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Everything posted by beethoven

  1. Well, the photos are hot. I wonder how much he will charge to send you the photos, because that guy ain't who will walk thru your door. Yesterday, I asked a 411 on "Mikeeee." Two or more paragraphs from "Menbull's" ad are the same as Mikeeee's. Check out the one about how he will work up a sweat and then remove his clothes. Also one about having played ice hockey, and something about most of the power comes from the legs, and his are powerful. Stay away!!
  2. Ryanapui is based in Philadelphia, and is coming to NYC at the end of May. His ad looks real, and he seems genuine. Anyone have any experience with him? https://rentmasseur.com/Ryanapui
  3. I am really puzzled. I've never been to Jose, but I've read so many marvelous things about him....and then I've read the comments in this thread..... Is he moody? Is he friendly? If ever there was a YMMV, this is it! I guess there's only one way for me to find out...... Reminds me of a recent recommendation of mine (what's more, it was given to one of the people who posted in this thread) about a masseur I've been seeing for ten years, and he told me the masseur was awful. He didn't blame me, but I felt bad that I had recommended the masseur, and the client thought it was a total waste of money. As they say, YMMV, and buyer beware! Any further comments on Jose will be appreciated.
  4. He's located -- at least for now -- on the UWS near CPW. Quite a few masseurs show this location, so I think it's a rented studio. Sometimes, like the one on 14th St near 6th ave, they are real dumps, and ruin the experience, no matter now good the masseur is. Sometimes they are OK, or even better. The problem is, I never know what I'll find. The OP said that he "writes like a pro." Granted, but who really does write these things? I wouldn't be surprised if someone hires himself out as a consultant for masseurs, writing their ads for $100 each. Just like the reviews; they can't be trusted, either. Unless I see a few recommendations in this forum, I know that I'm buying a pig in a poke. That said, some of my favorite masseurs, who I've been seeing for 5 -10 years, were without recommendations.
  5. https://rentmasseur.com/Mikeeee Some things in his ad intrigue me, and some say, "Stay away." Anyone have any experience with "Mikeeee?"
  6. I was going to ask why, if he's so hard to get, are you so interested, but then I read his ad, and noticed BDSM and body gliding, which is probably what attracts people, despite his rather pricey $175. I'm intrigued, too, and I notice that as WallaDude said, there is now a phone number. Also, you can email him from his ad. If you take the plunge, please let us know!
  7. Thanks for the clarification, Bostonman. Of course, you are right. Your first sentence says it all, "Isn't current in the business anymore." I'M not current, either! (Which I discover every night, when I watch "Jeopardy.") I'm still living in the days of R&H, and I'm sure that most of these young 'uns today have no idea of who R&H were.
  8. The best masseur in Orlando, for my money, is RJ in Kissimmee. His ad has been down for a while, but it should be back soon.
  9. I think it very odd that "mostly straight but curious" guys would visit a spa or any place to "hang out nude" or to "stroke it if it feels right." On the other hand, maybe I ought to get out more?
  10. I thought it was very funny that one of the masseurs had a boner, but just unzipped, stuck it out, and didn't bother to take his pants off. (Which one of them eventually did.) And why the thong for the client? And a massage on the other side of the curtain! I noticed one of the masseurs put his hand over the client's mouth. That happens to me at a spa, when the masseur doesn't want to let management know what's going on. Very good video!
  11. I mentioned Ricky without knowing whether or not he's back at Utopia. Is he back?
  12. Also, Ricky at Utopia Spa in NYC is a muscular Asian. Good massage, too!
  13. I don't know what city you're in, but Pam in San Francisco is what you seek.
  14. If it's a Broadway musical, and it's not an opera or an operetta or an oratorio, it's a musical comedy. Even if there aren't any jokes!Report
  15. I don't think it's a faux pas at all. If his cock is close enough for you to stroke it or even touch it, it's fair game. He knows what's what, and if he doesn't like what you do, he'll just move away and stay out of range -- or just tell you politely not to touch. I have never had the latter happen, though I've had many masseurs stay out of range of my hands -- even when I didn't "make a move." Anyway, I always make it clear at the beginning that "I will respect any boundaries you have, but I don't have any. I like lots of body contact, including my sensitive areas, so feel free to let your hands massage every part of my body,." As I said, this isn't their first rodeo.
  16. Sure, this is Dominic Vyne, who's been around NYC for a long time. He disappears for months at a time, and then comes back for a while, never quite in the same location. I've been with him before, though not in the last year or two. He's a really genuine, nice guy, who's a free spirit. Every photo is genuine, and he's totally honest. I'm surprised at his $250 fee, which is higher than it used to be, even though it's for a long session. He always says he prefers long sessions, but hew used to do one hour sessions, and I bet he will if you ask. (A dollar earned is a dollar earned!) I just looked in my records, and I saw him for 90 minutes in 2014 for $160, here in my apt. He will be nude (I doubt if he has ever done a massage wearing anything!) and will be as interactive and as playful as you want. You can Google him; there are plenty of You-tube videos of him fucking a daddy. The "satyr" thing alludes to a retreat that he periodically goes on, and you can see photos of them on his web site. I'm sure you can Google his web site, which usually has lots and lots of photos of his "retreats." As for massage, I'd say that he knows what he is doing, but I'm always careful to point out here that I'm not a massage maven, and I defer to Spa posters who know more about technical aspects of massage than I do.
  17. He says in his ad that he DOES give a nude massage, and then replies to your email saying that he does not. Sounds flaky to me. I might still give him a try, since it's only $80, and I won't have high expectations. Maybe he really does give a good massage, and that will be worth it, even though there's no MT Or HE or FUN!
  18. The price and location near me entice me to want to take one for the team. I note that "longer sessions and nude sessions are also available." Obviously, he charges more for a 90-minute se- ssion. Does that mean he also charges more for being nude? Interesting that if you don't like the massage, you can get up and leave. We shall see.
  19. Is Queensboroboy saying that Rodrigo and Jorge do a four-hands massage at Shangrila? The line would be around the block for THAT!!!!!! :D
  20. As I said, you pay a little more at Shangrila because of its location and décor, but it's not a lot more. And, most important, I've never heard a complaint about any of the masseurs there or the quality of their massage. As has been said here, Jorge gives a VERY deep massage. He found muscles that I didn't know I had!
  21. In answer to CJinNYC, you get what you pay for. Yes, Shangrila is a bit more expensive, even a tad more expensive than its "sister" Spa, Utopia. That's because it's in a high rent district, with a fancier décor, and have more overhead to cover. He said that he was "unimpressed with Yeah Man and Why Not." Cheap is cheap. Shangrila is always spotless (so is Utopia), and the staff is efficient and welcoming. I have no idea what the other two spas are like, but if they charge less, there's probably a reason. He said he's unhappy with the other two. I think it would be well worth a few extra dollars to try an upscale spa. He has a lot to gain, and not much to lose.
  22. Definitions will vary. Usually, it's a case of telling the client what he wants to hear. Sensual can mean, "We're both naked, and you will enjoy it." Erotic usually means, "Your genitals will be in play." Scott's advice is sound: ASK! TELL what you want and expect. ASK! Some masseurs will not list "therapeutic" because they're not LMTs, and don't claim to address aches and pains, etc. I think that's being both honest and cautious.
  23. If a masseur's body is not worth ogling (and more), I'm not likely to be there in the first place.
  24. I saw this last night, and while I enjoyed it, by the time I got home, I couldn't remember a thing about it. "Light weight" is an understatement. This is the most unsubstantial soufflé I have seen in a long while. Good acting, funny, but there's no there there.
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