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Everything posted by sniper

  1. I strongly suspect this is just a correlation and not any actual preventive mechanism. Alzheimer's shows subtle signs decades before full onset of symptoms. I would wager one of those signs is less general vigor and awareness of/interest in the availability of Viagra in the first place.
  2. I've encountered a number of very hung total bottoms over the years. I wondered if maybe larger cock correlates with a larger and/or more sensitive prostate.
  3. I am turned off by such escorts, but is it fundamentally all that different from a nightclub that doesn't let you in without a certain look? And realistically, the kind of escort who does that likely isn't going to be a good time in the first place, so they're saving you money.
  4. eh, not always, some guys' faces end up looking like they have lipodystophy. My friend looked ten years older after his contest.
  5. He's fitness model lean. Body building lean often ends up ruining guys' looks when the fat in their face goes away and then the skin just looks terrible. I have a friend who was gorgeous and well-proportioned who decided to do a bodybuilding contest to cross it off his bucket list, and he looked ten years older after he did it.
  6. Eh that's not exactly fat. That's more like "could lose ten pounds". His chest/shoulders are still considerably wider than his hips/ass and he still has muscle. The reality is that when bodyfat is in the single digits often the person feels like marble to the touch and it's less fun to have sex with them.
  7. This bullshit was going on before the pandemic Vegas hotel spas are a shadow of what they were in the early 2000s. You used to be able to practically eat a meal with what was available to you, and then they started taking things away one by one until now you get water and that's it. Some still have coffee. The bean counters insisting that every single area stand on its own from a dollars and cents perspective are ruining the travel experience and the benefit of multiple options. I only expect it to get worse now that the casino companies are selling the buildings and leasing them back.
  8. The late Scott Anthony once said to me, "If I had a pair of tits, I'd rule the fucking world!"
  9. Cancer treatment is rough and takes a lot out of you, and a 70 year old has reached the point where he sees some of his contemporaries living very feeble existences. I could certainly see his making the decision not to treat, especially given there's a nonzero chance something else takes him out before the cancer does at his age.
  10. It's just the name of the company, it's like Google is owned by Alphabet. The app is still going to be called Facebook.
  11. What's ridiculous is that the crackdown on opiate prescriptions did not lead to a decrease in deaths. So maybe they should stop torturing nursing home patients by taking them off their fentanyl patches just to satisfy a flawed metric.
  12. I don't really travel internationally but if I did I would avoid Jamaica, Dubai, etc. places where it's illegal on the books but generally tolerated would be evaluated on a case by case basis.
  13. Google "sciatic nerve flossing." I do it every day and about a month after I started, my symptoms became less severe and less frequent. It's easy to do, and also is not something that feels like it's doing anything WHILE you're doing it, so people tend to give up on it. Back stuff is hard. You really do need to do the PT exercises every damn day and it can take months before you start feeling better. I was nine months in and ready to give up and ask for surgery when one morning I woke up and suddenly found I could walk downstairs without hanging on to both bannisters for the first time in years.
  14. Tony Cummings. Met him at the Nob Hill Theater in the early 2000s or later 1990s. He was very nice.
  15. It's not "professional" to double book and go radio silent on people with whom an appointment was made, no matter how nice he is to the people who actually get to see him.
  16. It is actually NOT lawful to marry for the sole purpose of a green card, and INS questions couples extensively to prevent this.
  17. I should note that I was only speaking to the seeking on short notice issue. Flaking out on appointments scheduled, by either party, is incredibly poor form.
  18. I think it's just the nature of the beast and there's no getting around it. I generally look for something within less than 48 hours but I also accept that means my first choice may not be available. I ask and if they say no I thank them and move on. You aren't always going to be available even if they're calling a week ahead, anyway. If you get this upset about it get an online booking app and remove yourself from the process.
  19. Seems like that would have been a good time to walk the dog... Was he naked when the friends arrived and then he put the shorts on when they got there? i.e. did they see him naked?
  20. They've been saying "shortly" for years now about a lot of automation. The fact remains that the human hand and arm have a number of degrees of freedom that are computationally extremely tough to program, and then there's the visual inspection aspect.
  21. The flip side of making everything as "efficient" as possible is that when you've eliminated every last redundancy, you have no slack when there's a shock to the system. This is what's happening now.
  22. If it means the workers who pick my food aren't living in what amounts to slave-like conditions, I consider the higher prices a fair tradeoff. The continual grinding down of the bottom half of our workforce finally hit a hard limit. I don't think professionals have any clue how abusive the working conditions of these people are. I worked in retail in HS - had a union, there was a process for requesting not to be scheduled on certain days, once the schedule was set you were getting paid for those hours even if they sent you home because it was a slow night. Now they expect people to be available all the time, if it's slow they send them home with no notice and they don't get paid, etc. Those jobs are no longer a step up to the middle class, they're a trap in the lower class.
  23. I had my second shot six months ago, but due to scheduling challenges, I didn't get my second until almost 8 weeks after the first(Pfizer) So I'm holding off a bit.
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