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Everything posted by sniper

  1. Is he on Medicaid? I'm thinking the reason they're not doing this stuff is money.
  2. I'm kind of dying to know what the "orgasm lecture" was now...
  3. While that's possibly correct, no actual place of business is going to say anything else via text to a stranger. Or over the phone for that matter. If you're going to a spa...a place that lists itself publicly and can get shut down...you're only going to find out what happens inside the massage room.
  4. At the moment Adonis is down to Sunday nights and the monthly nude party only. I suspect Tim's busy with 9th Ave Saloon.
  5. Every appointment slot is getting filled and all the shots available are being given. It would seem takeup is exactly as good as it can possibly be given supply constraints.
  6. They stopped giving the smallpox vaccine to infants in the US sometime in 1972. I have been trying unsuccessfully to find out when in 1972 they stopped, because I turned 1 in the first quarter of that year, so I may or may not have had the shot.
  7. When I looked up a former Adonis dancer on Instagram and had him come over he said basically that's what all the new kids are doing. Hell some of these kids aren't even showing the goods on OF. They just rely on all the chumps buying one inflated month and canceling.
  8. I felt bad for him after reading the interviews because it appeared his porn acting had cost him regular jobs and he seemed to not really be savvy enough to figure out what to do about it. 53 films is a lot bit over the time he did it's hardly life changing money. He probably could have made a killing just working the Adonis lounge semi-regularly and maybe not found himself in such dire straits.
  9. Haven't seen the guy but as a general rule none of the dancers will be fazed by a discreet direct inquiry. A simple "do you do privates outside the club?" communicates intent and they will give you a clear answer.
  10. Is it just me or is that a nose on the verge of collapse from coke use?
  11. Could also be they have some nerve impingement in certain positions.
  12. Eh, tbh I kind of agree. It's just not my cup of tea and a couple of the gay clubs I've been involved with seem to be all drag all the time in their fundraisers etc. Hell, half my local grindr grid is drag queens and the straight guys who chase them.
  13. It's a big enough factor to put you in the priority list for treatment. I'm not taking about people who are 5 lbs overweight. I'm talking about people whi are heavy enough that it's effectively like having your lungs already impaired. If you are double the weight you should be, your lungs already have to work harder to oxygenate your blood( because you have more but your lungs aren't any bigger). So you're in danger from anything that impairs your lungs. Meanwhile smoking damage is cumulative...a younger smoker may not yet have totally destroyed their lungs. Older long-term smokers it's a bigger deal.
  14. Has to do with oxygen uptake. More weight means more oxygen is needed and thus an impairment to your lung function is a bigger deal, all else equal.
  15. 40% of the people dying being vaccinated is absolutely not the same thing as saying 40% of vaccinated people who contract it are dying. There are about 350 people per day dying and about 100,000 new cases per day. That is well under 1%.
  16. That last two sentences there have no logical connection whatsoever. The fatality rate of COVID for people who are vaccinated is far less than 1%.
  17. Those premiums are far lower than what I was quoted in my 30s 15+ years ago. Your parents lucked out by getting it and using it before the market adjusted. A lot of companies went under and did not pay oit.
  18. There are a few who don't bother with the stage name and just give you their real one.
  19. I remember back in the 90s there was a bit of an ethical debate over whether to destroy the remaining smallpox laboratory samples, as it would mark the first deliberate extinction of a life form.
  20. It's not "my" year, but I may crash the reunions this year because they invited the two classes whose 25th were cancelled by the pandemic to go, which means there will be 3 different classes I had overlap with in attendance.
  21. I mean it's been on life support for a long time. Didn't the mansion close up fairly soon after Grindr came about 10+ years ago? They rewrote the code and took away functionality, of course nobody wants to pay them for that.
  22. I'm not sure they means test you whether to provide a lawyer. I think you have the choice of paying for one or taking the one they give you. Most people with the means and reasonable judgment would choose to pay for their own, but this is a guy who has already demonstrated poor judgment.
  23. In a work situation when it's internal I almost never bcc because I don't want twenty people forwarding it to each other "FYI". I'll occasionally bcc my boss on something just to keep him in the loop on what I'm doing.
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