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Everything posted by sniper

  1. Had my mandatory sexual harassment training. Talking outside of work about wanting to bang a coworker was specifically listed as an example of sexual harassment.
  2. Again, NEW trains are almosr inpossible to put anywhere someone wants them because we ripped up a lot of the old tracks and put up buildings and roads all over then routes. Building a mile of new track might entail buyimg out a couple hundred million worth of real estate and THEN having to tear it down before you've actually built anything. Now multiply that by the number of miles long a route needs to be for it to make sense. These other countries with good systems built the cities around the rails, not the other way around. You can't get there from here. We'd be better off subsidizing bus travel and making it appealing to get more cars off the road.
  3. I'd say yes. He may want to get them biopsied.
  4. If it was 40% of 60 bucks, it was woefully inadequate. If you still only tipped 40% after the escalation, it's going to go one of two ways next time...either he's just really into you and it will continue or you disappointed him monetarily and he's going to dial it back. From your description it's not impossible he's just into you and that's not normally on the agenda.
  5. I walked out of "The Cook, the Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover" after maybe 15 minutes. A naked Ewan Macgregor was the only thing that kept me from walking out of "The Pillow Book."
  6. I mean 39 is middle-aged. "Daddy" was never reserved for senior citizens. Some people marry right out of high school and have grandkids by 40. Plus someone saying they are 39 on the internet is generally assumed to be shaving anywhere from 5 to 35 years...
  7. If it's available that cheaply, I'd gladly pay the out of pocket just to screw over the bloated pharmacy benefit management boondoggle. It blows my mind that employers are still paying a thousand bucks a month for "generic" Prep.
  8. Well it's Easter so that probably makes it harder to get the out of towners.
  9. I mean, that's kind of his market niche. Fine if it's not for you, but clearly he's got a fan base.
  10. I don't care for nail polish on guys, but what turns us on or off is to a fair extent a conditioned response. If when we were 14 hot guys were usually wearing nail polish we'd probably have developed a fetish for it because we were jerking off to them...
  11. For the same reason craigslist had to shut down their personals...the law now imposes severe penalties on platforms for promoting/facilitating sex work.
  12. Most sports governing bodies require hormone therapy as a condition of competing. But the reality is that hormone levels are not the only advantage men have. If it were, steroids would have closed the gap between male and female performance.
  13. A serving of cereal is nowhere near a meal's worth of calories.
  14. Seegey appears to be back on the schedule assuming it's the same one.
  15. I'm not so sure how true that is given the people moving into that cohort are the ones less likely to have a pension, more likely to have married later, and borrowed against their houses to send their kids to college. The average wealth might be higher but I suspect the median is slipping.
  16. Well a few stated have assisted suicide now so if you reach a certain age and have some conditions you would prefer not to progress, you can choose to not go on...
  17. I don't buy the narrative and think the government has actually made the problem worse with the crackdown(note deaths have soared since the restrictions). I come from a family with addictive tendencies and didn't get hooked. The people I grew up with who wound up getting hooked were pretty universally the kind of kids who eagerly looked forward to getting their wisdom teeth out because they'd be getting pills to use recreationally. Those people arw still finding their pills while bedbound people in unremitting nerve pain are being told to take Tylenol. I have a relative with a Stage 4 bedsore and they're being miserly with the narcotics because of these stupid state mandates that only affect the helpless people who aren't addicted and even if they were are in no position to cause other problems because of it.
  18. There have been many medical advances since your grandparents' time. I'd say compare their ages at death to life expectancy for their birth year for that calculation. My grandfather died at 77 in 1970 of hepatitis from a blood transfusion. But he was working full time as a hotel manager at that age. If not for that event that current screening methods would prevent, and even if it didn't, is treatable today, he'd probably have made it to 90. My other grandfather died of complications of diabetes at about 70 in the 1960s, but today with insulin pumps etc. more people are able to successfully manage it. Pops died at 62 but he was a chainsmoker of unfiltered cigarettes for 50+ years. I'm not going out like he did. I figure barring random cancer/accidents/brain aneurysm, most not-financially struggling people who generally take care of themselves can expect to get to 80something. After that it's a crapshoot. There doesn't seem to be dementia in my family tree, but I do worry about mobility.
  19. Seems cheaper to return this stuff, than, say, to honor any of the various treaties we're in continual violation of with them.
  20. Info from your youth is out of date today. Back then Hoboken was poor and now it's full of millionaires. All those small NJ cities along the Hudson have changed a lot in the last 30 years.
  21. Dude, come on. There's what you say and how you say it.
  22. I had a childhood friend who is just about 3 months older than me. I remember going to his third birthday party and thinking I was still only two. Also remember my sister's birth five months later, and getting to carry her to the front of the house in the cardboard box the hospital gave you with new children back then(this was before car seat laws). Please note I was taller, stronger, and heavier than the typical 6 year old at age three so this isn't as negligent as it sounds...
  23. sniper


    Given there are many different strains of HPV, you should get the vaccine even if you've already had it. Your Dr should have been able to tell you if the strain you have was a low or high risk strain for becoming cancerous. If s/he didn't do that testing, time for a new doc.
  24. I have a Fitbit. I don't think it's super ACCURATE. But it's consistent, and that is useful.
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