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Everything posted by SouthOfTheBorder

  1. let’s just say - “ugly Americans” don’t like to be called Ugly Americans this thread is about Thermas BCN - seems the people who want to hijack have nothing to say about the topic ? strange indeed
  2. this is exactly where the “ugly American” stereotype comes from. The assumption is that for money, the locals will tolerate your behavior and/or cultural insensitivity. as for providers - I’ve seen plenty of guys in Thermas decline clients who wanted to pay, for whatever reason. A bad vibe is a bad vibe - money becomes irrelevant. they know how to spot the problematic clients. language skills not required - a good attitude is
  3. Hotel expenses in NYC are hit & miss. It’s better to plan a trip around dates where hotels are less for whatever reason. High prices are largely driven by specific events or conventions/groups on certain dates. There are various odd times throughout the year where hotel prices are reasonable. The AirBNB restrictions have had some effect on hotel pricing - although that was at the bottom part of the market and likely little effect on the better hotels. Nobody was making a choice between AirBNB or a Ritz Carlton or Mandarin. If you are stuck with exact dates & no flexibility- then yes, it will probably be expensive. Everything in NYC is very expensive these days - the hotels are just the beginning.
  4. I’m now planning for a week in August - thank you for the information
  5. stereotypes usually have some basis in truth. in general settings - the hostility towards tourists is dependent on many factors - when typical tourists don’t even try to speak a few words in the native language then that can cause issues. it’s likely more due to entitled/obnoxious behavior though than not speaking the language. and of course, in certain over-touristed cities where tourists have displaced residents and disrupted neighborhoods, then there can be outward direct hostility which may be mistaken by the tourist as caused by not speaking the language. There are many articles written about over-tourism in European - it’s definitely a problem for the people who live in those cities. and, for American tourists specifically - it’s always a good idea to understand we are perceived as wealthy and many tend to flaunt their relative wealth in a number of ways that will not be welcomed by the locals. back to topic - In Thermas & with local providers in BCN - there is absolutely no issue with whatever language you speak. But, if you can speak Spanish that is a complete game-changer. If contacting guys from the apps, I’d recommend doing that from a non-US number if possible and translating your request into Spanish….the rates will be lower.
  6. this is accurate - I haven’t seen any Eastern Europeans in Thermas last few visits. It’s now almost exclusively Latinos. As mentioned in previous posts - many of the long-term regulars have moved on and very few guys there now were there pre-Covid. The current ratio is much more Brazilian overall w some Colombians, Venezuelans, Dominicans & Cubans. When the Egyptian is no longer there, you know times have changed.
  7. I think the peak hours 3p ish to 8p at Thermas are comparable to before, Thursday thru Saturday…maybe even better depending on your taste in men because the mix is different . However, the parties have affected the overall attraction of Thermas because it’s not 24/7 like it was. I used to really like the off-peak and morning hours. always had good luck & that is just not an option anymore because of the parties. and it’s true - I know several former Thermas guys that have moved on & doing euro circuit - seems like London, Vienna, Hamburg & BCN are the stops.
  8. when is the best time to go ? Is it flooded w tourists like BCN ?
  9. I always tell providers that my experience is not dependent on whether I cum or not. I let them know what I enjoy and to focus on that. I’ve found that as I’ve gotten older, I can reach a point of overstimulation where cumming isn’t likely to happen - although I’m very much enjoying the sex. It seems to take the pressure off both parties & I have better overall outcomes. I don’t expect a provider to cum ever. If they want to, then fine. As for the time - I’m the clock watcher & will remind him I’m aware of the time at the 50 minute mark. about 50% of the time, I’ll ask to extend & pay. For the rest, an hour is sufficient. If we’re both having fun & he just wants to stay, that’s ok too. I can only remember one guy shorting me on time, although a few times where I left early. I think it’s reasonable to confirm you will get a full hour before you schedule. I keep my expectations low & reasonable, while treating the provider as I would any other guest. Drinks are always offered before & after if in my home/hotel. Shower offered after, of course.
  10. in other words, you want to control & censor others to suit you because you won’t use ignore for people you don’t like. Then you twist those posts into an issue about word choice, personal attacks or something else that you report to the mods, which suits your end goal to control & censor the people you don’t like…a passive/aggressive move behind the scenes. And you have company as there are others operating the exact same way. That is what’s childish - your inability to allow different thoughts, different standards, different word choices, different opinions, different experiences & your perceived ownership of the site. you evidently feel threatened for some reason when opinions or thoughts are different from yours. and this will certainly trigger another complaint - even though this is the exact subject of the thread & is not a personal attack.
  11. if you don’t like those words (or the person who posts it) - then don’t read it. and you know how you can do that ? - place the person on ignore, which is the subject of this thread. But, instead of limiting what YOU see, you’d rather censor everyone else for your own delicate sensibilities- except when talking explicitly about hiring providers. make it make sense
  12. thank you for this - one of the most thoughtful & wise comments I’ve ever seen here. this is a site where the core subject of interest is sex in context of providers, reviews & all things related - there is no confusion about that. It’s a place for free expression about topics that are typically off-limits elsewhere. Yet, there are members using this site who attempt to control the narrative, censor and limit those expressions. It’s not because they’re offended - they just don’t like the person posting or they just might disagree. Typically, these are the people keeping the mods busy with their constant reporting & complaints. The “Karens” of the forum I’ve noticed a pattern among a few here whose sole presence is to find fault with the people who post about their real experiences, travel, etc. instead of contributing something worthwhile, they zero in on grammar, spelling, politically correct terminology, etc simply to undermine the real experience conveyed. Seems like a waste of time, but they need something to fill their days. It’s all about their own jealousy & boredom in the end, not making a real contribution. And yes - the best way to deal with them is to place them on ignore. I’ve often thought it would be fun to share our “ignored lists” - likely a definite no-no & that would make them crazy for sure.
  13. using a dead persons social security number for healthcare insurance is not sustainable. He will get caught at some point if it continues & could be very unpleasant. I’d say best plan would be enroll ACA during open enrollment periods and talk to someone familiar w the intricacies & subsides to minimize the actual cost. the worst case scenario is something catastrophic happens, he needs reliable insurance and the fraud is exposed w current situation. it’s much easier to just move on. frequently these type changes appear much more complicated & overwhelming than just getting it done.
  14. this is good news & if it is transitioning to a new business model, then that would require them to be discreet in advertising & promotions. it’s very close to the old Sauna Adan location, but appears as a different address ? I’ll be surprised if it lasts tho - just doesn’t seem to work in Madrid for whatever reason.
  15. and you’re wondering why the coverage was declined ? The insurance company thinks the patient is dead
  16. I’ve been going to Thermas since 2008 & my impression at that time was it had been open for several years. There has never been an issue at Thermas affecting their ability to operate (except for Covid, which is unrelated to the discussion). The owner is present & hands-on, running a safe environment for men. I’ve never had a bad experience there among many visits over the years. Yes, I know about the parties. Debating the legality is a moot point. If Thermas closes one day, it will probably be because of lack of clients due to apps. I’ve often wondered why Thermas works in BCN and nothing comparable in Madrid. First, Sauna Adan in Madrid was a literal dump and the facility in no way compared to Thermas. It was dirty & the working guys were random and surly. I did not feel safe imo. Second, Madrid isn’t flooded w tourists in the same way as BCN & certainly not in context of gay tourists, although that is changing. Third, Madrid is a much more regulated city and it is evident everywhere you look - the streets are cleaner, the city is vibrant and there is no crime wave of petty theft targeted at tourists as in BCN. In short, a true rentboy sauna in Madrid just would not be tolerated by the authorities. of course, the trolls will chime-in who want to pick apart real experiences in lieu of their online “research” btw - I’m happy to see people still posting on this thread ….it is about Thermas !
  17. “I blocked him, he's useless and misinterprets everything as though he's the expert and the almighty of morals, on a board for gay whores, smh My experience vastly overshadows his....in matters that I comment on..... I must have offended him by saying this, Chunky, older & queeny....hit too close to home for him, 😛 I highly recommend the ignore button, for him too.”
  18. gayguides.com in the forums The “other site” is much discussed here. It’s fun to visit for laughs bc it’s so ridiculous - just don’t join as a member bc it has security issues, frequent warnings by Microsoft, etc…. some crossover between here & there - the usual suspects with way too much time
  19. hint - on the other site, they name him. same user name here btw
  20. LOL - there is one person routinely referenced as “most ignored” here & the other site. Entire threads about muting that individual - I’ll bet it’s the same one
  21. @newdad the comment above was about only meeting providers in Rio in saunas bc I got stalked after taking someone back to my hotel. The hotel meeting was without incident, but the provider just happened to be outside my hotel on two different days afterwards. That unnerved me - to know someone was watching & waiting at my hotel. I think it would be worse at an AirBnb without full security.
  22. ah yes, the inevitable & cliche observation made by tourists that don’t live in New York. they all think its unique & hilarious not sure how the 70s/80s is relevant to a sex site in 2024 - but it certainly explains a lot
  23. returning to the topic - I think Bangkok is preferable to Barcelona for providers, venues & overall ambience. The only drawback for Bangkok is the distance for most people and then going when the weather is more pleasant - for me, that would be November until end of March only. And even during the high season, it’s not insanely crowded with tourists where it’s an unpleasant experience. There is also a diversity among the tourists where one nationality doesn’t seem to take over. In Barcelona - it’s the hordes of tourists at all times that makes it unpleasant. And it’s all the very loud Americans that seem to be everywhere. Then add in the daily multiple cruise ships coming & going - not exactly relaxing or enjoyable. In context of this discussion and the OPs original question - Thermas is the one stand-out that makes BCN worthwhile. all that said - I find it puzzling that some here stalk these type forums & contribute nothing about the main subject matter. But rather looking for arguments about things that are unrelated. It must have something to do with getting older, out-of-touch and desperately seeking some type of outlet. obviously they’re not having any real sex.
  24. it’s that their behavior abroad is generally less offensive vs the Americans. Although the British are a close second. you’ve confused being “obsessed” with embarrassment btw - another typical American thing is to boast about ones “accomplishments” and/or seek validation via acquired things. and when that happens - it’s a sure sign of not much at all. typically a poser trying to prove something, which seems to be the case here there are always a few telltale signs that give it away
  25. correct - widespread obesity in the US is another true American stereotype. Mainly due to the poor food supply and weak regulations re; additives & preservatives. The food in the US is designed to make people want more & eat more. The politicians are paid off so nothing will change except maybe some recent legislation in CA. I can shop in the most expensive organic specialty store in NYC and typically the local produce in an average European market is better and a fraction of the cost. Interesting because labor costs in the EU are more, so it doesn’t cost more to deliver the food to market. It’s simply that people will pay more in the US for quality food while the vast majority will accept the garbage.
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