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Everything posted by Strafe13

  1. Oh, be still my heart. I'd love to meet Mr. Roberts, but I haven't hired anyone since before the quarantine and shutdown. I hate how this pandemic has curtailed our ability to live and enjoy our lives!
  2. Wouldn't that be a glorious ending though? I mean, if I've got to meet my maker, looking up at Mr. Roberts would be a great way to go
  3. You said that his RM profile is no longer active. If you don't have an active link for him from another site, then you're going to be dependent on forum members who are already familiar with this guy to help you out. Judging from the lack of response to your inquiries I'd guess that most of us just don't know who you're talking about. Maybe if you had a link to old reviews that might jog someone's memory. Good luck.
  4. Thanks. His massage rates (per the published reviews on rentmasseur) are on the high side, but if his escort rate is within that range, then it would be acceptable. Guess I'll have to ask him directly
  5. Can you tell us his rates for both massage and for escorting?
  6. Interestingly, his ad lists kissing as one of his interests. Maybe he selectively engages in that depending on the client and chemistry. That being said, due to the pandemic, I'm surprised, frankly, that more escorts (and clients, too) wouldn't put a moratorium on kissing. That's got to be an extremely efficient way of exchanging the droplets that are the primary mode of transmission for the coronavirus. To each their own, I guess.
  7. Where would one go to find this awesome redneck trucker cock? I haven't taken road trip in a long time. Since we can't fly anywhere, that might be my best bet to approximate scoring some "exotic" men this year. (South America is my usual "go to" for exotic travel companions.)
  8. Does anyone know his rate for escorting? Is it different from his erotic massage rate?
  9. I've been with this provider a few times over the past few years (all pre-COVID19) and can attest that the description of himself as blond, capitalized or not, was 100% accurate, all the way down to his body hair in all places. Unfortunately, plenty of men and women suffer from baldness, but that doesn't negate the color of their hair, and I've never seen his ad represent that he had a full head of hair akin to Thor or Fabio, so I can't say that there's anything misleading about it regarding that subject. I don't know what you mean by "muscle queen," but can only say that the guy was in very good shape and was pretty well built, while not being as large (IMHO) as a body builder. As I've matured, I've tried really hard to distance myself from patriarchal judgment-loaded descriptors like "masculine" and "feminine," although I still slip up every now and then. That being said, back when I first hired this guy, I was less "enlightened" on that issue, and still desired what I thought of as only masculine guys. For whatever it's worth, I still had no problem with him in that regard, especially since I hired him multiple times after that, and enjoyed myself each time. I can vouch that his fees are on the higher side, though.
  10. I've never met this escort or spoken to him (that I can recall), but he's blocked me on rent men, got reasons known only to him. He updates his front profile pic often, so I wind up clicking on his ad every now and then because I scroll through the site often and don't always remember profile names. I can't speak to his skills during an actual session, but this is my 2 cents as to how he treats potential clients.
  11. If there are clients willing to pay him $300/hour just for a massage (even if erotic, whatever the heck that means), then more power to him. It may sound ridiculous to me, but it's their money. I just hate that this could potentially skew the market. Oh, well ... that's capitalism, right?
  12. I could've sworn that this guy had a regular escort ad on RM. If so, then his $300/hour rate would be average for the NYC escort market.
  13. It looks like you jumped to conclusions here. This provider has ads for both masseur and escort services. Links for each appear in a post earlier in this thread. @Epigonos never said that he would be interested in hiring only for a massage. If kissing is really important to a client, there's no good reason why it shouldn't be a deal breaker when choosing an escort.
  14. I'm a bottom, and I usually prefer hairy men, so I'd pick PitterXL. But Declan Blake is crazy handsome, too. It's a shame (for me) that he's a bottom. Depending on what you're looking for, though, you don't really have to chose, do you? ?
  15. It's a shame that he's all bottom. The things I'd let that ridiculously sexy man do to me...
  16. You missed the point. Asking if he bottoms makes sense because he listed as "Versatile/Top" and that can mean different things to different people. There are several threads going back many years about the confusion on these sexual position labels. He should have expected clients to ask clarifying questions about that, so don't worry about that one. The question of yours that makes it seem like you may have been wasting his time is asking if he's part Dominican when his ad clearly stated that he's Arab and Dominican. Unless you needed to know his precise ethnic mix, that seems like a redundant question.
  17. You previously said in post #23 that he stopped responding when you asked him if he bottoms. Now it's because you asked if he's half-Dominican. Which one is it? The first reason makes him sound like a jerk, since he checked off "Versatile/Top" in his ad. Most of us would likely agree that such a selection pretty much invites this type of follow up inquiry from a prospective client. But since he says that he's Arab and Dominican in the body of his ad, I could see why a provider would think that this type of question is probably from a time waster, even if you didn't mean it that way.
  18. I concur that these pics are from a guy who used to work at the Adonis Lounge in NYC, a few years back. I never hired him for a personal meeting, but I enjoyed many sensual lap dances with him over a period of several months. I found him to be extremely attractive in person, but based on his lap dance style, I'm surprised he to read that he used to market himself as an exclusive top. Feel free to send me a private massage if you'd like to know more details, @dutchal.
  19. Fascinating. If I were to go that far out of my way, (80 minutes north of NYC), it'd have to be at least for a day trip, so I'd want to book a multi-hour session, or maybe even an overnight. For that investment of time and money, I'd need to learn a lot more about them first. I hope a forum member or two can relay some positive experiences
  20. Guess it really just depends on the individual escort and the kind of service he likes to provide. It's definitely frustrating, since we often hear from escorts here that communication is key, and clients should be direct and say/ask for what they want. But then if we do, that can set off an escort's time-waster alarm. Of course, what one escort may view as a sign of a flake, others take as indicative of a serious client's interest. There's another thread currently going on where this paradox is being discussed. It'll have to be trial and error, then. Thanks for the feedback.
  21. I'd really prefer to hire escorts with multi-hour rates too, as I like having longer sessions that are much more intimate and "courtesan like." Since rentmen has removed the rates for U.S.-based viewers of the site, it's really hard to search for guys who offer multi-hour rates. Every now and then, I'll see a provider who lists a rate structure in the body of his ad, but those are rare and don't seem to last long, so I suspect that the site admins remove that info if/when they come across it. When I've tried asking providers in whom I'm interested about multi-hour rates, they usually don't understand why I don't just do simple multiplication for their hourly rate, and I get the sense that they're annoyed and think I'm wasting their time. Have you guys found an easier way to broach that topic without coming across to the escort as a haggler who's trying to get over on him? Or is it just the luck of the draw on finding those seemingly rare escorts who like and incentivize longer sessions?
  22. Perhaps. But folks on this here internet tend to fudge personal stats all the time. In my experience, men will usually add an inch or two to their height (and manhood, too ), while most people tend to provide a weight that's significantly lighter than what they truly weigh, often in the 10 to 20 pound range or more. I agree that this guy's impressive musculature looks like he'd be heavier than the build of 6'2" and 190 pounds that he's listed. But if he's closer to 6-feet and around 200 to 210 pounds, then those photos would reflect a build more in line with those stats. That being said, WTF cares? The guy's freaking gorgeous! Hope he's real.
  23. I wish I could give you better advice, but I still don't really know the real difference between Only Fans and Just For Fans, so I can't offer much advice on how to market on those sites. I'm more of a "hire a guy in real life" type of client, and wish I'd taken the opportunity to see you when you were based out of NYC. My main issue with those fans sites is that they don't provide a real preview of the guy's page before subscribing, so I can't be sure if I'd even get much value out of it without knowing whether the page offers what I like. I signed up for one of those Fans pages (don't remember which site, at this point) several months ago pre-pandemic just to support one of the strippers I used to get lapdances from at the Adonis Lounge here in NYC. I didn't find it to be all that interesting, but that might be because he was still working the kinks out on his page (the guy's a total sweetheart, although he's straight, so that might've been part of my issue with it). Take the following advice with a grain of salt, given my limited experience with those forms of media. But, I'd personally like the more explicit content, with videos of hot scenes (either solo or with other hot guys), and I find it strange that guys would be intimidated by that. Tutorials on hygiene, sex tips, and even healthy eating/cooking I'd find valuable as well. Maybe you could even have different subscription models allowing for separate access to explicit content and tutorial content. Just my 2 cents...
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