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Everything posted by sniper

  1. Is it most? I thought it wss more like a third. I'm not counting the guys who will accept a handj9b but not reciprocate. That to me is more masturbation than sex.
  2. I'm not saying they are only against seeimg a dick pic as the first message, they don't want to see it at all. I don't get that because frankly how a dick looks matters to me as to whether I am willing to suck it. There are some nasty ones out there....
  3. But are you "marketing" as a top? That might be why you're getting people who want to see it. Out in the burbs I see a number of grindr ads from bi tops who say if you send them a dick pic they will block you...
  4. Why on earth should she expect the Celtics to reach out to her? She doesn't work for them, he does.
  5. Unless they're testing every single day you simply don't know because of the short window for many people(and yes there are people at the other extreme who test positive for a very long time). Very, very few people are sping that.
  6. The covid tests people are taking don't test for immunity, they test for the virus.
  7. A friend of mine was testing himself daily and only tested positive one day(he had been vaccinated this was before boosters). He wears a fitness tracker and his resting hear rate spiked that day only and he felt otherwise fine. I know of a few other people who only tested postinlve for a brief window. I think it's most likely the case that many people who were vaccinated had it and simply didn't know it.
  8. No dount some are straigjt up escorts. Just saying not all of them are. But also some people are ninjas at working credit card rewards like The Points Guy. One friend of mine has 22 credit cards that he cycles through and tracks and he pretty much never pays for regular accommodations and travel and if he does pay usually gets upgraded.
  9. I'm saying a lot of these guys are novice models who don't realize that male modeling gigs don't pay that much and aren't actually aware exactly what's going on. Sone rich dude flies a bunch out there, someone figures out which of them might be receptive and makes them an offer to "earn extra" with the also-rans nine the wiser. Also I would bet none of them are actually flying first unless they racked up credit card points...they just took a selfie in the seat before heading back to steerage.
  10. I suspect the problem with posting a lineup is that some of the email listers have more money than god, see someone on the menu, contact them directly, and make them a better offer. If you're a dancer, going to a show there's always a random chance you make very little money that night depending on who shows up, so it someone offers you a sure couple thousand, you're going to take it and bail on the show.
  11. Once when i was getting fucked i was surprised to find that my only semihard dick was just basically gushing cum but it didn't really feel like an orgasm to be homest. Haven't replicated the feat.
  12. I think it's the over the top opulence, whether they are going there on a "working" trip or not. I suspect also that a lot of the older men there are of a level of wealth that they can throw money or comps at a hundred guys in the hopes that one randomly puts out. I imagine there are probably a lot of clueless boys there who don't realize they're being stochasticly solicited. It's the old guy buying drinks for every pretty young thing in the bar at much larger scale.
  13. A slap in the face in Western culture -except maybe people knowingly engaging in S&M -is a sign of contempt, not something playful. The only time I slapped someone in the face while getting it on was when he without warning bit hard on my nipple, and I was decidedly not being affectionate.
  14. But part of the reason there's no evidence is they didn't bother studying at those ages. Also there are multiple HPV strains covered by the vaccine...while most people have some strain, it's not like most people have all strains. I wouldn't bother at 75, but at 47 I figured I'd do it, especially as I got started sexually later than average. I was pushing 30.
  15. Some kids are home schooled because their parents are super religious,.but there's a not small subset who are homeschooled because they are on the spectrum and would simply get eaten alive in a school setting. But while homeschoolinh prevented the bullying, the parents may not have thought or taken steps to prepare them for the outside world.
  16. It's recommended for up to 45 and that's why insurance pays for it at that age. It's "approved for use" for anyone. I wish I had done it earlier when the guideline was 26 or 30.
  17. Also you can still get the HPV vaccine if you are past the recommended age, you'll just have to pay out of pocket. Given it protects against multiple strains, I went ahead and did that.
  18. Also the HPV vaccine had the max age raised from 30 to 45 a couple years back, they really should have publicized that.
  19. I think a lot of stuff is essentially performance enhancing to meet the needs of the modern working world. Our environment has changed much faster than most people's capacity to adapt. We can say "back in our day" all we want, but frankly a pretty high proportion of my high school class wound up dead or strung out on booze and illegal drugs, or just in shitty circumstances due to their inability to keep their shit at least partially together.. Maybe they'd have been better off taking prozac and ritalin and holding down a job and, you know, being alive. I come from a family of high IQ underachievers, and I suspect a little medication would have done wonders for most of my siblings in terms of life outcomes. So for people of lesser aptitude, where the lower end of their range of outcomes is a lot worse, I don't think it's weakness to get some of that help.
  20. I think the real nail in the coffin was the internet...where way too many creeps took hidden camera videos of way too many locker rooms and then posted them way too publicly. That and suddenly everyone having cell phone cameras, including teenagers...so they were always aware someone could be not just looking at them, but recording them.
  21. I have to save this line to use...everywhere.
  22. The trainer community has a fair proportion of straight-edge types, so there's higher than average risk they will react poorly. If you're not able to read people really well, and also are concerned about discretion, I'd avoid trying this. There are clearly plenty of escort ads that mention training services so I'd approach from that angle. OTOH, if you have a "fuck you money" level of wealth which ameliorates the downside concern, you may try whatever you want.
  23. Eh that's still a niche but what surprises me is I've seen physical therapists on Instagram using their real name including links to their OnlyFans in their profiles.
  24. Most people don't escort and aren't open to it. You're better off looking at escort ads and seeing who trains.
  25. The female PT who I went to 6 years ago has always called me "my guy." I think it's blown up on Twitter more recently. Specifically "my brother in Christ" and "Beloved" tend to be used when arguing with someone the speaker deems stupid.
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