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Everything posted by TonyDown

  1. In high school, two advocates came to biology class to discuss how to avoid STDs. This was pre-HIV. At one point they explained that homosexuals would get gonorrhea in their anus. I had no idea what they meant. I barely knew about straight sex. But in the anus? How does THAT happen. Ultimately I got up to speed on what goes where. To the OP, if you can get past thinking of it as a dirty, or shameful place, there is pleasure to be had.
  2. He kissed me on the lips. Wasn't part of the massage. I wasn't on the table. It was quick and definitely a surprise.
  3. Sweet, young, beefy masculine guy, if that appeals.
  4. Interesting video! I don't understand how the researcher would comment the fraternal birth order affected only 15% of gay men as a factor contributing to them being gay. Of course there must be other factors, but the fraternal birth order factor would always be present unless no older brothers exist. I doubt if 85% of gay men have no older brothers. Besides, that would be counter to the original hypothesis. No matter where in the birth order, the probability of self identifying as straight remains much higher. So one might wonder what measure he used to reach this 85% are not birth order related comment. The vlogger might have asked for clarification what the researcher meant.
  5. Sexual orientation, at least for me, is not a choice. There is a segment of society that is certain sexual orientation is a choice. I have a hunch that some of those folks who profess "being gay is a choice" are themselves bisexual. Why do I say this? Those folks are a little bit too sure of themselves, as if they speak from personal experience. How can that be? If they desire both traditional and non-traditional relationships but made a concious choice not to pursue, for example, same-sex "gay" desires (at least not when anyone is looking) then they are able to frame being "gay" as a choice, a choice they did not make. So perhaps they assume we all must somehow fit that model, where I ultimately chose to be sexual with men and they didn't. I know the above is a generalization and not based on anything academic. It is based on me trying to piece together what I've experienced, friends that wanted to be sexual with me and even loved me but also loved women and ultimately married a woman and had a traditional family.
  6. Conveniently located near the 405! Looks tempting.
  7. Tried him. Looks like his pictures. Nice guy. I would repeat.
  8. James Ivory once said that casting beautiful actors goes a long way to help an average movie script. That said, there is a recent, hot actor - you've seen him in movies and a popular HBO series - that commented how more attention to his acting skills would be nice instead of so much attention to his appearance. The OP drawing a parallel to women's lib and female objectification doesn't ring as true in my opinion. However anyone might want their talents to not be overlooked. Perhaps that is why actors try to choose their roles carefully. That said, first impressions are important. InstaStuds stay pretty to help gain followers.
  9. So sorry homosexuality is the biggest stigma in your culture. There's nothing wrong with being gay. But yeah you've got it figured out, what will happen.
  10. Watching Miss Universe on Telemundo. It's also streaming on the Internet. Co-host on Telemundo, Carlos Adyan. So pretty.
  11. Roman and Alex? Definitely nice guys.
  12. I Googled it. A lot of good that did.
  13. The list is skewed towards too many newer entertainers. That's not a big surprise. For me I don't consider rap artists or singers that use artificial filters to even out their range and quality as worthy of ranking. That said, I would have included Judy Collins. She is still performing. Over the years she made other songwriters wealthy by singing their songs. There could have been more Latino artists such as Shakira and Luis Miguel.
  14. I'm all verklempt watching the trailer from just finishing the memoir. It was a pretty tearful read. Those two seem perfect as Mike and Kit. I like Jim Parsons. Not sure if I want to sit through the same sad story though. Kind of like Holding the Man. A good play, but so sad I skipped the movie.
  15. I recall a Richard Gere interview where Walters alluded to Gere's performance on stage as a gay character was a little bit TOO good, that some people might now wonder that he was actually gay. Gere had the best response, that there is nothing wrong with being gay.
  16. Anyone watching? TCU leading at the half. Michigan drove down to the goal line twice and failed to score.
  17. Two scenes that struck me the most. 1. The Venice sunlight streaming through the window onto Harry Styles naked, stunning body. 2. Near the end when Tom embraced Patrick and the embrace transitioned from Roache to Styles. All that portrayed.
  18. Sky'sTouch ! He has these 2 adds. https://rentmasseur.com/SkysTouch https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/40370/
  19. Spoiler Alert: The Hero Dies a memoir by Michael Ausiello. Was recommended when it came out. Finally reading it. Poignant, clever, funny, sad.
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