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Everything posted by sniper

  1. He's never struck me as particularly bright.
  2. Wants you in the bathtub...sorry, I wouldn't be putting myself in a vulnerable position like that to a stranger. He could be a fetish serial killer in the making. He's just grooming you Coolwave, block him and move on, we don't want to see your story in a Lifetime movie!
  3. Well he said he'd been getting colds maybe it was a new restriction?
  4. I've definitely seen ads that offer discounts for student or active duty military and always assumed that was more about the provider figuring they were more likely to be attractive.
  5. I have not had the pleasure, but I believe that when he started out more may have been on the menu. Or maybe a hot client got a little more. There are definitely a number of YMMV masseurs, and those who happen to be the masseur's type likely get a bit further. Or hell, maybe someone happened to go to the same gym and saw his ass in the locker room...
  6. If I'm taking metformin for PRE-diabetes and my A1c is holding at 5.4, how long before I talk about going off it? I never got over 5.9 in the first place...
  7. If coolwave can't find his price it's truly hopeless...
  8. So would a lot of us. He's leaving a lot of money on the table, but guess it's not for him. He's pushing 50 and still hotter than most of the dancers...
  9. How does he know it's actually the provider on the app? It's easy to grab someone else's pics and put them in your profile. There are plenty of catfishers out there.
  10. Tim doesn't seem to send out emails for NY as far ahead as Matt does for LA.
  11. Did you inquire as to paying extra for that?
  12. BigMilker, did you/are you going to work his prostate(i.e. finger him) as part of the milking?
  13. 100% adherence to ANY daily regimen is rare in the general poulation as well. They've done studies on this. Blood pressure meds, cholesterol meds etc. Every so often someone's routine gets disrupted and they forget to take a pill. It's not generally deliberate.
  14. In those studies didn't they drill down on the people who got HIV and find out that it wasn't just that they missed a couple of doses but in fact had completely stopped taking it as they had no evidence of the medication in their blood?
  15. Except they've also taken the HPV vaccine...
  16. Sometimes I'm grateful my dad smoked unfiltered cigarettes and didn't really linger. By the time he was diagnosed he only had 4 months.
  17. Hospitals typically have one or two social workers with a caseload of hundreds of patients at any given time. They're marginally more than useless IF you know what to ask for and how to ask for it, which of course the vast majority of people don't. They simply don't have the time to do the job properly. Health insurance should cover home health care training for the unpaid caretakers doing the bulk of the work.
  18. If he was hiring, he wasn't paying for sex, he was paying for discretion. His heyday it was a career-killer to be outed.
  19. If not for having to bail out wayward siblings(who combined poor decisions with catastrophic illness) I might have pulled it off by 43, but that was total dumb luck with employer stock that took off. And certainly couldn't have done it if I had kids.
  20. Ugh I had a prior engagement in Jersey and was too tired to drive into the city at 11pm. I really wanted to go.
  21. Eh, you have a no-fat fetish, some providers have a fat fetish. I've been fat and I've been fit, and at both shapes there were a variety of people of all types either very interested or very not interested in me. It's the in-between phase that seems to be a sexual no-man's land...only women go for dadbods...
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