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Posts posted by hwic04

  1. Because he hasn’t been discussed in two and a half years is why I’m asking for an update from anyone who’s seen him recently. Definitely agree that DUF is a deal breaker. But again, people change as do a provider’s policies, fees, etc. Also, since Oaktown’s post had quotes on the description, it was not clear to me if he had met Xavier, or more likely, if he was quoting someone else’s opinion.


    So, after all that, a simple question. Has anyone hired Xavier Stone recently?

  2. Why the secrecy surrounding the identity of this escort? There could be members here who could provide meaningful information (both positive and negative) regarding him. For example :


    He loves fine wine. Be sure to have some at home or order some when ot dining. Or:


    He is not a morning person. Don’t expect much from him before noon.


    Just seems logical to hear from others who’ve hired him in order to enhance your experience.

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