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Everything posted by deej

  1. Agree Trump knows nothing about it. The order had Obama's name on it so it had to go. But the law of unintended consequences applies. How many of Trump's base will be willing to pay Comcast's surcharge for carrying "conservative" media? Will they all pay extra to get Fox, Breitbart, Drudge, et al or will they fall out of the hypnotism cone?
  2. The forum's description: "A Cybersex romp in Cyberspace. Techno Nerd discussions only."
  3. It often depends on my mood. I do put a wreath on the front door and a small, lighted tree in a front window in a nod to civic engagement. Inside it's more like Petsmart than winter wonderland.
  4. On chocolate desserts of any kind, fresh raspberries on top works every time. I have a chocolate pot de creme recipe that's VERY rich and benefits greatly from the addition of a fresh fruit topping.
  5. You couldn't pay me to shop on Black Friday. There isn't enough money.
  6. A drop of peppermint extract would be fine in this recipe. Use with caution, though. That stuff is POTENT and can ruin something like this pretty easily.
  7. Firefox automatically downloads updates as you use it and installs them the next time you start it. Always has and I've always hated it. It's an absolute guarantee you'll never completely know the state your machine is in.
  8. Beat me to it. Dust is the one thing I always have in plentiful supply.
  9. I use Chrome as primary but I have autoplay disabled and it messes with some sites once you click "play" so I usually keep Firefox open just for those URLs.
  10. Staples has a recycle program too (as do other retailers). But note that most of them will not take old tube-style televisions. Those are actually getting difficult to get rid of. Here, you have to wait for the city's bi-annual collection. One of the reasons I bought my last TV from BestBuy was to have GeekSquad deliver and set it up and haul away the old one for recycling.
  11. Both. But haven't opened the Mac in a few days so this was PC.
  12. It seems to work fine. It's VISIBLY faster! But I wasn't having any problems before, so take that with a grain of salt.
  13. Many years ago there was a machine here that accepted cans, ground them up, and paid based on the weight. Locals called it the electric goat. Once in a while it would turn up out of order and you just knew some redneck fed it a chunk of iron for the weight.
  14. It isn't the city, but all of the private trash haulers here make separate pickups for recycling. We have to provide our own bins (or rent them from the provider), but I generally have more in the recycle bin than in trash. The city provides semi-annual electronics recycling events, where people can get rid of those old TV sets, computers, printers, etc. There's usually quite a line because you can get fined if you're caught putting them in trash.
  15. I'm considering a PO box. A few deliveries left on my front steps have disappeared. (Most likely kids with too much time on their hands.) I used a then-new service called PeaPod for home grocery delivery when I lived in Chicago and wasn't driving. It was a healthy walk to the grocery store so I'd pick up fresh stuff myself and have heavier stuff, staples, and frozen goods delivered. How hard is it to pick out a bag of frozen peas? Who wants to carry a bag of kitty litter eight blocks?
  16. That's not always a good thing. Anyone remember Netscape? During their last major rewrite the kids overhauling the FTP code threw out the whole mess and started from scratch. In the process they threw away all of the custom tweaks inserted over the years to adjust to various FTP servers' peccadilloes. They spent a couple of years trying to get back to where they'd started. By then, IE had won the first round of browser wars.
  17. They're wacky everywhere. Here, you can buy adult beverages at the grocery stores but not from midnight Saturday through noon on Sunday, and your cashier has to be old enough to buy the stuff or s/he can't even scan it at the register. They have to call an older cashier over to drag your purchase across the scanner if they're under age. They get even more wacky when you tack on local ordinances. Our sister city (literally across the street) was completely dry on Sundays. Until a major sports event came to campus every Sunday one fall. Then the fine, pious residents decided they wanted some of that tailgate money and it was no longer dry on Sunday.
  18. In grade school the boys were gathered into a room with the boys' PE teacher (and the girls in another room with theirs). They had all these biological charts and we learned about fallopian tubes and vaginas and penises and a very surgical synopsis of procreation (of course with no idea what those words meant). I didn't hear much of it anyway. The PE teacher was hot in his snug white tennis shorts. He disappeared at the end of that school year and it wasn't until many years later I learned he was fired for being one of those homersexuals.
  19. Embers are responsible for a large percentage of property destruction. These fires develop their own mini weather patterns and winds. The embers blow into attic vents and start fires inside. By the time the fire is detected the structure is fully involved.
  20. Threatened, sure, but usually saved. Sounds like that last part is missing this time around.
  21. Gentlemen (and the rest of you), please review Daddy's Posting Guidelines for images before endangering your future privileges here.
  22. That was in the series finale. They've said they're ignoring the series finale in the reboot.
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