grateul. I imagine we all are, and I hope that Daddy understood he wasn't just running a website, but rather holding a space for our community.
    Rest easy, Daddy xo
  23. Like
    wayout reacted to + tassojunior in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Mortality's never an easy subject but Daddy certainly extended HooBoy's with this site. And he's definitely notched a space in all of us who use it for himself.
    Life well-done Daddy, life well-done.
  24. Like
    wayout reacted to + Axiom2001 in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Thunderous applause and tremendous thanks are extended to Cooper. You've been one hell of a magnificent trooper.
  25. Like
    wayout reacted to + Axiom2001 in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Daddy/Guy Fawkes,
    Your dedication and contributions have been mighty invaluable. May you rest in power.
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