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Posts posted by hwic04

  1. Derek Atlas has an ad currently running. I’ve hired him numerous times and will do so on my next trip to Vegas.

    Travis Youth is currently a guest of the State of Illinois, and will be for the next 6 to 30 months. He loses some points as a convicted meth dealer, but damn is he hot!

  2. No recent intel. But I did hire him back in his Scotty Marx days. Absolutely one of the nicest guys I’ve ever hired. And an anxious bottom. He travels to various cities in the U.S. 2-3 times a year. Can’t wait to hire the new muscle version if he’s visiting near me on his next return to the U.S.

  3. I’m intrigued by this guy. Intelligently written ad. Hot bod. Checks all the right “I am into’s”. Would love to hear from someone who’s met him.

  4. I think Orville’s characterization of him as a muscle bottom diva earlier in this thread (Nov 2020) is perfect. And the $500 hourly rate is high. Having said that, he is hot, and he knows it. Surprising that he has only one review, though. Has anyone hired him or been given a quote recently? If so, I’d be interested in an update.

  5. I am legally blind and do most navigating on the internet via voice command rather than by physically typing, scrolling or dragging. The extra large (super-sized actually) font I use does help somewhat. So, some actions that others  are able to do easily, and take for granted, sometimes become difficult for me. I never complain, though, as I do have some sight, while there are others whom I have met through the VA Low Vision office are completely blind.

    But thank you for asking.

  6. Has anyone attended Amateur Night at LeBoy? It’s advertised on Wednesdays starting at midnight. Wondering if a Friday and Saturday are better nights to check out the dancers. Or if Wednesday night with new talent might be more worth a visit.

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