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Everything posted by sniper

  1. I wasn't under the impression Missouri was a particularly good state to be black in period, much less as an escort.
  2. What kills me is when people over 60 with other conditions say stuff like this. I'm like, "You're not going to be around long enough for that to be a concern for you anyway, amd COVID is a particularly nasty way to go."
  3. Sounds more like he's bisexual but heteroromantic. Which is absolutely a thing. Lile the famous line: "I said I'm ATTRACTED to men; I didn't say I LIKE them...:
  4. The Linq Spa is now co-ed so nothing's gonna happen there.
  5. I can report back thar Planet Hollywood's spa is not good. Just not good period. Steam room was tepid, water was ponding on the benches which meant you couldn't sit down without your towel soaking through. Sauna similarly wasn't very hot. only two other people were there and they weren't cruising.
  6. It's really moving the goalposts on the definition of rape to characterize prostitutes' regretting their decision to engage in prostitution as rape. Being talked into something is not the same as being coerced into it.
  7. Bi men married to women have been hooking up in steamrooms for generations. Straight guys for the most part tend not to go to spas though they occasionally do. You can typically spot them because they're wearing knew length shorts in the hot tub. It's very hit or miss and not a sure thing at all at these places, though some are busier than others.
  8. Mandalay Bay is most likely to be cruisy. Most of the spas have cut back hours and some are only letting you in if you get a treatment so it's worth calling ahead to see if they allow day passes.
  9. Caesars is doing everything they can to de-cruise the spa. Jacked up the admission price, implemented a time limit - $150 for 2 hours total. You get 3 if you buy a service. I'm sure stuff still happens, but you can't just hang out there for a morning or afternoon like you used to. Most of the spas have potential but are increasingly hit or miss these days.
  10. Restaurants and retail do not require a HS diploma. I'm not saying it would be a great job, mind you. Just that the subset of women who get picked for the Playboy Mansion are not generally unemployable.
  11. It's possible for both things to be true...Hefner was a manipulative jerk, and most if not all of these women had other options that they were choosing not to exercise. An attractive able-bodied young person can generally find A job that will at least keep them off the street.
  12. Statistically, there WILL be cases, and the environment is such that widespread transmission is likely. But the cruise skews to an age demographic where even unvaccinated the fatality/complication rate is low, and they are all vaccinated. It's unlikely there will be any serious cases among the passengers. ODs are more likely. I have two friends I know of who are on this cruise. I think one of them is gearing up to launch an OnlyFans...
  13. The spas in Vegas don't require a swimsuit so most people go naked in the hot tub. But on random days you get a group of dudebros in boardshorts which makes it awkward when you're the only one naked.
  14. I think the fact everyone has a camera on them these days from the age of junior high has a lot to do with it. But it started before then. It began around the AIDS crisis but also that was the same time that the panic about child sex abuse began too, and those two things combined with America's general Puritan streak resulted in kids being warned about the dangers all around them etc. I was in HS in the late 80s and by then in my school the showers were barely used - in 4 years I saw 4 boys who used the shower...once each. I think part of it was budgets were being cut and there were no locker attendants or the like.
  15. I just don't get her appeal. Not that she's not vocally talented, just that most of what I hear of her on the radio sounds like the same damn song. And not a particularly good one.
  16. I think if pools were much of a source of transmission they'd have figured that out definitively by now and,say, had some water park superspreader events. My impression was they felt the chlorine takes care of it. I've used pools and have not had coronavirus. Steam rooms, though, are not good. But since I've been vaccinated I've used them too without incident.
  17. Am I the only one who wonders if Rue McClanahan fudged her age? She did not look 10+ years younger than her costars....
  18. There's a company called Let's Get Moving KC that's in Kansas City and it on TikTok. The owners are rugby players, they have a calendar, and they like to post banter on their social media. A few of them have OnlyFans but my understanding is they don't really show the goods there.
  19. Is this including any sort of interaction/feedback/checkins?
  20. There are quite a few "regular guys" I see at the gym who look as good or better than any celebrity out there. Statistically speaking, the million bucks is far and away the better option unless you are fabulously wealthy. And the fabulously wealthy tend to be cheapskates who would take the million in a heartbeat.
  21. I've sometimes thought what I should have done when I was younger was find a woman who either was a lesbian or had little-to-no-interest in sex for a companionate marriage. I think having a partner can/does make some people 'up their game" generally. I think I would have progressed farther in my career, maintained myself physically better, just generally had my shit more together were I sharing my life with someone. At this stage of my life that horse is out of the barn but I do have a few unmarried female friends who I joke with about us Golden Girlsing it up in our retirement years.
  22. Worse mostly for physical reasons. Back and nerve impingement hasn't rendered me impotent, but it has definitely curtailed my capacity significantly. And that has led to a reticence to engage in the first place.
  23. eh it's more in the cities that gay people flee too, but If you're counting Kinsey 5s and 6s, I'd say it's more like 3-5% of the general population, BUT I believe there are several times more bisexuals than homosexuals, but the bisexuals often wind up with opposite-sex life partners because of numbers and it's easier to have kids. As a matter of survival gay people tend to gather in areas where we are overrepresented.
  24. It was absolutely criminal that he got into that bathtub fully clothed while Amy Adams was naked. They can show ass in PG-13 movies, dammit!
  25. I strongly suspect this is just a correlation and not any actual preventive mechanism. Alzheimer's shows subtle signs decades before full onset of symptoms. I would wager one of those signs is less general vigor and awareness of/interest in the availability of Viagra in the first place.
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