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  1. Sad
    PiSquared got a reaction from Bokomaru in Becoming friends   
    It’s possible for sure. However, some escorts are struggling with the choice they made to be an escort in the first place. And once they get out of the “business “, want no ties or reminders of the past. They feel they must cut all ties. This is currently happening to me. Despite all the hours of fun and meaningful conversations we had together my guy needs a complete break from the past. He wants me out. I have to respect this for his own well being and mental health. But it’s definitely not easy. 
  2. Applause
    PiSquared reacted to + tristanbaldwin in Tristan Baldwin??   
    Good morning all! Thanks so much for the kind words- a friend(I don't use the word 'client' regularly, because I feel most of my 'clients' end up becoming friends to some extent....a few more so than others 😉), told me I was being discussed...and he set the hookl, requiring me to come on and actually check it....so here I am. 

    Couple quick updates to explain the absence...because I'm not sure if I made them earlier. My Father, after his longstanding health issues...did end up passing away back in late May....and that obviously threw me for a hard loop, given how close I was to him. Ironing out his house, his taxes, his estate- all of that is nearly a full time job; thankfully my brother took the point on that. 

    In order to keep myself focused on something, I ended up becoming invested in a Veterans Parachute Demonstration Team- which performs at airshows, commemorative events like Normandy D-Day invasion, you name it. The primary role of this is fundraising for the care of the WWII Veterans still alive, and to give them an audience to still be heard and valued..and it's one of the best programs I've been involved with in my life. 
    Am absolutely still escorting- and will kick up the road game slightly in the coming months- needed to get the calendar of events for air shows a bit clearer, so that I could build escort trips around them. Double duty for me, as always LOL. 

    A genuine thank you to all of you who have continued to be concerned for my well being; whether I'm in the industry still or not.....that speaks volumes to YOUR character, even more so than mine. With so many great friends from this facet of my life out there in the US and the World, don't expect me to be retiring soon....I'm still in this fight! LOL

  3. Agree
    PiSquared reacted to Rgsnva in Becoming friends   
    Thanks for posting the question.  I wish I’d read it 6 months ago.  I’m fairly new at being a client (about a year and a half), but my preconceived notions about what the providers would be like was far from accurate.  I didn’t think they’d be jerks, but I didn’t really expect to find them so likable either (which was crappy of me).  Not my wheelhouse - but I suspect that to be successful at being a provider, you have to care enough about the people who hire you, and be kind and empathetic enough to tap into what they want and need, so they have a good time and come back to you.  In other words, to be good at it, you have to be a good guy.  I had a bad experience, and I’m glad he wasn’t my first or I wouldn’t have done it again, but I’ve also met some good men.  So I hope it’s possible to be friends, if the opportunity presents. The provider who has become my regular is a good guy, we have some stuff in common, and we like doing things together. We’ve had VERY open conversation about what has to happen for any friendship to work (partly because he watched me get burned), and we seem to agree that the communication is key, but also ground rules, because he has a living to earn and I respect that.  Right now, the current agreement is that if he initiates getting together, regardless of what occurs or doesn’t, it’s social.  If I initiate, it’s business, at the going rate for his time. If there’s an exception, it’s clearly made and agreed upon when the invitation happens.  He tends to be generous, and I’ve had to say a couple of times “no, it’s been x hours, so that’s not enough.” I’m trying to be conscientious about that.  It seems to be working.  
  4. Love
    PiSquared reacted to Whitman in What a load!   
  5. Party
    PiSquared reacted to Whitman in What a load!   
  6. Like
    PiSquared got a reaction from + Pensant in Becoming friends   
    It’s possible for sure. However, some escorts are struggling with the choice they made to be an escort in the first place. And once they get out of the “business “, want no ties or reminders of the past. They feel they must cut all ties. This is currently happening to me. Despite all the hours of fun and meaningful conversations we had together my guy needs a complete break from the past. He wants me out. I have to respect this for his own well being and mental health. But it’s definitely not easy. 
  7. Applause
    PiSquared reacted to ICTJOCK in Becoming friends   
    Sure it's possible.   I have 3 clients that were (and are)  friends.    It requires a serious conversation about responsibility and the fine line between work  (escorting)  and friendship.   The lines cannot be blurred.   If booked,  I expect to be paid as with any client.    Because they have been friends,  my responsibilities to them are not any different.     I would say I have several clients (who I met from booking)  who are "friendly with me"  if I see them outside a booking.    Not sure I can say we are "friends",   but I haven't had any issues in this area to date.
  8. Love
    PiSquared reacted to Rgsnva in 411 on Jake Cole   
    I met him last December.  4 times, 2 overnights since then. It’s been great every time.  I could fall in love with him!
  9. Thanks
    PiSquared reacted to soloyo215 in Provider relationships for the long haul   
    Sorry that you had that kind of bad experience with those two. That said, in my experience and opinion, it is less likely that providers will become closer or more personal. It's a protection/safety thing (in my opinion). Many clients and many providers that I have known do have a perception of each other as some kind of "product you buy" and not a person you are hiring, or a "pathetic loser who has to pay", not a person that is paying you. That is a sad reality, and I'd dare to say that historically that has been most of the overall societal perception of people involved in any side of this industry.
    That's a long way for me to say, that yes, you can get those nasty responses from providers, but also yes, clients can/have treated providers with the same lack of humanity. I've been fortunate to have good experiences with providers, some of which have extended their friendship, but I also know that there are some who are not interested in anything other than the transactional aspect of the event, as polite, personable and friendly as they are with me.
    The "I will never have respect for you" attitude is more of a projection, in my opinion. Seems like his way of detaching from something that he might feel ashamed of doing. Think of it as men who say "I'm not gay, my boyfriend is".
  10. Sad
    PiSquared got a reaction from soloyo215 in Provider relationships for the long haul   
    I’m in Fla.  Been using RM about 3.5 years. Met some flakes but mostly a lot of nice guys. A couple of them became very regular and we got close. We’d talk even if we were not meeting up. Just to check on one another and encourage each other. I sent cards and gifts. Text on occasion. Not constant. I’ve discerned over time what I really crave is not just the physical fun we have, which is amazing, but the close relationship with a man I’ve never been able to achieve as a child or grown man. Certainly not every guy I’ve met, but a few special ones. Finding that on RM is near impossible. One of my two regular guys went off on me yesterday telling me to delete him from my phone, that he will never have respect for me as I paid him for sex, that I should never contact him again. Hurtful stuff but all I could do was honor his request and delete the contact. Has anyone ever found a forever friend- even if it doesn’t involve sex anymore- on RM? 
  11. Thanks
    PiSquared reacted to big-n-tall in Provider relationships for the long haul   
    I'm so sorry.
    I understand the pain and hurt it causes (all too well) when someone, anyone, you built a friendship or trust does a 180 inexplicably from how they treated you. I think we all have experienced that at some point in our lives. I have had people just vanish and stop responding to any form of contact. In some cases, I don't know if they are alive or dead, with no way to find out the why of it all. I even had a friend flat out tell me to not contact him anymore. As he spiraled into conspiracy theories, I refused to share his beliefs. We had a lot of fun times together and I miss him terribly, but he decided to isolate himself (from other friends and family as well). If you can and the opportunity is there, fight for the relationship. If not, the best thing is to accept it and try to move on from the pain. Grow from it but don't become jaded to others because of it. As the saying goes, "people come into your life for a season, a reason, or a lifetime."
    As far as finding a long lasting genuine friendships\ with a provider... it's absolutely possible. I am friends with a handful (which I've discussed in random topics on the forum through the years). I'm actually traveling with one tomorrow for a few days. He's since retired from escorting. I haven't hired him or seen him sexually for some time now, but we travel together frequently.
    Some of the providers I've met, I've seen more than a decade. As others have stated over time, you build a fondness for each other... build a trust. If you have mutual interests a relationship can deepen and flourish. I would say don't try to force a friendship and let the relationship grow naturally.
    Maybe talk to a therapist, if you aren't already. Maybe you can get the advice or tools you need to help you to learn to form close bonds with male friends.
    You'll be ok.
  12. Like
    PiSquared reacted to ICTJOCK in Provider relationships for the long haul   
  13. Thanks
    PiSquared reacted to myophile in Provider relationships for the long haul   
    I don’t know if it’s an option for you, but I’ve had more luck developing clos(er) contact with providers I’ve met outside of RM, through this forum, and by word of mouth. Many of the guys on RM are in the biz short-term, out to make a quick buck; or if that wasn’t their intention at first, they tend to burn out and fall by the wayside soon enough. But there is a small-ish community of providers who actively seek clients for clos(er) longterm hiring arrangements, and who value and cultivate friendships among their regulars. Most of them are not on RM, and either do not advertise at all any longer, or don’t depend on it for new clients. Vin Marco is one such provider, Apollo Phoenix is another, Tristan Baldwin is yet another — none of them based in your part of the country, unfortunately, and Apollo does not travel. But I’m sure there are others. One word of advice, though: a friendship with one of these guys is like any other friendship, based on common interests, and mutual trust and respect. But you should never lose sight of the fact that there is a transactional aspect to this relationship, no matter how close it grows, and you ignore it at your peril. The mutual liking may be genuine, but don’t assume that you are the guy’s best friend, or his only friend; and for your own sake, try not to invest your emotions too heavily. My friendships with providers are like my friendship with my trainer — I love the guy, we socialize, we share lots of stuff having nothing to do with the gym; but if I stopped seeing him professionally I wouldn’t expect necessarily that the friendship would carry on at quite the same level.
  14. Thanks
    PiSquared reacted to TT3690 in Provider relationships for the long haul   
    I thought I had this sort of relationship with a guy I've known for over 2 years, but he hasn't returned my texts in over 3 months now (for the record, he has had silent periods before, but not this long). I should probably 'just move on', but I still feel attached.
  15. Sad
    PiSquared got a reaction from BonVivant in Provider relationships for the long haul   
    I’m in Fla.  Been using RM about 3.5 years. Met some flakes but mostly a lot of nice guys. A couple of them became very regular and we got close. We’d talk even if we were not meeting up. Just to check on one another and encourage each other. I sent cards and gifts. Text on occasion. Not constant. I’ve discerned over time what I really crave is not just the physical fun we have, which is amazing, but the close relationship with a man I’ve never been able to achieve as a child or grown man. Certainly not every guy I’ve met, but a few special ones. Finding that on RM is near impossible. One of my two regular guys went off on me yesterday telling me to delete him from my phone, that he will never have respect for me as I paid him for sex, that I should never contact him again. Hurtful stuff but all I could do was honor his request and delete the contact. Has anyone ever found a forever friend- even if it doesn’t involve sex anymore- on RM? 
  16. Like
    PiSquared got a reaction from marylander1940 in Barber Fetish - Well-Groomed & Shaved Men   
  17. Like
    PiSquared got a reaction from Simon Suraci in Do you discuss hiring guys with friends?   
    As a closeted bi married man I have only shared my experience of Rentmen with my one best friend. He was a college roommate who supports me and my explorations. 
  18. Love
    PiSquared got a reaction from Danny-Darko in Barber Fetish - Well-Groomed & Shaved Men   
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    PiSquared got a reaction from Poppie in Barber Fetish - Well-Groomed & Shaved Men   
  20. Thanks
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  23. Love
  24. Party
    PiSquared got a reaction from Danny-Darko in Forced haircuts and shaves   
  25. Love
    PiSquared got a reaction from Anthony in Serious muscle worship Orlando/Tampa   
    Will is a professional bodybuilder and former pro baseball player in St. Petersburg. Straight. Had a great session with him a month ago. Highly recommend. 
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